The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Friday, January 29, 2016

The Beginning of the Final #Disclosure

For those of you who are frustrated....
With lack of answers to your deepest questions, lack of clarity, lack of information, lack of purpose, and lack of progress...

Please realize that as the pure pure pure truth begins to reveal itself in this time, some of us are beginning to see it - (and it is NOT what anyone is expecting!!!) - and we can tell you that there IS a very real reason for what seems like such a slow delivery pace!


The intricacies, the details, the filled-in-blanks of history, the truth of origins and plans and purposes....

Even we hardcore truth seekers would NEVER be able to handle it if it was given to us too quickly.
But get ready! Cuz here it comes!
Only those who endure. To the end.
(The 'end' of what??)
The end of the revelation.... The revelation of truth.... The Apocalypse.
The revealing of the sons of GOD.

"Disclosure" and "Revelation" and "Apocalypse" are the same thing.

It is not what you think.
It cannot be thought.
It is not science, religious, christian, catholic, political, or otherwise! It is ALL THE SAME.
Hear what the spirit says.
The Spirit.
The Spirit.
The Spirit.
The Spirit of Truth.

It is unfolding and is going to come down in ways you never imagined!!!

The entire human race is corrupted in ways your worst nightmares have not prepared you for.
The REAL worst nightmare???
To wake up one morning and genuinely realize that you had been believing in and defending and supporting the WRONG SIDE all along!!!!
What would that horror feel like?
What would you do??

Those of you who feel spent...
Like you don't have the strength or reason to go on....
Those of you confused, and angry, and helpless....
You are NOT insane!
You are NOT crazy!
You KNOW the truth. Hold it. Stand in it. Do not give it up. Do not let it go. We are few. But we are the ones. DO NOT GIVE UP on the truth that you know. It will be shaken, rattled, dragged thru hell... and if it survives... If YOU survive with it...
Then the new world comes...

It's YOUR Fucking Nightmare

Thursday, January 28, 2016


It's not so much that you need to fight the "bad" feelings and thoughts that you have, it's that you need to REALIZE REALIZE REALIZE where those thoughts and feelings are coming from!!!!
"Fighting" is resisting and it tends to get you not very far.
REALIZING is a whole other frequency!
That is the secret.
Become aware!
Follow your curiosity. Dig. Investigate. Research.

I've been offering this information for years, free of charge: Things ARE NOT as they appear to be.

Why do you feel bad all the time?
Why do you, a very healthy person, suddenly feeling like shit?
Why can't you stop thinking?
Why are your thoughts obsessing over dreadful things that you have no control over...
Thoughts that make you FEEL bad....

It is a mistake to fight these things.
It is also a mistake to ignore these things.

Embrace all that you feel, but do it with wisdom. Do it knowing where and why and how.
Do it knowing that you DO NOT hold onto, argue with, bargain with, or compromise with thoughts and feelings that are anything less than pure love, joy, power and perfection.

Your heart will not lie to you!
The issue is that you no longer know how to hear your heart or feel your heart. You have forgotten your heart's language.
And to get it back, you have to want it more than you want anything else.
This is very difficult to do in this phase of our evolution. But not impossible. Impossible is nothing.

It's not about trying. Or trying harder. It's about REALIZING.
Waking up to the lies, the facades, the propaganda and programming... Opening your heart to greater truths than you ever imagined and finding trust to know right from wrong.

Don't get diverted into a long unnecessary detour by accepting the false New Age "truth" that 'there is no wrong' . There is. But it's not to be presumed upon, it's not the kind of wrong that you think.

The secret language is in your heart.
Only there will you find the trust, love, truth, answers, and eternity that we ALL hunger for.

Sunday, January 24, 2016


The greatest gift you can give yourself, your loved ones, and the entire world is to stop blaming!!! 
Don't blame anybody or anything ever, for any reason!!! 
STOP. Own your own damn life.
Do unto others because that's who you choose to be, not because there's something in it for you! 
Not because you DESERVE! Not because THEY deserve! 

There is no inequality.
There is you.
It's all on you. No one else.
Own your own damn life and stop blaming others.

When you encounter injustice, it is an opportunity to see who YOU are, not who the unjust are.

When you encounter injustice, unfairness, inequality, it is YOUR chance to express YOUR unique life, YOUR unique choice in such matters. 
There is no blame.
There is only that moment when you decide what you will tolerate from YOURSELF, and what you will not.

This is what defines YOU, not them, not justice, not equality.

We are all as equal as we choose to be.
Those that have greater challenges, have those greater challenges for a reason. It is their shit to work thru! It is their Karma to balance. And it is NEVER what is seems to be on the outside - Do not judge a book by its cover.
EVERYBODY has a fight. A cause. A challenge. An obstacle.
Some are passed down for generations.
Some, if not most, have obscure origins that no one is clear about and so assumptions take over the truth. Again, this happens in a moment of choice. A moment of choice defines the next steps, the next choices, which influence an entire community... and entire era..... With one choice. One choice at a time. That's how we got from there to here..... But no one was paying attention to the choices or the steps so no one really knows how we got to this state of....
We assume.
We never consider that we are wrong. Only that "they" were.
No one owes us anything.
We do not deserve.
They do not deserve.

Who are you?

Do you blame the mountain? Or do you respect the mountain for its formidability? If you do not want to traverse the mountain then it is YOUR choice and responsibility to find another path that makes you a happy and complete soul. Blaming the mountain.... is ridiculous.
Many find themselves on the mountain.
Appreciate the mountain. 
Be grateful for, and to, the mountain.

The best gift you can give to yourself, your loved ones, and the entire world is to STOP BLAMING.

