The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Money is Slavery

Capitalistic commerce has its roots in an ancient, darkly that took form as a concept -  more than just a race or species, more than just a matrix or nation, but an evolved energy stream that basically amounts to slavery.
Capitalism IS slavery. On every level.
It has evolved to the state of having legitimate DNA encoding.

The easiest and most effective way to get people to go along with an illusion is to over-exaggerate its polarity, its opposite, and "brand" it so that there is a label, a word that people can use easily, ignorantly, and carelessly as a weapon against each other.
"Socialism". The masses do not truly understand what Socialism is.
"Communism". The masses do not truly understand what Communism is.
The only association modern society has for these "labels" is what they are taught in history about Communist Russia in the early 1900s - "The Commies!", who were American's greatest enemies.
What Americans were never really taught is the true and complete history behind the label. What led the Russians to this form of government? What exactly did it look like? What was it supposed to do, and what did it really do? Why was it bad?
The answers seem obvious.... But that is only because the only answers most people have are simply propaganda (easily repeatable blurbs) and not historical fact or a true understanding of 19th century Russia.

This swings both ways.... It's not just people on the Right who do not understand Socialism and Communism. People on the left assume they have the golden key to these isms. But they too are mostly ignorant of what the real truth is.

Communist and Socialist efforts have not, and can not, succeed in this world because they are theoretically based on romantic notions of compassion and equality. But they are still a form of GOVERNMENT. And the truest expression of compassion and equality is Freedom - Sovereignty, No need for government.

Modern Capitalists are taught that Capitalism is Freedom at its finest!
This is not true.

Capitalism is slavery. It does not work unless there are those in servitude.
It does not work without fear.
It does not work without guilt and coercion.
It does not work without false hopes.
It revolves completely on inequality!

This is the core, the very heart, of slavery, and the entire modern world is built on the belief that THIS is all humanity has! THIS is the best we can do! There IS NO WAY to have a perfect world with Peace and Love.
This is the biggest lie of all and it has been force-fed into humanity for many generations.
It is programmed into our psyche and yes.... even our DNA.
THIS is the very lie we must ALL wake up from if we are to proceed in our evolution.

Capitalism has become a complete poison on this planet at this time.
If Capitalism were good, all the wealthy people of the world would solve all of humanities problems in no time, and still be "wealthy" (not poor).
But that never happens does it.....
Because if you became equal, you would no longer serve the wealthy....
You would no longer need their drugs...
They would no longer feel better than you, more deserving than you.

In a nutshell:
They would no longer FEEL better than you,
FEEL more deserving than you.
A successful Capitalist is 1) A recluse, 2) Bitter, 3) Greedy/Not Generous, 4) Has no idea what unconditional Love is...
All or any combination of these mark a successful Capitalist.
And.... They are always controlled by someone higher on the food chain than they are....
CONTROL is the earmark of Capitalism!
And the ones at the top of this food chain are not who you may think they are.... Everyone that YOU can see as a controller, a 1%er, an elite..... They too are food on the chain, serving an even darker master.
This is a very dark energy. An energy, not a naughty person. A massive, intelligent, dark energy.

And poor schleps who honestly believe that they are immune, and that they are not subject to this slavery, and that they use their money for good, and because of a higher calling that somehow this slavery chain is being "redeemed" to the good side by them...... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLLLLLL
You are delusional.
You think with a programmed mind and not the intuition of your heart.

Even the "Enlightened" among you do not believe in the truth.
They do not believe that "god" is big enough to create (or CO-CREATE as they love to say) a world without money or the need of a monetary system!
They simply do not believe it, and if they say they do, they are not being real with themselves! Their excuse will be 'Well of course! But not in our lifetime!!!'

Well then what "love" are you using right now to vibe the world up into World Peace???
You need a love much bigger than one that allows you to live and thrive without money to accomplish that!

Capitalism is slavery.
It is a system that is the culmination of very dark energy.
This energy manifests in races and nations of beings.
This energy has a DNA code and can shape DNA in others.
As with all energy streams, it is a choice.
Ignorance is a choice.

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