The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Monday, December 26, 2016

Stop Allowing Your Mind To Write Scripts For Your Life!

Exchange your arguments and explanations, drop your reasonings and defenses, in favor of demonstrations....

"DO" rather than say, and explore yourself, your abilities and skills, as opposed to limiting yourself with your old ideas and words, thoughts, and notions. Just shut up!
Stop talking about yourself.
Stop proclaiming and reciting the scripts that your mind has written for itself.

Just do.
Demonstrate it, to yourself mostly, but also to others.
Show what you're made of.
Explore new possibilities within yourself.
Allow it.
Allow yourself to be completely off script.
See what you can do, and let it become obvious what you are not adept at, and what you are.
You may surprise yourself. And others.
You may discover something you never imagined possible that makes you very happy!

Don't argue about what you believe about yourself!
Show yourself.
Shut up. Don't speak. Don't talk about it.
DO it.

Your continued insistence that you know you can't do something or that "I'm this way" and that's just the way it is....
Is turning into a crippling stubbornness.
Maybe you are absolutely correct about "how you are", but holding on to that as if you will never change, never grow.... Is killing your vibe.

NO one is forcing you to do anything.
It is your choice. It is ALWAYS your own choice and no one else's.
This is NOT a judgement.
This is NOT a criticism.
This is a nudge, a power boost button, that you can hit anytime you want to.
Or NEVER hit! It's up to you.

You need to open COMPLETELY up if you want to stop the suffering and the defeat.
You need to stop holding on to anything and allow limitless possibilities for yourself.
That does NOT mean to focus on the grandest dream you can imagine for yourself and insist that it will happen!!!! (That will disappoint you! That is an "expectation")
It means to let go of the details and just watch what happens.

It's not about making things happen, it's about letting things happen.
Just shut up in those moments and let things ride... See what happens.


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Money is Slavery

Capitalistic commerce has its roots in an ancient, darkly that took form as a concept -  more than just a race or species, more than just a matrix or nation, but an evolved energy stream that basically amounts to slavery.
Capitalism IS slavery. On every level.
It has evolved to the state of having legitimate DNA encoding.

The easiest and most effective way to get people to go along with an illusion is to over-exaggerate its polarity, its opposite, and "brand" it so that there is a label, a word that people can use easily, ignorantly, and carelessly as a weapon against each other.
"Socialism". The masses do not truly understand what Socialism is.
"Communism". The masses do not truly understand what Communism is.
The only association modern society has for these "labels" is what they are taught in history about Communist Russia in the early 1900s - "The Commies!", who were American's greatest enemies.
What Americans were never really taught is the true and complete history behind the label. What led the Russians to this form of government? What exactly did it look like? What was it supposed to do, and what did it really do? Why was it bad?
The answers seem obvious.... But that is only because the only answers most people have are simply propaganda (easily repeatable blurbs) and not historical fact or a true understanding of 19th century Russia.

This swings both ways.... It's not just people on the Right who do not understand Socialism and Communism. People on the left assume they have the golden key to these isms. But they too are mostly ignorant of what the real truth is.

Communist and Socialist efforts have not, and can not, succeed in this world because they are theoretically based on romantic notions of compassion and equality. But they are still a form of GOVERNMENT. And the truest expression of compassion and equality is Freedom - Sovereignty, No need for government.

Modern Capitalists are taught that Capitalism is Freedom at its finest!
This is not true.

Capitalism is slavery. It does not work unless there are those in servitude.
It does not work without fear.
It does not work without guilt and coercion.
It does not work without false hopes.
It revolves completely on inequality!

This is the core, the very heart, of slavery, and the entire modern world is built on the belief that THIS is all humanity has! THIS is the best we can do! There IS NO WAY to have a perfect world with Peace and Love.
This is the biggest lie of all and it has been force-fed into humanity for many generations.
It is programmed into our psyche and yes.... even our DNA.
THIS is the very lie we must ALL wake up from if we are to proceed in our evolution.

Capitalism has become a complete poison on this planet at this time.
If Capitalism were good, all the wealthy people of the world would solve all of humanities problems in no time, and still be "wealthy" (not poor).
But that never happens does it.....
Because if you became equal, you would no longer serve the wealthy....
You would no longer need their drugs...
They would no longer feel better than you, more deserving than you.

In a nutshell:
They would no longer FEEL better than you,
FEEL more deserving than you.
A successful Capitalist is 1) A recluse, 2) Bitter, 3) Greedy/Not Generous, 4) Has no idea what unconditional Love is...
All or any combination of these mark a successful Capitalist.
And.... They are always controlled by someone higher on the food chain than they are....
CONTROL is the earmark of Capitalism!
And the ones at the top of this food chain are not who you may think they are.... Everyone that YOU can see as a controller, a 1%er, an elite..... They too are food on the chain, serving an even darker master.
This is a very dark energy. An energy, not a naughty person. A massive, intelligent, dark energy.

And poor schleps who honestly believe that they are immune, and that they are not subject to this slavery, and that they use their money for good, and because of a higher calling that somehow this slavery chain is being "redeemed" to the good side by them...... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLLLLLL
You are delusional.
You think with a programmed mind and not the intuition of your heart.

Even the "Enlightened" among you do not believe in the truth.
They do not believe that "god" is big enough to create (or CO-CREATE as they love to say) a world without money or the need of a monetary system!
They simply do not believe it, and if they say they do, they are not being real with themselves! Their excuse will be 'Well of course! But not in our lifetime!!!'

Well then what "love" are you using right now to vibe the world up into World Peace???
You need a love much bigger than one that allows you to live and thrive without money to accomplish that!

Capitalism is slavery.
It is a system that is the culmination of very dark energy.
This energy manifests in races and nations of beings.
This energy has a DNA code and can shape DNA in others.
As with all energy streams, it is a choice.
Ignorance is a choice.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Dimensional Realities and What That Means for The Truth

Can you... be fully aware

And still remain assertively, progressively, UNATTACHED... to the darkness,

And ACTUALLY stand against it...

in Spirit Energy, not in 3D limited energy (fighting, protesting, voting, etc etc)? ? ?


All those old stories.... History as it's called.... Myth, Legend, Folk Lore.....
All true - In it's own dimension!!!
As you enter higher dimensions, these same stories have "different" or "expanded" truths.
Which is why in this current time (circa 2016-17) "disclosure" about the TRUE history of Earth and Humankind is such a hot topic.
We are entering a higher dimension, where we see with grown-up eyes, and the same old things look MUCH more complex. And they are.

It's not so much about what we were never told, as it is the physical demands of the Universe to ascend into higher vibration as beings. The old has done all it can do and is collapsing. It's not so much that it was "wrong" or "based on lies".... That's all we could maintain at the time. But now, as the cycling of the Galaxy has turned in towards such a massive photonic light field, we can no longer live the "white picket fence" scenario. 
We are compelled to know higher truths in order to endure as beings.

NOTHING is what it appears to be. 
NO story you've ever heard is the whole truth.
Limitation is your enemy.
Open your mind,
Expand your heart.
Or you will not make it thru what's in motion now.

Friday, December 16, 2016

The Battle Hymn of The Republic is About The Apocalypse

Name of this song???
The Battle Hymn of the Republic

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored,
He has loosed the fateful lightening of His terrible swift sword
His truth is marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.

I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps
l can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps
His day is marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.

I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnish`d rows of steel,
"As ye deal with my contemners, So with you my grace shall deal;"
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel
Since God is marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.

He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.

He has sounded form the trumpet that shall never call retreat
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free,
While God is marching on.

Written by Morton Gould • Copyright © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music 
Publishing Group

#Money #Energy #Video Game Reality

There are "money doors" and there are "energy doors".....
"Money" is just part of the current game board. A token. A gamepiece.
I have none but bare necessity because I do not deem it as precious as others in this current quest do. Something in me...... feels differently..... for a reason.

