The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Monday, December 26, 2016

Stop Allowing Your Mind To Write Scripts For Your Life!

Exchange your arguments and explanations, drop your reasonings and defenses, in favor of demonstrations....

"DO" rather than say, and explore yourself, your abilities and skills, as opposed to limiting yourself with your old ideas and words, thoughts, and notions. Just shut up!
Stop talking about yourself.
Stop proclaiming and reciting the scripts that your mind has written for itself.

Just do.
Demonstrate it, to yourself mostly, but also to others.
Show what you're made of.
Explore new possibilities within yourself.
Allow it.
Allow yourself to be completely off script.
See what you can do, and let it become obvious what you are not adept at, and what you are.
You may surprise yourself. And others.
You may discover something you never imagined possible that makes you very happy!

Don't argue about what you believe about yourself!
Show yourself.
Shut up. Don't speak. Don't talk about it.
DO it.

Your continued insistence that you know you can't do something or that "I'm this way" and that's just the way it is....
Is turning into a crippling stubbornness.
Maybe you are absolutely correct about "how you are", but holding on to that as if you will never change, never grow.... Is killing your vibe.

NO one is forcing you to do anything.
It is your choice. It is ALWAYS your own choice and no one else's.
This is NOT a judgement.
This is NOT a criticism.
This is a nudge, a power boost button, that you can hit anytime you want to.
Or NEVER hit! It's up to you.

You need to open COMPLETELY up if you want to stop the suffering and the defeat.
You need to stop holding on to anything and allow limitless possibilities for yourself.
That does NOT mean to focus on the grandest dream you can imagine for yourself and insist that it will happen!!!! (That will disappoint you! That is an "expectation")
It means to let go of the details and just watch what happens.

It's not about making things happen, it's about letting things happen.
Just shut up in those moments and let things ride... See what happens.


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Money is Slavery

Capitalistic commerce has its roots in an ancient, darkly that took form as a concept -  more than just a race or species, more than just a matrix or nation, but an evolved energy stream that basically amounts to slavery.
Capitalism IS slavery. On every level.
It has evolved to the state of having legitimate DNA encoding.

The easiest and most effective way to get people to go along with an illusion is to over-exaggerate its polarity, its opposite, and "brand" it so that there is a label, a word that people can use easily, ignorantly, and carelessly as a weapon against each other.
"Socialism". The masses do not truly understand what Socialism is.
"Communism". The masses do not truly understand what Communism is.
The only association modern society has for these "labels" is what they are taught in history about Communist Russia in the early 1900s - "The Commies!", who were American's greatest enemies.
What Americans were never really taught is the true and complete history behind the label. What led the Russians to this form of government? What exactly did it look like? What was it supposed to do, and what did it really do? Why was it bad?
The answers seem obvious.... But that is only because the only answers most people have are simply propaganda (easily repeatable blurbs) and not historical fact or a true understanding of 19th century Russia.

This swings both ways.... It's not just people on the Right who do not understand Socialism and Communism. People on the left assume they have the golden key to these isms. But they too are mostly ignorant of what the real truth is.

Communist and Socialist efforts have not, and can not, succeed in this world because they are theoretically based on romantic notions of compassion and equality. But they are still a form of GOVERNMENT. And the truest expression of compassion and equality is Freedom - Sovereignty, No need for government.

Modern Capitalists are taught that Capitalism is Freedom at its finest!
This is not true.

Capitalism is slavery. It does not work unless there are those in servitude.
It does not work without fear.
It does not work without guilt and coercion.
It does not work without false hopes.
It revolves completely on inequality!

This is the core, the very heart, of slavery, and the entire modern world is built on the belief that THIS is all humanity has! THIS is the best we can do! There IS NO WAY to have a perfect world with Peace and Love.
This is the biggest lie of all and it has been force-fed into humanity for many generations.
It is programmed into our psyche and yes.... even our DNA.
THIS is the very lie we must ALL wake up from if we are to proceed in our evolution.

Capitalism has become a complete poison on this planet at this time.
If Capitalism were good, all the wealthy people of the world would solve all of humanities problems in no time, and still be "wealthy" (not poor).
But that never happens does it.....
Because if you became equal, you would no longer serve the wealthy....
You would no longer need their drugs...
They would no longer feel better than you, more deserving than you.

