The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Friday, April 29, 2016

Session With The Doctor - Scene From A Play

Circa late 19th century.
A small, dim room filled with books, a desk, and four chairs, in a Victorian house with only the sunlight of one exposed window.
Two well dressed gentlemen sit across from one another.
One is studiously curious. The other mildly pensive.

Doctor: "You know enough to actually understand, and forgive, empathize and have compassion on every human being out there."

Me: "That is correct."

Doctor: "Then why are you filled with so much rage...??"

Me: "Because I'm alone. 
I am the only one on this frequency.... And I get angry that no one else has been willing to do the work it takes to get here.
I resent them.
I resent them all.
I hate them for their self-inflicted blindness.
That's selfish."

Silent pause......

Doctor: "You don't believe that anyone else out there is capable of compassion and forgiveness?"

Me: "Of course I do. But not from a place of genuine understanding and empathy. If they truly understood, and personally felt the struggle of others, they themselves would change. But they don't. Do they?"

[This is an excerpt from a play...  The writer was never able to get anyone interested in producing it, so it got buried and lost among volumes of work that no one has ever read until recently. There was no name attached.]

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Keeping #Faith Without #Manifestation

The problem is, we feel so damn disconnected from all the spiritual things we believe in.....
Key word #Manifest 
So many of us "believe" on principle.... 
NOT on a functioning, integrated lifestyle. 
We never see any manifestations of the magnificence which we hold in our hearts. 
And until this changes......... 
Our sanity is always in jeopardy...........!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Energy Report: April 24 2016

Panama Jack is the best commercially made, affordable suntan oil there is. Cool.

There is no desire for food yet we just keep eating..... Nobody in this circle knows what they want to eat anymore..... The closest thing I have to an appetite for anything is seafood, fruit.... occasionally vegetables.

Experiencing lots of acid reflux.
The knee pain is working itself out.... becoming slightly less uncomfortable, but still not quite done.
Foot pain is completely gone.
Muscles are sore and weak when stretched. Ongoing.
"Bronchitis" attack cleared up quickly tho residual scratchy-cough persisted well after the chest fluid was gone. Still get the occasional attack, for no reason!
Last night an Ear Anomaly appeared! Felt like a bug had crawled inside and bit my eardrum. Then I noticed a PAIN down the side of my throat when I swallowed!!! Like.... An earache! (what-am-I FIVE???) An EARACHE???
And then I began to put together some flu-like symptoms.... Like... A flu virus. Like... weird stomach, lite nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and throat, very sleepy, and sudden heat - over the past few days....

There's a difference between a viral attack and ascension processes! Sometimes the viral will try to slip in under the guise of ascension symptoms.... But really?!?!? By this time you should 1) Know there's a difference! and 2) Know how to tell the difference! And 3) Know how to accept and assist the ascension but send the "sick" packin'!!!

If you don't know the difference then.... Why are you even reading this!??!?

Is important.

Sovereignty is the word of the year.

"Prince" = Message.
"Purple" = Message.
Listen to Purple Rain.... Message.
Don't tell these messages what they are or what they mean!!! Just LISTEN to them.

Bigger than you know....
Something BIG has brewed! Already Brewed!
Waiting to be served.....
Are you ready?? One man's poison is another man's cuppa tea.

Don't be afraid to get rowdy.
Wield your sword with skill and majesty.
Don't be afraid to be VILE and offensive!!!
Let it out or it will destroy you.....

Stop being afraid. That is my message now. Stop being afraid of god, yourself, of sin, of right and wrong, of consequences..... Trust yourself damn it!!! Trust who you know you are!!!

Buck up Soldier!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

#Energy #Report: #April 18 and A Little More... #2016

I feel such a need to write this and yet... Such... struggle??

It's like it's there... but it's not. Like it's trying real hard to come thru the veil, but doesn't have the strength to do so...

Mystikal...! To say the least!