What will I carry into the next life? What have I built?
True accomplishment is only done in the soul, not "the world".
Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my words shall not.
Why do we work so hard to build a lasting legacy in the wrong world?
Or is it? - It is only the wrong world in that it is being built thru AI, Ego, not spirit - backwards, horse-before-cart.
The "wrong world" means "you can't take it with you"..... so why bother? - This is not a false feeling! This is correct! It is completely illogical and impractical to spend SPEND your precious life only to die, knowing your accomplishments will be destroyed by those with less honor and integrity!

We all want a world that will last forever, do we not?? Immortality is WITHIN!!! It is real, we are not selfish and crazy for wanting it or believing in it or aspiring to it. We ARE however,
wrong in the methods we currently employ to get there, to be that.

Spirit. It is done thru the soul, by energy, we are eternal energy beings, and we DO carry an eternal, immortal, never-dying legacy INSIDE OF US. The code is called DNA.
Can you grasp this right now......? You ARE immortal! Right now, you're in it, in the midst of eternity, right now!!!!
You are eternity - right here and now.
The "next life" can only be as real to you as the acknowledgement of "previous lives".... If you can't believe that, then you can't believe anything bigger......

What will you take with you into the next life......
What have you brought into this current one??
What treasure have you accumulated? What stature? What mastery? What skill and purpose do you carry as the result of your lifetimes evolving thru so many facets of this world?

Does this sound like a video game?
Where do you think video games come from....?
The codes on the DNA "know", contain memories, carry inspirations.....

I've seen what "money" can do.
And I've seen what "money" can't do.
And something in me needs desperately to live Victoriously, without money......
This is not something I need to positively confess my way out of! It's much bigger than that!
And it may be for others too....

Friday, December 9, 2016

Broccoli Souped

Broccoli - froze is fine                                      
Leeks - sliced thin
Garlic - smashed
Onion - chopped
Carrot - not too much, diced
Una Grande PotAHtay - chopped
Tumeric Root - chopped
Butter - plenty, a stick at least
Cheese - plenty, per preference
Salt n Peppa - of course

Gotta saute the tastey bits to get a caramelized flavor base to avoid using broth:
Butter garlic onion a few bits of tumeric salt n peppa. Cook it fast but don't burn it. Need it getting brown and yummy for flaves.

Add leeks carrot potAHtay rest of tumeric, more butter if needed. Sizzle it down into a gravy of yums.

Add the Broccoli Queen.
Toss her around in that gravy a bit. She likes it that way.
And slowly add water. Keep the heat up but not outta control.
Stir. Swirl. Absorb.
Add as much water as you want - Considering consistency and flavor dilution. The more you add, the thinner and weaker it gets.
Once it is "perfect for you", add some cheese.

Whatever kind you like, as much as you like. Note: Real cheeses will not behave like Velveeta! They will be gooey and clumpy. Please don't violate this piece of art with that whore Velveeta, or any other cheap cheese!

The point in this recipe was to NOT make cheese soup with some broccoli bits in it, and to NOT use an entire dairy farm for a base. Hence, no creama and little cheese-to-do-abouts.

Best to add the cheese in your bowl, that way it doesn't make a mess of the pot or the ladle.

Good luck!
I haven't made this yet. Hope it doesn't suck!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Ascension = Sovereignty = Ascension

It is important to write, even tho no one is reading, or listening to your words.
Your words, whether spoken or in written form, they are conscious points of integratable intelligence into your energetic atmosphere, and they are NOT silent, as you may assume!
They are among the millions upon millions of energetic neural fibers that create incredible networks of reality for you. Don't underestimate.... Never underestimate.... The natural gifts and urges that you feel in your being. Pour them out. Give them freely. Don't worry about the rest. No need to micro-manage the God in things.

This new place of creation.... of genuine sovereignty, genuine love, genuine peace..... NOT legislated, not ENFORCED, not with consequences, and NO FEAR. No guilt. No shame.

Applied Reality;  How is it that the highest public servant in this nation gets incredibly wealthy, when real public servants starve and struggle? People who work in shelters and clinics.... Some volunteer and don't get paid at all. Yet the biggest waste of taxpayer money is the salaries of elected officials.
This is CRIMINAL, obscene, disgusting. But NO ONE ever brings this up ever.
Elected officials are treated as traditional royalty. They want for nothing, all in the name of "serving the country". But not one damn one of you ever "fights" this injustice!
Elected officials are above the law. And we support them just like Britain supports their royals, no matter or question ever as to how burdensome it is to the people whom they "serve".

No elected official has EVER served me. Not one has ever represented me. Yet I am forced to comply with laws and rules that I did not vote on, did not agree to, have no interest in. I am not a threat or danger to anyone. I do not need rules and laws to tell me what is good and what is not.
You cannot legislate love, wisdom, compassion, or even true justice.

Everyone Everyone Everyone in the American political system is bought and paid for, corrupt. The foundation of the entire system is corrupt. And all Americans know this. But still the brainwashing goes completely UNNOTICED and everyone plays the game as if it were somehow different this time.... Everyone in Washington DC is bought and paid for. You know this!!! How do you expect this to ever change when money does ALL the talking, and those who truly care HAVE NONE?
At what point does this change?
Money rules the world.
Money rules politics, and it always has if anyone truly knew history. (But no average citizen in this country knows true history, because it is not taught in school and is not part of the "American Narrative", or "story" that we are supposed to believe ).
Money also rules the government.
Yes there is a difference - or supposed to be a difference - between the definition of "politics" and "government".
Politics is nothing more that a game of showmanship. P.T. Barnum. "A sucker's born every minute" he said, and he was right.
Government is somehow supposed to be a bit sacred. Something we can always trust like a wise parent, who always has our best interest at heart.
But YOU ALL KNOW that money has bought our government and the wise parent we fantasize about is actually a heartless, sick, abusive bastard who sells our bodies to perverts for money.
And still you do the same things over and over and "hope" things will get better. But they never do, and honestly, YOU don't really expect them to get better!

Now, Donald Trump will be blamed for everything on the entire planet!!!!! Just like every other president before him. The job and title of President of the United States of America is sorely over-hyped and over-rated! This position HAS NO REAL POWER. By design. Intentionally. The Colonies were trying to ESCAPE dictatorship and the abuse of POWER, so they designed a "government" that did not allow for one individual to have any power alone. The only sovereign power the POTUS has is to VETO. For gods sake, educate your selves!!! Its all a show. The Truman Show. It seems like real life and it seems like you have free will but, as impossible as it is to believe, its all staged. Every single bit of it.

You've all been set up.
You've all fallen for it.
You've all taken the bait, hook, line & sinker!
You swallowed that shit whole.

The War on Drugs
Honor Our Troops
The American Dream
Free Public Education
Race For A Cure

All nothing more than "episodes" to a grand television series...
All praise our Lord and Savior Television Christ.
All Gospel. All the time.

The ugly truth in your hearts was there all along.
When you were squeezed by your own stupidity, who you really are came spattering out.

Yes I did vote actually, I voted for myself. I did not actually go to the poll and write this in because it obviously would not make any difference in the outcome of this charade. Why take up someone else's valuable time by making them wait in line for me to vote for myself?
And no, none of the candidates represent me. Yet they take taxes from any attempt I make to play the game and earn money to spend in this slave economy. Yes by god! I DID vote! I voted for my own sovereignty. I don't need a president. I don't need anyone to represent me in Washington. I don't need a government to take care of me.