In a nutshell:
They would no longer FEEL better than you,
FEEL more deserving than you.
A successful Capitalist is 1) A recluse, 2) Bitter, 3) Greedy/Not Generous, 4) Has no idea what unconditional Love is...
All or any combination of these mark a successful Capitalist.
And.... They are always controlled by someone higher on the food chain than they are....
CONTROL is the earmark of Capitalism!
And the ones at the top of this food chain are not who you may think they are.... Everyone that YOU can see as a controller, a 1%er, an elite..... They too are food on the chain, serving an even darker master.
This is a very dark energy. An energy, not a naughty person. A massive, intelligent, dark energy.

And poor schleps who honestly believe that they are immune, and that they are not subject to this slavery, and that they use their money for good, and because of a higher calling that somehow this slavery chain is being "redeemed" to the good side by them...... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLLLLLL
You are delusional.
You think with a programmed mind and not the intuition of your heart.

Even the "Enlightened" among you do not believe in the truth.
They do not believe that "god" is big enough to create (or CO-CREATE as they love to say) a world without money or the need of a monetary system!
They simply do not believe it, and if they say they do, they are not being real with themselves! Their excuse will be 'Well of course! But not in our lifetime!!!'

Well then what "love" are you using right now to vibe the world up into World Peace???
You need a love much bigger than one that allows you to live and thrive without money to accomplish that!

Capitalism is slavery.
It is a system that is the culmination of very dark energy.
This energy manifests in races and nations of beings.
This energy has a DNA code and can shape DNA in others.
As with all energy streams, it is a choice.
Ignorance is a choice.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Dimensional Realities and What That Means for The Truth

Can you... be fully aware

And still remain assertively, progressively, UNATTACHED... to the darkness,

And ACTUALLY stand against it...

in Spirit Energy, not in 3D limited energy (fighting, protesting, voting, etc etc)? ? ?


All those old stories.... History as it's called.... Myth, Legend, Folk Lore.....
All true - In it's own dimension!!!
As you enter higher dimensions, these same stories have "different" or "expanded" truths.
Which is why in this current time (circa 2016-17) "disclosure" about the TRUE history of Earth and Humankind is such a hot topic.
We are entering a higher dimension, where we see with grown-up eyes, and the same old things look MUCH more complex. And they are.

It's not so much about what we were never told, as it is the physical demands of the Universe to ascend into higher vibration as beings. The old has done all it can do and is collapsing. It's not so much that it was "wrong" or "based on lies".... That's all we could maintain at the time. But now, as the cycling of the Galaxy has turned in towards such a massive photonic light field, we can no longer live the "white picket fence" scenario. 
We are compelled to know higher truths in order to endure as beings.

NOTHING is what it appears to be. 
NO story you've ever heard is the whole truth.
Limitation is your enemy.
Open your mind,
Expand your heart.
Or you will not make it thru what's in motion now.

Friday, December 16, 2016

The Battle Hymn of The Republic is About The Apocalypse

Name of this song???
The Battle Hymn of the Republic

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored,
He has loosed the fateful lightening of His terrible swift sword
His truth is marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.

I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps
l can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps
His day is marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.

I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnish`d rows of steel,
"As ye deal with my contemners, So with you my grace shall deal;"
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel
Since God is marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.

He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.

He has sounded form the trumpet that shall never call retreat
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free,
While God is marching on.

Written by Morton Gould • Copyright © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music 
Publishing Group

#Money #Energy #Video Game Reality

There are "money doors" and there are "energy doors".....
"Money" is just part of the current game board. A token. A gamepiece.
I have none but bare necessity because I do not deem it as precious as others in this current quest do. Something in me...... feels differently..... for a reason.

What will I carry into the next life? What have I built?
True accomplishment is only done in the soul, not "the world".
Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my words shall not.
Why do we work so hard to build a lasting legacy in the wrong world?
Or is it? - It is only the wrong world in that it is being built thru AI, Ego, not spirit - backwards, horse-before-cart.
The "wrong world" means "you can't take it with you"..... so why bother? - This is not a false feeling! This is correct! It is completely illogical and impractical to spend SPEND your precious life only to die, knowing your accomplishments will be destroyed by those with less honor and integrity!