It's more intense than any of you realize, because you're so "engaged", "entangled", in the intensity of the symptoms right now.
There is SO much more in motion, right now, than you want to know about. And this is such truth!
I'm trying really hard not to use exclamations and multiple exclamations after every sentence... !

The Earth, Gaia, is twisting in and out of  shapes and magnetics and polarities... If you had been taught anything of value in school you'd be terrified! Or at least aware and prepared and excited...!
The reason you're not scared is because you're really stupid, dumbed down, and well trained to be that way... You were never taught truth or how to search for it.... And because the changes are so gargantuan that they are almost unnoticeable on our small, 5 to 6 foot scale of walking humans.
And by gargantuan I mean galactic... The WHOLE GALAXY is changing!!! Dramatically!

It's just plain weird to walk around these days... All I see are people running on programs!
It's like they aren't even real anymore.
Genuine kindness is rare and profound from my perspective. The slightest degree of human authenticity brings me to tears.

The intel is so fast I cannot put it all into words, and quite frankly, I have little belief in the fact that anyone is paying attention anyway. Maybe that's part of the struggle for this message to come thru... No one's listening.
I write it anyway as a means of putting the seed into the ground. It is an ancient spiritual practice.
It is all very alive inside of me!

Still, the energies are focused on "me", self.
I cringe at those who are out there still trying so hard to change the world and make it a better place! Especially "the awakened"... Not so awake from my perspective......!
But I guess that's the limit of their capacity for now.

I on the other hand, feel and see and hear and just all around know, a different vibration all together!
It feels very other-worldly to me. And just what does THAT mean???
It means I really really really feel like a foreigner in a place where all the customs and cultures are vastly different from where I come from. Literally.
I don't understand how selfish and unkind humans are.
I don't understand how complicated they make everything, and how blind they are to the severity of the damage all this causes.
I don't understand how afraid of love humans are, and how corrupted their definition of it is.
These things come natural to me and always have. And so I assume it is a "gift" I have to bring these notions, these truths, these enlightenments to the world.... at least to those around me.
But no one wants what I have, therefore no one understands me, and therefore I feel alienated - Alien. From another world.

I feel the energy of this world trying desperately to transition into a higher dimension. A place where the five biological human senses are set free and connected energetically into an open system, no longer limited by barriers of beliefs and old stories of what someone else wanted reality to be.
A place where humans can see, believe in, and actually participate in SOVEREIGNTY... which is true freedom, which is of a higher dimension than this current world system or matrix exists in.

And I also feel that the "struggle" has much to do with MERCY and GRACE. It could all be coming down MUCH MUCH harder and faster than it is!
And so there's a struggle in the air..... A tension, and energy.... The back and forth waves of "This has GOT to happen NOW!" and "Oh God I can't take this anymore!!! It's too much!!!"  but it must happen.... but its too much.... but like birth, you can only calm yourself, relax, and compassionately let it happen......

I don't know what else.....

And this is how long it took to get this out....!
Ya know I read a lotta astrological bullshit about this Full Moon in Scorpio! Most of it just did not rez... (resonate).
So here's the message I recieved... Undercover. Underground. It's busy as hell in places you cannot see! You can know... but you can't see it.
Deep. Deep deep deep deep deep.........
And this is the very shit you NEED to be "knowing"!
There is big big big shit brewing children.
Now is not the time to allow old-skool complacency to lull you to sleep....
The " Yeah we've heard that a million times before!!!" "Nothing ever happens. Nothing's gonna happen!"
Something's gonna happen.
The Earthquakes were just symptoms.

Two sides to every coin.....
One side is pretty fucking scary.
Am I  the only one who finds it hilarious/odd how we have suddenly begun to find and actually report countless discoveries of CITIES being found UNDER the Oceans?!?!?!?!?
As in.... They got BURIED.
Completely..... BURIED.

Get it???

Thursday, April 14, 2016

#Bullies & Real #Love

There are bad people in the world.
There have been since our current history began... As far back as we can see.
There are bullies.
People who are mean beyond reason. People who are aggressively abusive just because they can be... Because no one has the ability to stop them.