Government is an obsolete concept.
Sovereignty is the future.
Sovereignty is what it means to Ascend, to evolve, to become enlightened, to be like Christ, to become The Christed Self.
Sovereignty by definition needs no government, can tolerate no government.
Sovereignty needs no system of slavery.
Sovereignty needs no money.
Sovereignty cannot exist in the 3rd dimension of reality.
Ascension is when we begin to vibrate at higher and higher frequencies, It's when we no longer need the things and ways of the 3rd dimension, and actually can no longer function in the 3rd dimension of reality. Our actual electric signature as a bio organism CHANGES. Our DNA changes. Our perspective, our desires, our interests, our ability to see and understand larger pictures of existence.... All begins to change. THIS is what "Ascension" literally is!

This is my work in this world: To emanate the frequency of Sovereignty!
Sovereignty takes humanity way beyond 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 D!
Sovereignty allows humans to explore, discover, create in peace, in harmony, in respect... There is no fear in Sovereignty. There's no need for it!!! There is no guilt or shame. There is no failure or punishment, only discovery. There is no need for money, wages, salary.... No need for jobs....
Just truly living life to its fullest!

Think Star Trek.

And all the people who still argue that 'this can never work" because there are too many bad people we have to protect ourselves from, so we NEED laws, and police, and armies, and government.....
To these I say, So Long.
You are obsolete. You are no longer viable. You will fade and disintegrate, like bad memories.
This is what a literal, scientifically measurable change in frequency will look like.
Suddenly, you'll hear dog whistles and see ultra violet light.
Suddenly, magnets and all the principles held in place by magnetics, will reverse... change direction... vibrate differently.

Peace                                                       Spiritual Alternatives Store

Thursday, November 10, 2016


You know that lull.....
Like that time you were LAUNCHED straight up into the atmosphere,
And then peaked out as high as you were gonna go.....
That lull... That motionless moment of nothing....
Just before you begin your descent back down...
PLUMMETING to Earth....?

That's right now.

Quiet before the storm.

Zero Point anyone....???

Click Here To Order These And MORE!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Create Carefully!

I know what it means....
Create carefully!
There is no agreement now...
No parties, no opinions that matter, no truth - no absolute.
Everything has turned into / become a "personal" creation, in and of itself for each individual soul.
Many may think and believe that they agree with a group.... But that is literally impossible now.
The energy, the Power, of Chaos is in process.
There is no formula for the old patterns, systems, paradigms, or belief systems.
We cannot run those operating systems here.
They simple will not work.
There is no agreement.
Only those who have grown thru their mastery into neutral yet fully complete members of the true unity consciousness collective have any agreement, and it is not of will, but of surrender, and conscious creation.

How do you want it to be?
What does your happy world look like?
Feel that way!
See that way!
Behave that way!
We can not and will not not not change this current world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get that thru your head!

It is all all all about heart, consciousness, individual souls. Not anything else!!!
No one wins!

The new way is Love based. All love. Only love.
And it may not look like what you think it should.....

Breaking It Down - This Is Why

Break It Down:
When human beings are FORCED to work in order to have basic necessities of life....
When you are FORCED to participate in a political system that you know is CORRUPT and will never let you be truly free....
When you are FORCED to live in ways you do not believe in..... Because it is the law..... Because there are regulations, zoning restrictions, licenses and certifications, fines, penalties, and even criminalization..... For harming no one.... For simply 'Not Participating' and choosing a different path to live......
When you are TAXED just to participate and penalized if you do not pay tax.....

You are not free.
You are not protected.
You do NOT have a choice.
You are not represented.
You have no rights.
Your rights are all subject to those who FORCE you to live in a way do you NOT wish to live.

Money is wrong. The system it represents, the energy behind it, the principles the concept all of it is a way to make one human life more valuable than any other. And it IS a competition!
Everything is now monetized.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Chili Casserole

Not the actual recipe.
Ground Beef (I use Gardein fake meat)                                    
Beans (I used 3 regular cans of organic Black Beans)
Peppers: Bell, Cubanelle, Pablano, Jalepeno, Red Fresno
Green Onion
Fresh Tomato (1 organic)
1 Big Can Diced Tomatoes
Glop of Ketchup
Brown the beef in some oil. I put mine in a rectangle pan in the oven on about 400 till its a little toasty. Also add a little salt. And black pepper if you have it - I was out.
Chop onions and garlic and put in a fry pan with a generous pat of butter. Decent heat but not burned!
While that's going, chop all the other vegetables - Peppers first. By the time you're done chopping the peppers, you can add those to the fry pan also. Turn the heat down. Add a sprinkle of salt. Finish chopping. Don't over cook the peppers! You may be able to turn them off at this point and just leave them on the hot burner with a lid.
Get the browned beef and add the can of tomatoes. Mix it up.
Now add the green onion, fresh tomato, and cilantro to the pepper mix.
Put all 3 lightly drained cans of beans in your choice of cookery - I used my standard 8 qt. pot that is oven safe. You're gonna need room!
Warm the beans. Add a dash, or two, of Cayenne, plenty of Cumin, and another smidge of salt. Add ketchup. Mix.

*The salting is done in very lite layers and stages as a cooking aid rather than adding a ton of salt in the end that doesn't benefit or enhance the ingredients at all! Salt is needed to release flavors, not cover them up and kill your heart!!

Now for the casserolling:
In the pot with the hot beans, add a layer of tomato-beef mixture, then a layer of pepper mixture. If there's enough, do the beef-pepper layer again. No lid or cover and oven it at around 400 for 30-45 minutes.
It's done when its steamy hot all the way thru. (Using already warmed or hot ingredients helps loads!)
Serve it in a bowl or on a plate.
Add cheese.
Can be served plain, with cornbread, rice, sour cream, garlic bread, or whatever else you may think is tastey.
It's NOT CHILI, its casserole so remember to scoop from the bottom of the pot to get all the layers.
It should be nice and juicey but not runny or soupy.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Shepherds Au Gratin

Heavy Cream
Salt Pepper
Ground Beef
Golden Beet

Cook Beef however you cook beef, season with salt pepper onion.
Start first layer on deep, buttered pan of prepared beef.
Add layer of other vegetables.
Then layer of  potato Au gratin.

Continue to layer until ingredients are gone, with potatoes being on top.
Place in 350 oven for about 45 minutes.
Remove and cover with a mozze-cheddar blend.
Place back in oven for about 15 minutes.
It's done when the potatoes are tender to eat and the cheese on top is not burned!


Friday, October 14, 2016

Wingz Salad


Feta Cheese
Sour Cream

BBQ Wings

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

An Alien's Reflection October 2016

It's about ACTIVATING their consciousness (THE consciousness).
I'm not asking for people to be destroyed, I'm ASKING for people's consciousness to be ACTIVATED! (Not Awakened...! ACTIVATED!)

I DO have the power of destruction!
I DO love that mighty power of Gaia!
I DO crave the soveriegn forces of Nature to show themselves!
Yet "I" do not want to be destroyed..... to suffer..... to be injured or harmed..... Any more than I want that for anyone else!!!

Let my misunderstood power be used for purpose and for the benefit of all.

Destroy the things in "ALL OF US" that have become crutches and hinderences to a SUCCESSFUL accelerated time line.
That's all! Activate, not "cause suffering"..... Not punish.... Not seek vengeance... Not "teach them a lesson!" NO!
As with all things, it is a matter of perspective.
One man's tragedy is another man's liberation....
And it is THIS "perspective" that is hanging in the balance!

