The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Saturday, May 23, 2015

At Some Goddamn Point....

At some point, we've got to start acknowledging the difference between people with dogs, and people who are responsible...
Because she has dogs....

A sucessful TEACHER, with degrees, all the right documentation,
citizenship, everything responsible people are supposed to have....
But when she is down on her luck she is denied housing....

At some goddamn point... we have got to acknowledge that we can tell the difference between
People with guns, and people who are responsible... not all people with guns are irresponsible...
People with medical degrees, and people who are responsible... not all people with a medical license are responsible...
People with robes, and people who are responsible... not all people wearing robes are responsible...
People with badges, and people who are responsible... not all people with badges are responsible...
People who smoke, and people who are responsible... not all people who smoke are irresponsible...
People who party, and people who are responsible... not all people who party are irresponsible...
People who make mistakes, and people who are responsible... not all people who make mistakes are irresponsible...
People who have kids, and people who are responsible... not all people who have kids are responsible...
People who are freakin weird, and people who are responsible... not all people who are weird are irresponsible...
People who are assholes, and people who are responsible... not all people who are assholes are irresponsible...
People who have a gift, and people who are responsible... not all gifted people are responsible...
People with money, and people who are responsible... not all people with money are responsible...
People who are poor, and people who are responsible.... not all people who are poor are irresponsible...
People who are ill, and people who give a shit....... not all sick people are irresponsible...
GET IT????????!
You don't.

There are at least one of every kind of person imaginable out there! They are free to fly their own freak flag every second of their lives, as long as............

The difference between you and me is not guns, drugs, degrees, money, history, race, temper, marital status, parenthood, neighborhood, faith........

Guns are not dangerous.
Fire and 5,000 pound SUVs are not dangerous.
Pit Bulls are not dangerous.
Books are not dangerous.
History is not dangerous.
Recreational drugs are NOT dangerous.
Cigarettes are not dangerous. YOU HEARD ME!
Wild animals are not dangerous.
Viruses are not dangerous.
Storms, earthquakes, and tidal waves are not dangerous....

The only thing that is truly dangerous... Is human irresponsibility.

The difference between you and me is not guns, drugs, degrees, money, history, race, temper, marital status, parenthood, neighborhood, faith........
The difference between me with a gun and you with a gun is not a badge, or even a safety course.
The difference is I AM RESPONSIBLE. I AM CONSCIOUS AND AWARE. And it is obvious!

The only remedy to anything is inside each and every human being.
Consciousness. Choice. Compassion.
Your Heart!

You pay people who consciously and intentionally abuse and lie to you but you can't give $5 to a broken human soul on the street.......

YOU are the problem.
That is all.

The #Homeless

This is YOUR problem.
This is a direct reflection of where you're at.
Your indifference and your fear of your own sovereign authority is what got them here today.

Your refusal to listen to your intuition and your heart.
The careless abandon with which you succumbed to being controlled and convinced that we are better served by following rules than by feeling, participating in lives and communities, and being genuine human beings.

You allowed this to happen because you did not pay attention to all the warnings.

You never questioned where your food was coming from and now (that its too late) you find out it has been poisoning generations and has been stripped of all its nutritive value....
You never questioned (because you've been taught to be ashamed of trusting your intuition and you've been taught to fear dying) the doctors who seemingly produced miracle cures and remedies for all the disease and discomfort you were told killed thousands upon thousands of your ancestors, when in truth most all of these diseases were new and never seen in massive amounts of the population.
You never put 2 and 2 together and noticed how all these things have coincided....
You never (because of your fear of ridicule and guilt) questioned the use of vaccines and how you've never been told the whole story.... You just assumed you were too stupid to understand and so you trusted blindly...
You found out how toxic the pesticides were that cover all of your food sources, and then proceeded to do nothing about it. Now you mysteriously have generations of damaged people but "they" told you it was because of genetics.... and you believed them..... again.
You never questioned the history they taught you about your country or even your species.... Because that's blasphemy.

So now, you're left with several generations who have been psychologically, emotionally, chemically, and medically mutilated beyond human recognition. They don't have the capacity to "function" in a "normal" way as you want them to..... as you yourself have been trained to do. And so now you blame them.
You continue to carry on as if its 19-fuckin-50 and the world has not turned up-side down! The world most of you grew up in NO LONGER EXISTS!!! Look around!
And yet you blame the poor.......