Friday, January 15, 2016

A SPECIAL Energy Report: January 15, 2016

Things to be aware of right now!  :
Origins - Original Origins! Like... Ancient, Cosmic Origins....
Common Perceptual Stories - And The Truth

I am a psychoarcheologist. I "Need To Know".

Its all in flux right now....

EVERYTHING has a shadow right now, and the SHADOW is what you need to be looking at, AND understand that it is NOT necessarily what you may think it is....

We are NOT destined to die horrible deaths!!! But masses will die, many in horrible deaths, because it is STILL a choice.

The Enlightened and Awakened are NOT destined to escape. Death in some cases is mercy. But there is a Light Army that will stand and not relent under any circumstances. They cannot be defeated. They have NO fear. They know. Is this you?

"The Rules" no longer apply to you.

Many of us have been "removed" or are being "kept out" of the system FOR A REASON. Stop fighting it. Take this initial moment (initial moment of what...?) to adjust and deal with your mind and all the old programming that is trying to destroy your true self, true life, and true mission for this life and time! NO you are not lazy. NO you are not a freeloader. NO you are not useless. NO you are not a burden. NO you are not a user. NO you do NOT need to try harder!
Go into the shadows, into the darkness, embrace it.... Stay in the cave, on the mountain top, on hiatus, ALONE AND SILENT...
STOP trying to be normal and fit in, you know not what you do!!!

Trust. Find it.  (Clue: It's inside of YOU and no one, no where else!!!)

Petty. Everything you're used to, accustomed to, reliant upon is.... so petty. So insignificant.
Yet it has meaning.... but not the meaning you're used to, accustomed to, reliant upon...

Convergence: Everything is nothing and nothing is everything all at once now. And this is truly a felt, real thing!

The movies.... All true! Secret intel....

I'm reporting this stuff because I feel it. I see it. I sense it. I KNOW it...

As the years progress I find my life harder and harder to believe...
When I say I never fit in... I mean like a MOVIE, I NEVER FIT IN!!
There is a "way" of seeing my life - from MY perspective - that is so right, so easy, so free, so real, so natural to me.... Like, THAT'S the life I was supposed to be living all along... But that life is EVERYTHING that people in this world, in this society, in this culture hate. It is a life of unintentional defiance to everything around me. So biblical...... Which is irritating!
And now.... As shit gets REALLY weird, and I find myself more and more comfortable with those forbidden ideals of who I "could've been", it's still hard to believe.
It's becoming real! The world I feel at home in. But others still don't get it.
Everything is losing its definition. EVERYTHING!
Boundaries are fading... The fabric of reality is getting thin... Literally.
Anything is possible!!!
Strange Majik is not even what I thought it was!!! It's even deeper, wider, more cosmic.... More "real" and tangible than I imagined.

I feel like the Akash has been opened to me and its SO COOL but way too much information to absorb, integrate, and make useful at this time.... So it's just like a little secret party! LOL
Downloading light codes.... Anchoring new intel.... Integrating higher dimensions into this reality.... Its all so simple, so obvious.... but still SO FUCKING UNREAL!
I really AM this way, and its ok...
It's OK!

So let it be...
Turn it loose...
There's no announcement.
No title.
Just the satisfaction of finding missing fragments and seeing their importance and significance in me, mine, and the whole.

So very cool...

Friday, January 1, 2016

A SPECIAL Energy Report: New Year's Eve 2015

Farewell you inglorious bastard!!!
And thanks..... (for the worst year of my life....)

Energy Report:
Still with the aching joints.
Air is thin.
Always sick but not sick.
What are they spraying us with......? (It's not just the spray....)

How matter is behaving differently?
Do you stumble with material objects a lot lately?
Is your hair feeling, looking, acting funny?
Is food strange? All your dishes are turning out perfect all of a sudden... OR All of your dishes are disasters all of a sudden??
The pudding just won't thicken and the dough just won't rise??
Time jumps??

Nothing seems to be working quite right!
Because MATTER is changing.
Atoms are changing.
Gravity is changing.
The atmosphere is changing.
The magnetics of this planet are shifting.

All these things affect how matter behaves.
It's not just the climate and weather that are changing!
The same things causing the climate and weather extremes are also affecting MATTER aka "the material world".
The building blocks of what we know as "real".

You can think its all heeby-jeeby bullshit hype...
You cant think its magic....
You can call it GOD....
You can claim that it's too complicated to understand....
But the fact remains - It IS explainable with science and physics, there ARE those who know exactly what's going on, and you CAN begin to understand what's happening to YOUR world if you so desire and choose to!
Most will just hide behind the familiarity of their illusions.
But those will soon collapse upon you.
There is no place to hide anymore.....

The one thing I wish for when desiring justice/vengeance in my heart toward others who really deserve it is this: I don't just want them to get what's coming to them, I want them to KNOW. I want them to SEE exactly what was wrong with their actions. I want it to be crystal clear. I want them to know exactly why some shitty thing has come upon them.
I want the blinders ripped off!!!

I'd like you to meet 2016.
She's new. Different. Unlike any year you've ever seen, heard of, or experienced before.
She seems like a hard cold bitch cuz she takes no shits, gives no fucks. She is the Mother of all bastards.
She is not vengeful.
She is efficient.
Her compassion is beyond your programming, beyond your comprehension.... And it is abundant for those who need it.
Not for crying whining snivling assholes who don't want to do the real work, the correct work that this life is all about. Assholes will not be able to survive what's coming.
Like fish can't survive out of water.

The physiology of our material world is changing.
That is the explanation behind  the myriad of weird and strange little quirky things you're noticing that just seem to be on the fritz, wonky, haywire......
Things are changing.