If their conscience becomes ACTIVATED they will no longer fear, they will no longer have the cart before the horse, they will be born into SOVERIEGNTY at last.
The Phenomenal Acceleration of Mind in October 2016 Magenta Pixie

This ACTIVATION happens often when people are diagnosed with cancer.... No one prays to get cancer! No one "uses" cancer to teach someone a lesson! But the SOVEREIGNTY of the Universe does indeed allow cancer.... It is simply a sign of imbalance.... It is a symptom of an energetic weak spot.... And processing all the fears and emotions and thoughts of a cancer battle CHANGES YOU. Ask anyone who's done it, or assisted someone going thru it.
Survivors in the end are usually GRATEFUL!!!!!! For the experience. They know better than anyone that you are so much stronger and wiser for the battle! So much more..... conscious. They know that they could have never willingly accepted such a challenge. So it comes unannounced. Because the Universe is alive and intelligent and Source has the steering wheel.... Why don't we truly trust that!?
It's not shifting responsibility onto "GOD" by acknowledging that there is indeed a "head" to this body! We work "AS ONE".
You all talk about "we are one" but you don't live, walk, or talk like you have one flippin clue what it really is!

Now. Who the fuck are YOU to pray such things as cancer and hurricanes and financial collapse away???
What SHOULD your prayers be for the cancer soldiers???
For them to endure it, survive it, conquer it, master it, absorb it and become a greater being for the experience! Pray for them to become fearless. Pray for them to have joy in the midst of pain! Pray for enlightenment. Pray for wisdom. Hold them up with currents of love and support just like you do the troops! But for god-sakes, don't take them out of it!

Stop running!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stop avoiding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are intended to become SOVEREIGN. The Christed self. The I AM self. You are to become invincible. Stop being cowards. Fear not. A thousand may fall at your right side, ten thousand at your left, but it shall not approach you! Why don't any of you believe that!?

Quick story: My parents lived on the Mississippi Gulf Coast during Hurricane Katrina. They were surrounded by water! One block from a bayou on one side, about a mile from the Escatawpa River on the other and about 3 miles from the Gulf. They did not leave. Their entire neighborhood was between damaged and destroyed. I feared for their lives as I never had before. There was just no way they could've gotten out alive! A year later when I finally got to go see the "damage" caused by Katrina... My eyes filled with tears as I drove thru their neighborhood... And then went into their house and saw that the only damage they suffered was a downed tree at the far end of the back yard had fallen over the back fence. That's it.
Why them?

No one prayed that storm away.
Katrina did what she needed..... NEEDED to do... What she was born to do....
You all talk about the collapse of the old order, the disintegration of 3D.....
But then you try to prop it back up with "light".....
You don't see.
You're awake, but not ACTIVATED.
My  prayer.... Is that you become activated. That may seem like someone pouring acid on you soul, to you. But to me, its the ultimate love. To set you free from your slavery.

I know not everyone is ready for this. And that is SO ok! There is no condemnation or judgement on anyone's journey.

But know this: There will be storms you cannot pray away! Because you refuse to understand the power, purpose, and love that is contained in destruction. You're afraid.
I am not.
That's why I'm here.
And that's why you don't like me.

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius and it shall be such until its time has passed on Gaia and the Age of Capricorn begins, and so on....
"I" AM in this here and now, this "Age", for a moment of service.
The Age of Aquarius looks to the Tech age of humanity on this timeline of Earth, not the Age of Nature living per se.
I AM operating on 7D.... They may not vibe up that high at this time, but my ridiculously misplaced energy is here now to create change, to be a catalyst for their transition of Ages. I may have no place here....? Once their magnetic shift has occurred....??? OR I most likely will have choice to stay on for as long as I like.... Will I "like"??
We shall see.

Thursday, September 15, 2016


I work the Underground.
I'm on when you're off.

When your life is chaos, mine's flowin like a dream.

I drive in reverse. All the time.
When the gods go retrograde, It's my time to fly.

When you hear bad news, I hear good news.
When you celebrate your small minded stupidity, I hang my head and cry.

I work the Underground.


Everything in my life has been a setup...
Every beautiful thing carefully placed...
Only to die...
My life is a Tim Burton movie...
And I am not allowed to cry!

So sad .... So dark.....
Nobody cares who you are.
If your're not in this world
And you're dying to get home
But you can't get home cuz you're in this world
In between and all alone
You're a ghost!

Unspeakable joy
Wearing the worn out ragged clothes of pain.
A growing hope that just won't die
Leads strate to hell why is it in vain

Strugglin strugglin struggle with the material world
Reality insanity nothin is gonna get to me
Anguish and demons and voices are everywhere
I'm reaching my heart to you but nobody sees me there

So sick so sad so dark
Nobody cares who you are
You're in this world and you're dying to get home
But you're not in this world
It's all an illusion you're alone
You're a ghost!

They die so painfully
They cry in agony...
Your love bleeds out and covers the floor...
Breath burns your lungs and you don't know who you are.
Insanity, the last frontier. Why are we so afraid to go there?

Hold on hold on hold on tight!
This is all we have all we get get it right!
Now let go to find out who you are.
I let go and all I can find is an infected scar!

A scar that hides who I really am
I'll never know what's underneath
Where I came from Why I'm here
My whole existence erased from the memory.

Sad and dark
Nobody cares who you are!
Shut up shut up shut up
Nobody can hear your words.

Why doesn't god live among us
Why did Jesus leave so soon
Because he can't stand the pain of being around us
Watching us flail in the cess-pool

We have to drown to learn how to swim
We have to kill to know how to live
God can't tell us what to do
We have to find our own fuck to give.

Suffocating spinning like a dying shark
twirling thru the sea of the universe
No will left swim, no fuck found to give
No faith no hope and yet I can't not live.

Its sad and its dark
Nobody cares who you are.
Can't see you in the mirror
I know who you are
You're a ghost!

youre a ghost

youre a ghost

youre a ghost

#Money So They Say

Money is worthless.
It is the shackle on a slaves wrists.
Your relationship with money says everything about you.
Yall wear those chains in ignorant bliss.

"Earn" it???!
"Work" for it???!
"Deserve" it???!
That shit's a lie.

Gather it,
And use it...
Cause it don't mean shit when you die.

A lotta spiritual gurus wanna tell you how money is energy....
But what they don't tell you is what that energy is and where it is
When the money's gone
And your bank accounts empty...

What happens when THEIR bank accounts empty
What happens when the system breaks
How are they gonna measure up and be better than us
When they find out all money does is takes

Oh its energy all right!
The energy of slavery.
Its the very thing they say we need to be free from
But to be that real is beyond their evolved ascended motherfuckin level of bravery!

What #Magical #Powers You Need For the Encroaching #Darkness

Supernatural or more highly evolved beings coming out of the sky, or out of the inner parts of the Earth, to SAVE humanity - any part of humanity -

Totally defeats the purpose of all our intentions, our efforts, our struggles, and our sufferings!!!

And it even spits in the face of the "savior" concept for those who believe the Jesus story as told by children, (and by children I mean adults who refuse to grow up and see the expanded full true meaning of the Jesus story!)!

Regardless of the story baseline you use for your interpretation of existence, there is but one core purpose for this era and that is to EVOLVE beyond our current limits of this consciousness!
Evolution happens as a living being becomes more and more conscious.
More and more aware. Of themselves, and everything in existence.
It is not about technologies.
It is not even about peace on Earth.
Even Jesus said 'I did not come to bring peace, but a sword!'

We evolve by becoming more and more conscious.
"Life" causes us to become more and more conscious.
Obstacles. Tragedies. Challenges.
Lies. Illusions. Power. Truth.
All designed to bring you into a higher state of consciousness.

The "magical powers" that we attribute to our superheros and saviors are simply the result of having LIVED THRU all the shit we want to be saved from!
Get it?
These saviors WERE US once upon a time.

Help us, yes.
Save us from growing up.....????  NO.

Growing up into complete self sufficiency and total self responsibility is our natural trajectory.

So in the obviously darkening world....
Escape - Not an option.
Helpless child syndrome - Won't fly.
Humble, inadequate, undeserving servant - Absolute bullshit!
We are all made in the image of god. However you want to interpret that.....!
We are all made equal. Not the same! But equal.
We are not all the same but we all have the same birthright.
No one deserves anything!
We all deserve everything!