When actually its YOUR fault that they've ended up like this, hopeless, homeless, nasty, addicted, and incompetent.... and on your streets.

They are malnourished. People think they are doing homeless people a favor by getting them a meal from McDonalds or 7-11.... Their heart is in the right place but this shit is what got them there in the first place.
A lot of these people have seen and experienced things such as war and child abuse that no human should ever have to suffer..... And then they're mind-fucked out of seeking genuine "professional" help. And then YOU blame them...... When you don't even have a fucking clue why they're there.... in front of you..... on your streets.

So you punish them.
Treat them like trash.
Loathe them.

Who you really loathe is yourself...
Something inside of you knows that this is your doing....

They are YOUR children, YOU made them, but its their fault somehow....
I don't mean you physically gave birth to them, I mean your indifference is the cause of their suffering. They are on the streets for you!  To show you that ALL your actions and in-actions have results, consequences... an effect on the entire world.
You cannot separate yourself from your indifference, your neglect, your fears, and the world you have participated in creating.

The reason you praise military members so highly is because you're USING THEM...
If they're fighting that means you don't have to!  That's their job, not yours!
Well that's a delusion that you've created for yourselves because you're afraid to "fight" for your freedom, and the freedom of your countrymen.
Actually, you don't even believe that 'all men are created equal' and that all have the right to 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'. You only believe that good, obedient slaves have that right.

What you are currently referring to as "freedom" is LAZINESS. It is indifference! You are so grateful that someone else can go play in this bloody war of lies so that you never have to participate in what's really going on.... all over the world, and in your own back yard. Homeless people are not lazy dead-beat losers.... YOU are.
Because you are not willing to see how things got to this point, and you are not willing to accept your responsibility for it.
Our "enemies" are NOT people of different nations or religions!!!
Our "enemies" are ourselves.
Our "war" is not to be fought with guns and bombs.... Our war is with our own consciences. Our war is between our mind and our heart, individually. Our war within is now demanding that we choose - obedience to rules, or intuitive, heart-felt doing what we know is right and taking responsibility for our own lives and our communities. Our war is between faith and fear.
And YOU are losing.

How long will you suppress your beating heart in lieu of rules and laws, and government and money.... How long will you allow human beings to be sacrificed for your indifference.... Not just the ones over seas who are prey for greedy war mongerers... But the ones living in your streets... In your town... How long will you judge them without seeing that YOU did this, and YOU are the only one that can change it?
For god sake just love them. Stop judging them. Stop demanding that they be normal by your standard of normal because they can't all do that!!! 
The ones that can, will.
The rest are the ones that you must care for... because they cannot care for themselves. They do not belong in shelters or institutions and certainly not jails.... They deserve the right to have a place that they can call home, a refuge, good food, and simple kindness. People are building Tiny Homes for these people, they don't all need big apartments and all the responsibilities that go with that!!! Utilities and cleaning and maintenance..... That's too much for them to handle.
They just need a spot, a place of refuge.
And they really really really need to be free of the constant fear of being harassed by their own kind.
Love them, help them, and leave them alone. Allow them to have opportunities without forcing them to conform! You don't know why they are where they are..... So stop forcing them to be something they are not.

If you don't want them on your corners or in unsightly cardboard boxes, let them have cart-shelters, and let them eat well.... Because they are YOU.
And until you see that, nothing will get better.

The End.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Get A Job!

Ya know, those of you who say that people who crowdfund, or ask for donations, or try to "raise money" when they are not conventionally employed, or ask for donated supplies to do the things they wanna do should 'work for it, get a job and earn it, just like we did' are right.
People should be self-responsible.

But your shitty, resentful, bitter, selfish goddamn attitude with which you all say this has gah-tta go!!!


You are not offering anything wise or beneficial just because the words you speak are the beginning of a truth.
You hurt and offend tender consciences by being such rude assholes.
Guide them, Mentor them, Offer alternatives that have worked great for you when YOU had that experience. Recommend a fucking book on the subject. But keep your douchebagga attitude for your damn reflection in the mirror!

Self righteous assholes.
You hurt.

Be the change, not the stain.

That is FUCKING all.