And according to all the "goody-goody" teachings in the world, we're all supposed to treat them as we want to be treated, love them, forgive them.... Right.

It's easy to forgive people who are stupid and who get caught in a bad situation and do bad things.... These people can change.

But what happens to the Hitlers and the Mengeles.... The Atillas and the Kahns.... The Maos and the Ivans.... The serial killers.... The child molesters.... The deviant monsters and selfish bitches that we all KNOW are not going to change!!!

I guess the "best" way to "love" these is to lock them away for their entire lives.... Like Manson.... For the sake of OUR humanity and his... protection?? Over 80 years old, spent most of his life in prison... and still bat-shit crazy. Not one ounce of reformation.

So how do these people "awaken"?

In my lifetime I have experienced so many challenging personalities, as most of us have. And I've "tried" many methods of loving these people that I really hated or was disgusted or totally pissed off by! Because "love" is what we're supposed to do.

What did my efforts to love bad people look like....?

Tolerating abuse. Being walked on. Being miserable. Keeping my mouth shut.

Is this love???

No. It isn't.

Was I showing these people god's love by what I was doing.... Or rather what I was allowing??

No. I wasn't.

If you study ancient texts you may learn that all the Masters suffered for speaking out, speaking up...

They suffered for standing against bullies, not from cowering to them and allowing them to continue on their way.

No, most stories about the Masters have no instances of them fighting back.

But they did NOT shut up. They were NOT afraid. They did NOT compromise.

So being a chump and suffering at the hands of bullies is NOT a righteous thing to do. Fighting against them is not righteousness either.

Simply standing in the message of truth.... And absorbing the consequences....

What the Masters did to confound their enemies was all by the Energy of Truth.

Even the stories of the great Shaolin Priests, the Warrior Monks, are saturated in mystical accounts of the supernatural feats! It was Chi, or.... Energy. The Christians called it the Holy Spirit.

This magical force was not used carelessly, it was not used to attack anyone or coerce anyone, it was not used to gain any victory, and it was NOT used at the whim and will of the user. Jesus did not use it to escape from the cross, but rather submitted to its process that demonstrated an even grander, more expanded truth - The eternal power of life! Resurrection.

The bully has three levels of power: 1) Fear, 2) Death, 3) Convincing you to surrender your free will.

Jesus passed all three of these challenges and there was therefore nothing left that had any power greater than the power he demonstrated. There was nothing left in all the Universe to do to him!

He did not walk in cowardice and fear of anything!

He did not shrink away from death. He allowed himself to be killed!

And he never fell for the lies, the deals from the devil, he never allowed his free will to be manipulated away from him! He never allowed himself to consider taking a different route other than the one he knew he was meant for!

This is what he meant when he said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me." He did not mean for anyone to worship him, but to see the way home in him.

Don't take shit from bullies. That is not love!

Don't expect bullies to suddenly awaken and move into the higher dimensions of the new Earth!

There is only one way for bullies to awaken, and that is to go thru the entire gamut of human conditioning and experience everything from every point of view necessary to GENUINELY and AUTHENTICALLY change their heart!!!!!!! Watch The Emporor's New Groove...! Bad people (YES I SAID BAD PEOPLE!!!) have to go thru the shit mill in order to be authentically changed.

And YOU are not a bad person for recognizing that!

As Jesus said, there is only one way............ Follow him.


BE NOTIFIED: I am NOT a Christian!!! I refer to stories of Jesus because I like them, I feel them, I feel a connection and kinship to Jesus. The Bible, like all ancient texts, has been corrupted and maligned in horrible ways and it is NOT the only, nor the sovereign,written WORD OF GOD!!! It contains historical truths, mysteries, and manipulative lies. By his spirit, one discerns which is which. Whether Jesus was a real person or not, the stories and their meanings are the same.

But I am not a Christian! I am not any religion. They are all the same - Man-made, corrupt, not god.