The spiritual concept of seasonal harvest.
If you will evolve out of this time, this era, then you will develop your own super powers, your own magic. Not everyone is at that stage of their journey, and that's ok.

YES we're all connected!
YES we are ONE!

But our greatest, most important connections to one another are the ones that are the LEAST obvious!
Superficial "oneness" has become cliche and is therefore basically not a thing anymore.

Your greatest Superpower in this time of transformation is Endurance. The power to keep getting up. The power to know what you know, no matter what trails come at you to destroy your resolve. The power to hold that truth, that energy of KNOWING the light, the good, the right, the abundance.... To KNOW beyond doubt that there is a reality where there is no judgement, complete health, an un-extinguishable flame of security and joy and life! THAT is your greatest Superpower!

We are on the edge of that reality.
NO it will not take lifetimes and generations for we who are alive now to get there!!!
We are already on the fast train to this existence!
We are practically there!
And do NOT doubt, and do NOT fear!
Be brave enough to leave all this bullshit behind.

Don't worry about fixing things or making your way in this mess anymore!
Hold that energy of the next level of frequency that we are rising into RIGHT NOW.

Embrace your insanity!
Be crazy enough to believe in the impossible!
At this point, what else do you have...??

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Profound #Forgiveness & #Grace of This Moment

A lot of us grew up hearing this twisted text from a corrupt pulpit surrounded by a distorted family.
Our lives were marinated in implication, innuendo, presumption.
The air that we breathed was guilt, fear and unworthiness.
We were indoctrinated.
We were stricken.
We were paralyzed.
They call it Christianity or Catholicism or Protestantism.
And because of it, most of the world is not capable of hearing the truths and wisdoms of the ancient texts, or grasping any real concept of what "GOD" is or what that could truly mean beyond those indoctrinations.
This is the lie.

It is hidden in plain sight.
You are locked in your own chamber of darkness.
Guilt and Fear are your masters.

You have betrayed yourselves.
The abundance that you sought was love and forgiveness, but you exchanged it for blood and money. 
You sold yourselves into slavery while singing dirges of redemption and salvation.
You never allowed yourselves to be free. 
You never let go the things you ACTUALLY WERE saved from.
You were deceived into believing that being human was the sin. But it never was, and never will be.
You remain the children of darkness.

Only you can set yourselves free from the deception.
There are those who hurt so deeply with sorrow....
These would gladly die to spare themselves the pain of guilt...
They are tethered by the strap of unworthiness....

For these the gifts of Forgiveness and Grace now flood the Earth!!!
PROFOUND forgiveness!!!
Unimaginable forgiveness.....
If you'll just let the past go and allow yourself to be born into a new life..... A life that no longer carries the tethers of guilt, and shame, and unworthiness.

This Forgiveness and Grace does not and will not ever forgive the unforgivable.
If you don't know what the unforgivable is, then don't worry trying to figure it out.
If you can let go and free yourself from the deceitful power of guilt and unworthiness, then your sorrows will be washed away in these floods.

You ARE forgiven!
Just let go!
Just do it!

Stop expecting it to look FAMILIAR!
Stop assuming it will be what you thought it would be!
Stop trying to do it the way you were taught!
And TRULY BELIEVE that you are forgiven and that there are no expectations on you beyond that!!!
You Are Forgiven! The End!

You see, if guilt and fear and shame and unworthiness are no longer are part of your life....

In Forgiveness, there is no such word as unworthy.....

Now go live like it!                             Buy This Shirt Here!                                                                                                                                                         

Saturday, August 6, 2016

First #Energy #Report for #August #2016 #Blood #Contracts

I feel a change of gears in the Industry.
Blood contracts have been called in.
It's not a game anymore.

Those who remained true.
And those who remained quiet, but sold their soul, literally, a long time ago.

No, not all are evil. Not all have sold out.
That is completely ridiculous to assume!
To assume that the light doesn't have the power to stand next to darkness and not be extinguished!
We too of the light have our voice in the Industry, and it is NOT NOT NOT the voice of religion or CHRISTIANITY, or Christians in the Industry!!!!

"Talented people" have been hunted, harvested and enslaved for centuries. Why?? Because they really do have power! They really do have a gift to touch people's hearts and inspire them to greatness. The Darkness cannot allow that! So they "recruit" them promising them all their wildest dreams come true, as long as they do what they're told.

See the Darkness isn't about money, fame, fortune..... It's about POWER.
The End.

And THAT ladies and gentlemen is your RED FLAG.

At this juncture, the blood contracts have been called in. The final campaign is being readied for launch. The "celebrities" that are owned are no longer clueless and innocent, they have been briefed and know full well what is going on.

Many many many people honestly believe that this is the best way for humanity to proceed.
It is logical and practical for the masses to be controlled.... It seems like a genuinely sweet deal to be given everything your heart desires materially in exchange for your obedience.... Many people really don't see anything wrong with this.
I mean, what more could a person want???


Follow energy and Spirit, not logic or patterns or even past tried and true methods of discernment!
Everything is in Chaos frequency. Trust no one, or no thing. Only your own true inner sense, your heart, your gut, your intuition, your connection to source, spirit, god.

And don't be caught confusing discernment with judgement!
Do not judge! Lest ye be judged.....

Know the difference between discernment by intuition and judgement.
Know the difference between righteous indignation and judgement.
Know the difference between love and pacifism.
Love is not weakness! Love is not indifference! And contrary to popular bullshit, love is not blind!

Don't get caught out there not KNOWING.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

#Exercising Your #American #Right to #Vote

Don't insult my intelligence by telling me I HAVE to vote for the lesser of two evils!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't lay that patriotic bullshit on me that its my American RIGHT and therefore somehow my DUTY to vote, that men and women have died to give me that right and that FREEDOM!!!!!!

It's ALSO my RIGHT to shoot you in the fucking head based on the clear evidence that you are a fucking ZOMBIE, and be tried in a UNITED STATES court of law by a jury of my peers!!!!

But you don't see me exercising THAT RIGHT EITHER DO YA!!!!???
Cuz its STOOPIT!!!!!

#Donald #Trump
#Hilary #Clinton
#Bernie #Sanders

All #Career #Politicians


Thursday, July 28, 2016

#Energy Report #4 #July #2016

In these waning moments of July 2016 there is yet another Energy Report....

This energy is cataclysmic in nature....
No one is listening anymore.
The gears have engaged.

My heart is heavy on so so so many levels right now.
MANY levels!
I feel it ALL.
And it hurts, It makes me literally queezy... and the battle in my mind to NOT ALLOW darkness to exalt itself is just fucking insane!
Robin Williams.


No one has listened.
I have written and written and written these messages for years.....
And now here it is.
No one listened.
Like a ghost screaming at the top of my lungs......
And nobody heard a word I said......

I don't really know how to put anything into words right now....
I've written it all before.

The spirit of deception.
Nothing is as it appears to be.
There is only one way and that is for the hearts of individuals to awaken and change.
And there will be no Jesus on a white horse saving all you idiots from yourselves.

You did not wake up.
You don't have a clue.
You've missed the entire meaning of this life.
You have chosen slavery over freedom because you did not learn what the truth was about either of those states of being.
You allowed yourself to be controlled by others.
You did not grow.
You did not take responsibility for your own self.

You mimicked and feigned these concepts like children pretending to be grown-ups, but you have no idea what it really means to be grown!

NO ONE will pray their way, or other's ways out of this darkness.
There is only one way out.

Wake up.
Accept the truth.
Follow your heart not your mind.

Read my old messages.
They're free.

And yet.... I still feel I haven't said anything in this message...
I don't know why.

There is NO ORDER right now.
There is no flow.
No rhyme No reason.
Everything is a lie.