We all want a world that will last forever, do we not?? Immortality is WITHIN!!! It is real, we are not selfish and crazy for wanting it or believing in it or aspiring to it. We ARE however,
wrong in the methods we currently employ to get there, to be that.

Spirit. It is done thru the soul, by energy, we are eternal energy beings, and we DO carry an eternal, immortal, never-dying legacy INSIDE OF US. The code is called DNA.
Can you grasp this right now......? You ARE immortal! Right now, you're in it, in the midst of eternity, right now!!!!
You are eternity - right here and now.
The "next life" can only be as real to you as the acknowledgement of "previous lives".... If you can't believe that, then you can't believe anything bigger......

What will you take with you into the next life......
What have you brought into this current one??
What treasure have you accumulated? What stature? What mastery? What skill and purpose do you carry as the result of your lifetimes evolving thru so many facets of this world?

Does this sound like a video game?
Where do you think video games come from....?
The codes on the DNA "know", contain memories, carry inspirations.....

I've seen what "money" can do.
And I've seen what "money" can't do.
And something in me needs desperately to live Victoriously, without money......
This is not something I need to positively confess my way out of! It's much bigger than that!
And it may be for others too....

Friday, December 9, 2016

Broccoli Souped

Broccoli - froze is fine                                      
Leeks - sliced thin
Garlic - smashed
Onion - chopped
Carrot - not too much, diced
Una Grande PotAHtay - chopped
Tumeric Root - chopped
Butter - plenty, a stick at least
Cheese - plenty, per preference
Salt n Peppa - of course

Gotta saute the tastey bits to get a caramelized flavor base to avoid using broth:
Butter garlic onion a few bits of tumeric salt n peppa. Cook it fast but don't burn it. Need it getting brown and yummy for flaves.

Add leeks carrot potAHtay rest of tumeric, more butter if needed. Sizzle it down into a gravy of yums.

Add the Broccoli Queen.
Toss her around in that gravy a bit. She likes it that way.
And slowly add water. Keep the heat up but not outta control.
Stir. Swirl. Absorb.
Add as much water as you want - Considering consistency and flavor dilution. The more you add, the thinner and weaker it gets.
Once it is "perfect for you", add some cheese.

Whatever kind you like, as much as you like. Note: Real cheeses will not behave like Velveeta! They will be gooey and clumpy. Please don't violate this piece of art with that whore Velveeta, or any other cheap cheese!

The point in this recipe was to NOT make cheese soup with some broccoli bits in it, and to NOT use an entire dairy farm for a base. Hence, no creama and little cheese-to-do-abouts.

Best to add the cheese in your bowl, that way it doesn't make a mess of the pot or the ladle.

Good luck!
I haven't made this yet. Hope it doesn't suck!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Ascension = Sovereignty = Ascension

It is important to write, even tho no one is reading, or listening to your words.
Your words, whether spoken or in written form, they are conscious points of integratable intelligence into your energetic atmosphere, and they are NOT silent, as you may assume!
They are among the millions upon millions of energetic neural fibers that create incredible networks of reality for you. Don't underestimate.... Never underestimate.... The natural gifts and urges that you feel in your being. Pour them out. Give them freely. Don't worry about the rest. No need to micro-manage the God in things.

This new place of creation.... of genuine sovereignty, genuine love, genuine peace..... NOT legislated, not ENFORCED, not with consequences, and NO FEAR. No guilt. No shame.

Applied Reality;  How is it that the highest public servant in this nation gets incredibly wealthy, when real public servants starve and struggle? People who work in shelters and clinics.... Some volunteer and don't get paid at all. Yet the biggest waste of taxpayer money is the salaries of elected officials.
This is CRIMINAL, obscene, disgusting. But NO ONE ever brings this up ever.
Elected officials are treated as traditional royalty. They want for nothing, all in the name of "serving the country". But not one damn one of you ever "fights" this injustice!
Elected officials are above the law. And we support them just like Britain supports their royals, no matter or question ever as to how burdensome it is to the people whom they "serve".

No elected official has EVER served me. Not one has ever represented me. Yet I am forced to comply with laws and rules that I did not vote on, did not agree to, have no interest in. I am not a threat or danger to anyone. I do not need rules and laws to tell me what is good and what is not.
You cannot legislate love, wisdom, compassion, or even true justice.