With all that you have left, hold the light of truth and love.
Do not hold on to bitterness and allow it to consume you!!!
Everything is AMPLIFIED now!!!
Everything is dangerous.
You must live beyond this chaos.
You must KNOW in your HEART.
Love is the only thing that will survive.
And even Love does not look like most of you think its supposed to!

Wake The Fuck Up

Friday, July 22, 2016

We Are Here To Conquer & Become #Immune to #Evil Not #Fight It!

We are here to conquer evil, people!
We are here to cover it all!
To meet each and every imaginabley possible challenge in the most optimal efficient way there is, in order to EVOLVE into a more perfect being.
We are not here to FIGHT evil.
We are not here to SAVE people from evil.
We are here to CONQUER it altogether so that no matter how much evil there ever arises, it has not one ounce of influence over us!!! No matter how hard evil may try to get into us, into our heads, into our hearts.... There's just no way in, there's just no room inside of us for it to be! We've been there. We held that evil before.... Until we were thoroughly and completely exhausted and sick of it and we moved on - ie. we learned all its tricks, fell for all its lies, chased all its geese until we wore ourselves out, and began to realize it was not the way to happiness and freedom, and with all that struggle we developed.... IMMUNITY. We evolved!

The true warriors of light and truth are not here to change anything!
We are here to LIVE THRU IT!
We conquer by enduring.
We conquer by persistence of our inner resolution, our inner drive and desire to be well, to be whole, to be complete, as an INDIVIDUAL.
This is why so many (all!) people on the bliss train and the positivity trip fail miserably! It is not about making bad things go away with positive vibes. It is not about checking out and being removed from the darkness and demons. It is about letting them in and dealing with them until they have no more strength over you! YOU!

We are not here to fight and resist evil.
But to challenge it in the face.
To take on and slay every INNER demon that the darkness can come up with.
And THAT is the KEY that we must attain in our understanding right now - INNER!!!
There are no OUTER demons unless there are INNER demons!
This war is over our CONSCIENCE! Each and every INDIVIDUAL conscience!
Each and every soul must evolve, conquer their demons, become immune.
There is no more vaccinating demons away! Vaccinations - literal and spiritual ones - are KILLING US!
It is a personal, individual war for consciousness. Fighting evil externally is of absolutely no benefit.
An inner battle may indeed take on outer manifestations, for such is what we call "reality".
But there is no outer battle unless it is your personal, inner battle for peace, freedom, immunity, and love. We are only of service to others, the collective, the tribe, when we are "doing me".

And NO NO NO this does not mean that everyone must endure every most horrible atrocity imaginable!!!! No!!! It just isn't necessary.
The point is INNER resolve. An impenetrable complete inner being that is completely immune to evil!

It's that simple!

Carry on.....

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Our Newest #Vocabulary Word... #Compartmentalization

Your new vocab word is.... Compartmentalization.

Study its inference from the Wiki link below.

Your homework assignment - as you observe your surroundings on a daily basis, including EVERYTHING, even TV,  - see how many instances of Compartmentalization you believe could be occurring. 

"but most did not know what, exactly, they were doing......."

#Energy #Report #3 for #July #2016

This is a toxins purge.
This is what you are experiencing right now.
It is not illness, sickness, disease or anything you're used to hiding behind.
Toxins are being forced out of us! All!

The Galaxy, The Earth, The Matrix, Individuals.....

Recognize, accept, respect, appreciate, and cooperate.... It will go much easier with you.
Fight it! Resist it! Medicate it! Label it as something that it is not! ..... It's gonna fuck you up!

This is it people. This is it. This is the end of this bullshit mess we've made!
The time has come.
We are at the window of the cycle where we level up, or get chewed up, swallowed up, shit out, and buried.
It's a grand grand cycle.
The window approaches.
There is no angry god. Tho some might explain it and interpret it that way.... And actually, if that's all you can grasp, then its ok! Angry god!

The cycle will continue regardless of you or how you interpret it!!!
Participate at your own pace, and your own level, at your own free will.
But if you are standing on top of the volcano when it wakes up as part of the grand cycle, and you do not move - REGARDLESS OF THE REASON WHY - you will get blown to bits in the now, and come back in another form on another day.... According to what your soul needs next in order to have the sense of awareness and consciousness it takes to know when to get the fuck off of waking volcanoes!!!

Its all about awareness.
That's it.
Nothing more.

Anything that stands in the way of your evolution, your expansion, your growing awareness..... Can and will be used against you!!!

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times......

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Yet Another #Energy #Report for #July #2016

Lift your heads, for your redemption draws nigh....

The message of Grace has been seen by others.... and has been going from trickle to flow.
Grace is the focus, Grace is the current flavor of love, the current aroma of ascension process, the current color of frequency, the current sound of vibration.... Grace. Grace. Grace she said.

Grace, the hand that miraculously grabs your wrist, strong secure and steady, just as you lose your grip and begin to plummet to your certain ugly death from the 100th floor of a skyscraper, where you'd run to escape the evil demons of the dark city.
Grace, who sees you flailing and lagging behind. You are not going to make it. And as you collapse, and that one drop of magic bleeds from your heart onto the unforgiving black asphalt and you are lost... Only to raise your head and wonder where the hell you are and why you're not dead. Grace is how you got there.

Grace is not forgiveness.
Grace is not a free pass.
Grace is the spirit in the wind that you can never hold and never know.
You never deserve Grace!
And Grace does not deserve you.
You are not lucky.
You are not chosen.
You are not special.

Reality does not really exist in this current moment.
It is chaos.
This is what chaos is.
Everything swirling, defying, denying, grasping desperately for anything and everything familiar, and all that is familiar is an illusion that crumbles before your eyes.

And yet.... in this moment.... for only a moment more.... Grace is everywhere! Do no mock her. Just accept her and go on from where you are, before her time is complete.

Death.... is everywhere.
Decay is setting in.
My soul can smell it, and feel it.
It is a bit unnerving at times.

Chaos Chaos Chaos.
It is right on time.
Everything is SO SO SO very foreign to me in this place!
Amplified, Magnified, Intensified.
Don't forget to breathe.
Slipping... Crashing... Fading......

Like that.

Monday, July 18, 2016

#Taxation Without #Representation

It still goes on because....
You're still angry because.....
There's no justice and no resolution manifesting because.....

Taxation without representation!
Taxation without representation!
Taxation without representation!!!

This is what drove people away from GOVERNMENT to these very shores over 400 years ago!
Taxed to DEATH!!!
With no one representing me, my reality, my truth.

You're still hurting everyday because....
You have Fake people, speaking Fake words, with Fake voices, and Fake intentions REPRESENTING YOU.
Talking heads.
Same ol' words, over and over and over...

It's all a setup and you're falling for it!!!
It's just the TV head-talkers spewing shit and you're believing every fucking word of it.
You swallow it like freshly killed meat!
No one around me is acting like that. No one around me is out of control.
It's a choice people.

THEY are the problem!!!
Representation without taxation....

Stop being so goddamn stupid.
Now everybody's scared and hating because the TV told them everybody else in the world was doing it!!!
Are you as dumb as they think you are....?

Sunday, July 17, 2016

#Energy #Report #July #2016 #Ascension #Message #Songs

Pay attention....


Close your eyes....
Don't try to fight it....
Let the rhythm get into you...

Relax your mind.....  Wait a minute.

I don't know if this is something others understand or not.
But I see everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, differently.
What the entire world may interpret as a "love song" filled with sexual innuendo, I hear a message much bigger! I understand sex itself as something MUCH BIGGER than most people even grasp. Therefore its not just a love song to me, it is GOD speaking to the love and desire of every living heart. Songs are very often timeless messages (one clue they're god-songs) that come to you when you need to hear them. Along with the music, which is vibration and frequency, it speaks to you in ways that normal language just cannot. Or at least it can if you.... PAY ATTENTION.