Everyone Everyone Everyone in the American political system is bought and paid for, corrupt. The foundation of the entire system is corrupt. And all Americans know this. But still the brainwashing goes completely UNNOTICED and everyone plays the game as if it were somehow different this time.... Everyone in Washington DC is bought and paid for. You know this!!! How do you expect this to ever change when money does ALL the talking, and those who truly care HAVE NONE?
At what point does this change?
Money rules the world.
Money rules politics, and it always has if anyone truly knew history. (But no average citizen in this country knows true history, because it is not taught in school and is not part of the "American Narrative", or "story" that we are supposed to believe ).
Money also rules the government.
Yes there is a difference - or supposed to be a difference - between the definition of "politics" and "government".
Politics is nothing more that a game of showmanship. P.T. Barnum. "A sucker's born every minute" he said, and he was right.
Government is somehow supposed to be a bit sacred. Something we can always trust like a wise parent, who always has our best interest at heart.
But YOU ALL KNOW that money has bought our government and the wise parent we fantasize about is actually a heartless, sick, abusive bastard who sells our bodies to perverts for money.
And still you do the same things over and over and "hope" things will get better. But they never do, and honestly, YOU don't really expect them to get better!

Now, Donald Trump will be blamed for everything on the entire planet!!!!! Just like every other president before him. The job and title of President of the United States of America is sorely over-hyped and over-rated! This position HAS NO REAL POWER. By design. Intentionally. The Colonies were trying to ESCAPE dictatorship and the abuse of POWER, so they designed a "government" that did not allow for one individual to have any power alone. The only sovereign power the POTUS has is to VETO. For gods sake, educate your selves!!! Its all a show. The Truman Show. It seems like real life and it seems like you have free will but, as impossible as it is to believe, its all staged. Every single bit of it.

You've all been set up.
You've all fallen for it.
You've all taken the bait, hook, line & sinker!
You swallowed that shit whole.

The War on Drugs
Honor Our Troops
The American Dream
Free Public Education
Race For A Cure

All nothing more than "episodes" to a grand television series...
All praise our Lord and Savior Television Christ.
All Gospel. All the time.

The ugly truth in your hearts was there all along.
When you were squeezed by your own stupidity, who you really are came spattering out.

Yes I did vote actually, I voted for myself. I did not actually go to the poll and write this in because it obviously would not make any difference in the outcome of this charade. Why take up someone else's valuable time by making them wait in line for me to vote for myself?
And no, none of the candidates represent me. Yet they take taxes from any attempt I make to play the game and earn money to spend in this slave economy. Yes by god! I DID vote! I voted for my own sovereignty. I don't need a president. I don't need anyone to represent me in Washington. I don't need a government to take care of me.

Government is an obsolete concept.
Sovereignty is the future.
Sovereignty is what it means to Ascend, to evolve, to become enlightened, to be like Christ, to become The Christed Self.
Sovereignty by definition needs no government, can tolerate no government.
Sovereignty needs no system of slavery.
Sovereignty needs no money.
Sovereignty cannot exist in the 3rd dimension of reality.
Ascension is when we begin to vibrate at higher and higher frequencies, It's when we no longer need the things and ways of the 3rd dimension, and actually can no longer function in the 3rd dimension of reality. Our actual electric signature as a bio organism CHANGES. Our DNA changes. Our perspective, our desires, our interests, our ability to see and understand larger pictures of existence.... All begins to change. THIS is what "Ascension" literally is!

This is my work in this world: To emanate the frequency of Sovereignty!
Sovereignty takes humanity way beyond 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 D!
Sovereignty allows humans to explore, discover, create in peace, in harmony, in respect... There is no fear in Sovereignty. There's no need for it!!! There is no guilt or shame. There is no failure or punishment, only discovery. There is no need for money, wages, salary.... No need for jobs....
Just truly living life to its fullest!

Think Star Trek.

And all the people who still argue that 'this can never work" because there are too many bad people we have to protect ourselves from, so we NEED laws, and police, and armies, and government.....
To these I say, So Long.
You are obsolete. You are no longer viable. You will fade and disintegrate, like bad memories.
This is what a literal, scientifically measurable change in frequency will look like.
Suddenly, you'll hear dog whistles and see ultra violet light.
Suddenly, magnets and all the principles held in place by magnetics, will reverse... change direction... vibrate differently.

Peace                                                       Spiritual Alternatives Store