Again!!!! "GOD" is not the religious Christian or Muslim or Jewish God that most people identify with, to me!!!! God is the universe, the source, the force, the origin of us all and we are all extensions and expressions of that unlimited intention that really is "GOD". God is anything and everything trying to find its way to expand and grow in love and joy. God is the yin and the yang. God truly is all, and in all, and without god there would be nothing. God is the intention that when realized becomes US.

Most people just see another singer, another "star", another fad or sensation that some hate and others lose their minds over. But most "stars" are actually much much more than that. They have an incredible energy that when expressed in their art form feeds the rest of us in ways that most people just don't get. They are indeed stars, set high so that the light they shine, the energy they emit, is available to the masses, and they are here to emit a very specific energy and frequency in order to assist the rest of us in building the universe. And we ALL build best in love, joy, and peace.
Music is the Universal Language because your mind does not have to understand it, it is energy and it is FELT.
As with all truly spiritual truths, you have to get past the stories, the hype, the celebrity, the HUMANITY and be open enough to hear, see, feel GOD.
Not just in Michael, but in ALL THINGS.
Michael is very very special. Many beautiful messages were delivered into our consciousness thru him. Encoded as it were, like so many other songs thru out time....

Here comes a message.
I've posted song messages before.
Most of you probably did NOT get it!!!
And.... It is a life-long style or trait of mine, to NOT explain certain messages to anyone! I almost DARE you to get it!!!!  It's a test. And most fail.

But for some damn reason I feel the feel to drop some clues this time.... So,
H'yeah-it go!

Girl, close your eyes   ("Girl" meaning all who hear, all who have embraced the feminine ability to receive the spirit, the integration of higher self. "Close your eyes" as a act of releasing the crutches of the five physical senses and allowing a meditative state.)
Let that rhythm get into you  (The rhythm is that of creation, nature, source, spirit.)
Don't try to fight it (Don't try to reason or justify things in your mind.)
There ain't nothing that you can do   (There's nothing your mind - ego can do to make things happen. We've come to the time that we operate in energy, or we suffer doing it the old way.)
Relax your mind (A meditative practice)
Lay back and groove with mine (Connect with god, higher self, spirit freely)
You gotta feel that heat  (Heat is often associated with the flow and movement of spiritual energy. In recent times, many feel a lot of heat a lot of the time. We call it "intensity"...)
And we can ride the boogie (If you've gotten this far and you don't know from experience what "riding the boogie" is, and  the ONLY thing you can think of is sex...... Again, its so much GRANDER than the human sex act! And if you don't get that, then explaining will do you no good.)
Share that beat of love

I want to rock with you (all night)  (Rocking is a very spiritual practice, not as a methodology, but as a natural occurrence. You really do begin to feel the rhythm  and naturally rock. Jews do it, mystics do it, so do Autistics...)
Dance you into day (sunlight)  (Again, dance is very very very spiritual!!! It accomplishes what effort, logic, and ego cannot!)
I want to rock with you (all night)

Rock the night away
Out on the floor  (Out there where it all takes place. It is time to make all this spiritual blah blah blah MANIFEST, Real, Live it LIVE, not in words, sermons, workshops, or books!!! Go BE what you talk about, be the messages.)
There ain't nobody there but us  (No concerns of fear, judgment, right or wrong. By now you should  have it solid that you are god, god is you, you are never alone, and no one else really matters!)
Girl when you dance
There's a magic that must be love (Get it yet??? Dance, Magic, Love.... God Spirit HigherSelf.....     That's how it gets done, not thru the mind's lead or logic!)
Just take it slow  (No rush in spirit.... There is no time, there is eternity.)
'Cause we got so far to go
You gotta feel that heat
And we gonna ride the boogie
Share that beat of love

I want to rock with you (all night)
Dance you into day (sunlight)
I want to rock with you (all night)
We gone rock the night away

And when the groove is dead and gone (yeah) (A lot of people have been feeling a huge, impactful drop-off lately! Like all the guides and angels they're used to have up and gone! This only means the training wheels have come off. We are indeed becoming GOD in this Earth!)
You know that love survives (We should be at the point where we don't need to be baby-sat and coached over every little thing! We KNOW that it is ALL about love and that we can COUNT on it!!! FOREVER!!! Don't doubt it, don't struggle with it! KNOW IT.)
So we can rock forever, on

I want to rock with you
I want to groove with you

I want to rock (all night) with you girl (sunlight)
Rock with you, rock with you (yeah) (all night)
Dance the night away

I want to rock with you (yeah) (all night)
Rock you into day (sunlight)
I want to rock with you (all night)
Rock the night away

Feel the heat feel the beat
Rock you into day (sunlight)
I want to rock-rock the night away.

Rock With You - A god-message via Michael Jackson, for the now.
Listen to it, and hear it this time!

Rock With You - Michael Jackson

Thursday, July 7, 2016

#Pain Is The Answer

Whoever's supposed to be on my team and whoever's supposed to have my back when its my turn to get in the ring..... YOU SUCK! This HURTS!!!
WHY do people put shit like this on facebook (any social media)?!?!? Because goddamnit we are all dying and we need to be heard!!!
This may be sad but its the only 'world-wide' community we have.
I don't know why I'm on the wrong side of heaven, but here I am. 
I can't see the light. I just have to know that its there. Somewhere. 
I can't vomit positive affirmation all goddamn day! 
I don't live on some isolated mountain range where everything is bliss! 

I am not NEAR as dark as people assume I am. Rather I am a reflection of current energy. 
This shit is here whether you believe in it, like it, see it, feel it, or not! 
I am your sign. I am your test. I am acid. 
And I can hold this shit in for so long and then it starts to eat me alive from the inside! 

Ignore what I say. 
Believe in the light tribe and high vibes all you want. 
Pain is gripping this world. 
And integration will not let those who are the real light tribe escape that!!! 
This is NOT the end of the 7 year tribulation! 
This is only the beginning.... It is not over and it is not going away. 
It is not getting easier. It will continue until it is no longer necessary. 
Its going to continue until you figure out how you're supposed to be.
Its going to continue until you realize that EVERYTHING around you is false!
Its all a lie.
And now YOU have to clean it up and make it right.

Pain pain pain.... Learn what its about and stop trying to "positive vibe" it away! 
The answer is in your heart and NO WHERE ELSE.
This will not be voted away. 
This will not be resolved with any politics. 
This will not be made right with more laws. 

You want accountability??? Hold on to your asses! 
We can be fat slaves or we can be free and sovereign. 
We can no longer be one in truth and pretend to be the other in our minds. 

The racial drama is real and it is INTENTIONAL and it is here to test your hearts!!! 
Don't fall for it! Don't fall for any of it!!! 
Its all a set up....
Black lives may be more polarized than white lives, but they do NOT matter anymore than any other lives! And until you get that fucking racist speck out of your eye and accept that we are ALL slaves to lying white men!!!!! Nothing is going to get better.

I may appear to be white but that proves nothing! I've not had a DNA test!

Now where's my goddamn team?!? 
I'm fucking drowning and no one's noticing.... 
Go ahead. Wonder why.
Just because I'm ok doesn't relieve you of your responsibility.

Pain Pain Pain........ We are one. Right?
The answer is in your heart and no where else
In your heart and no where else
Your heart
No where else..........

You will not escape.


You know what hurts my soul so much that I loathe....???

People who honestly believe that they've EARNED something!
People who feel that they've worked SO HARD that they deserve something!
People who feel entitled to what they have what they own what they possess....

People who believe with all their heart that you can earn your way to good. That you can and must work your ass off to be right, deserving, respectable.
People who honestly truly believe that those who do not do things that way are lazy beggars and don't deserve anything!

And what just explodes the cherry on top o'that cake for me is that a shit ton of these people identify as CHRISTIAN!
In which case their very own Jesus died in vain.... Cuz they didn't need him, they could've worked their way out of sin and into holiness just fine on their own!!!

I loathe these people.
I do not apologize.
I am not sorry that I loathe them.

These people have a lot to hate, a lot to be angry about, a lot to judge.

I'll say it out loud: These people are unevolved shitbags! They are children who honestly believe that they're better than everybody else.
They are egos with dead souls!
They are the scum bottom feeders of the Earth.

They can't see beyond their narrow fucking noses.
They are the spirit that killed Jesus.

Does this piss you off?!?!?!?
Am I too much???????

But at least I know understand acknowledge and ACCEPT why I don't have any friends!!! I don't blame other people!

#Energy Report July 2016


I don't really wanna write these anymore. I'm forcing myself...
Yet I feel a very real compulsion to put this out.
I am literally nauseous.
I feel anxiety inside.
Nothing makes sense to me anymore.
I am seriously struggling with reality!

How can people be so heartless......

I cannot find my tribe. I cannot connect with anyone. At all.
People are so painful to me right now.
I am almost constantly on the verge of tears.

And money..............
Money has taken over everything including love and caring.
You cant reach out and become friends you must pay for a session...
You must pay for encouragement, guidance, love, friendship....
I have no money. I can't get any money. It runs from me. It mocks me.

How can people be so cruel.....

I cant escape it anymore.
All I can think of is this must be how Robin Williams felt.
So completely overwhelmed by inner noise and feelings and nothing makes sense and no one understands and nothing makes sense and no one sees and everything is about money and I have no money and people are violent about judging people who are different and there is no light and no matter how much I know and how much I learn it just never makes any sense in the end it never ends theres so much pain so much pain so much pain so easy to be hard so easy to be cold.......

And all the while, I do not believe this! I believe in the light! But I have no faith, none whatsoever, that I will ever reach it....

I feel the loathing and the disdain for the poor, the stranger, the misunderstood.....
I feel it all the time now, like a knife jabbing into my gut.
It is severe depression!!!
Except for the fact that its not.

Nothing do you hear me nothing makes sense to me anymore.
I am struggling with reality.

NO ONE sees me.
NO ONE hears me.
No one cares.......

I have lost contact.

Nothing clicks, nothing comes together, nothing works.... There are few and vague synchronisities.

I am seriously worried about my kids being left alone.
I'm not allowed to ask for help.
What I say from a personal voice and what people hear me saying is most often two different things.
I cannot.

All I want is love.
But that's not enough for a lot of people!
You have to work your ass off to prove your self your worth your value... And its still not good enough. Nothing is ever good enough.
How can people be so heartless. How can people be so cruel. Easy to be hard. Easy to be cold. How can people have no feelings. How can they ignore their friends, Easy to be proud. Easy to say no. Especially people who care about strangers who care about evil and social injustice. Do you only care about the fucking crowd.... Hard cold selfish dead inside....

I really need to get outta here or I'm gonna get removed......
No one can go on living with this pain this senselessness this madness.....

It is written that someone once said Vanity of vanities, all is in vain. In the end fear God and keep his commandments for this is the lot of man.
I disagree.
Fear nothing, be free, obey no one but your own heart, and love one another. No conditions.

Songwriters Ragni, Gerome / Rado, James / Mac Dermot, Galt
Published by Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
Read more: Hair - Easy To Be Hard Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

Friday, June 24, 2016

Running For #Office.... Because It's Faster Than Walking

Are any of you - like me - under the impression (god knows where THAT came from!) that any American citizen not in jail or guilty of crimes can run for any governmental office at any time (that there's an election going on) with no prerequisites other than to win, you must receive the majority of votes??? Well did you know that in Pinellas county Florida, in order to run for oh say.... Commissioner.... you have to pay a FEE in order to get on the ballot!? And did you assume that this fee is like oh say..... $25? $50? $100??? Well, like me, you may be shocked (or not) to know that the fee to get your name on the ballot to run for county commissioner in Pinellas county Florida is %6 if you are party, %5 if you are non-party, of the salary of the position which is..........
$5653.20 and $3768.80 respectively!?!?!?
Nothing in this country is free like we think it is!!! NOTHING.
Especially not politics, and it has ALWAYS been this way!
But nobody cares. And those that do, are afraid!!!
So this is what you get... This is the fruit of the seeds our fathers and grandfathers carelessly planted... Or rather carelessly trusted others to plant for them..... Now we, their children and grandchildren, are slaves...... Slaves to corruption, dishonesty, greed..... Slaves to fear.... And the very shackle itself - MONEY.
This is not ok. Not right. Not good. It is NOT just the way things are...  not anymore. They are ALL corrupt!!!!! And if you think there is one that is not..... one that is good and cares about "us".... then YOU are the problem.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

#Options Are Running Out

Ok.... One word:
I-don-know-why-i'm-here. One word.

Everything "in me" is OFF in "this world".
Nothing quite matches.
CLASSIC Puzzle scenario!
The pieces LOOK like they fit, and may even fool you as you put them into place.... But in the long run.... You realize in an undeniable way... that this piece just does not really belong in this place.

I feel my inner BULL about to crash the shit out of every fucking pristine little foney ass China shop in my goddamn path!

I am a goddamn ROTTWEILER, who's spent my life trying to be a Maltese!
I'm tired of it..... I'm worn out with it.....
Run with me or get the fuck out of my rude, offensive, inappropriate ass way!

If this describes you too, COOL! We are not alone.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

I Have An #Autistic Daughter Too

While the story of Hallee is so so so beautiful and it touches my heart deeply, I cannot help but peer up from my laptop to see my daughter sitting right across the small room from me who is not that different at all from Hallee.
My daughter is Abi. She is 31. She does not have Autism - She is Autistic. She does not have the mind of a child. She has the mind of an Autistic.
She, like Hallee, is so full of life and love. As a kid her nickname was Happy! She always smiled. She is not physically very active because her body just does not cooperate with her wishes very well. And she doesn't smile near as much anymore.
I have never forced her to conform or be normal or fit in to social parameters. She is almost completely non-verbal except for when she's with only me or her sister. And then she just can't shut up! No really.
She types voraciously though with others but cannot verbalize with people unless she is very very very used to them. Which is basically no one. The internet has given her a life and virtual friends and social skills that she could never have gotten any other way. The internet has allowed her to be herself rather than be programmed into a manageable "special needs" person.
She doesn't really have a filter when she expresses herself and is often time misunderstood. She doesn't have a vicious, aggressive, or violent bone in her body! She literally can't kill gnats. But she is very honest from her perspective, and therefore offends people sometimes. She can't see what she's doing. She doesn't understand the subtle nuances of social tact and white lies that all "normal", "neurotypical" people are expected to live by, and do.
I've always encouraged her independent spirit. I've always tried to show her and explain to her how "they" operate. She understands much more than the average person does, but she still does not mimic proper social order like many think she should.
All that to say.... Abi has never had any "real", hang-out-with kinda friends either. It hurts her very very badly just as Hallee was hurt by no one showing up to her party.
Abi really is an insanely cool person! Funny as hell. Smart. Deep! But she is most definitely wired differently.
The only friends she ever had at her birthdays were my friends.
At the age of 31, she frequently feels horrible about herself. She is very aware. She has hopes and dreams that are constantly just out of her reach.
On the one hand she does not grasp how much like so many other people she is!
On the other hand, she also does not grasp the ways in which she's different, and that her differences are why she doesn't fit in, or that this is OK and actually very common for all people who are unique!!!
Anyway.... Abi always has me and her sister. But in her mind and in her heart, she has tons of friends that she hangs out with all the time... but these friends aren't really there. They never have been. And she doesn't really understand why....
It hurts her...
And it hurts me.

The price of non-conformity, choice or not.