- See more at:

#Sovereigns #Masters #Indigos You Are Not Wrong, You Are Not Lost

Taking it to the edge....

There's nothing wrong...!

It's a choice. You could do it differently.... But there are needs in you.... in your heart.... in your soul.... And these needs will summon their remedies and tonics from any and every place in your "life" that they can.

Do not doubt your life. Do not doubt LIFE.

You are NOT wrong.

You may indeed be in a place where you don't want to be....

You may indeed be out of balance with your longing soul, and therefore, what your life attracts causes suffering that, yes, could be avoided... But if you struggle to find the balance, the simpler path... It does not mean you are wrong.

It does not mean you must find a better way!

Your soul, like the roots of a mighty tree, will find the water it needs and it will not be stopped.

Some take it to the edge to find what their soul needs.

Of course there's another way. An easier way, a safer way, a more popular way...!

But it is your choice and your choice alone.

When you reach the point in your soul evolution of sovereignty, it all begins to clear and make sense.

The others.... They too are not wrong. Only not yet grown enough to be responsible for very much. They cannot be forced into maturity.

Even the soul born into this world an "old soul" is still born into human immaturity and though deeply wise, still not responsible enough to be sovereign... Still needing the cycles of the Universe - Mom & Dad.

But the Sovereign... This is why they often retreat into the jungle or the mountain tops, so as not be deal with the judgments of the children who 'know not what they do'.

The Sovereigns.... The Masters.... The Indigos...... Whatever you call them or they call themselves....

Let them all know by this message - They are not wrong and they are not lost.

All is well, right where they are. And if they choose not to be where they are and to be somewhere else, then they should plot a course and change direction. There will be challenges, but as a Sovereign, all experience is nourishment. Nothing is lost. It is your choice.

When children hear that they have a choice, they instantly imagine the toy and the candy store.

When adults hear choice they instantly imagine an easier life, without laborious striving to survive.

But when Masters hear the word choice, it is an open book into very purposeful cosmic expansion and selflessness.

Masters recognize "all that is" on a grander scale and surrender to all that is without fear or prejudice. They no longer need to be right or happy. They are the AUTHOR of righteousness and happiness.

They have lost all insecurities about their identity and all fascination with their profound glory.

Therefore it shines and thrives and bursts forth as the image of god.


- See more at:

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

#Disney Has A #Solar #Farm !!!!

Isn't the world becoming a better place!?!
The changes are slowly trickling into reality.... Against all odds and everyone's worst conspiracy theory fears.... :
Tiny Houses are making their way into being legal and mainstream options!
Solar is actually being accepted as not only viable but preferable by the mainstream power companies!
Fast Food chain profits are so low that McDonald's is closing stores!
Walmart has been rumored to be closing stores!
People are waking up en masse! Whether you like Donald or Bernie, these extreme frontrunners are evidence that people are DONE with all the bullshit politics!
All major food companies are now proudly advertising all natural versions of old favorites like Kraft Mac n Cheese and Cheerios!


So........ Isn't this great???
I don't know about you but I smell bullshit.
What no one grasps..... Is that YOU ARE STILL OWNED!!!!
Tiny Houses are gaining legitimacy, but now they will become regulated and MORE EXPENSIVE! And COST was the main reason tiny houses ever became a thing to start with! Regulated! They still own you.
Disney in Orlando now has its own solar farm.... Built by DUKE ENERGY! They still own you.
In order to stay open, fast food chains are offering very healthy alternatives to greasy cheese burgers but guess what? All the food still comes from Monsanto's franken-food monopoly! Its all GMO! You are still owned!
Walmart store closures is indeed a rumor that I cannot verify.... But what alternatives have risen in their place??? Amazon??? Guess where all their products come from?? Same place as Walmart's!!! China! Indonesia! Where workers are treated like shit. You are still owned!
People are so tired of political bullshit and being lied to that they are actually convinced that Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders will be different..... Elected by the same corrupt system, with corrupted voting laws, corrupted voting machines, the influence of money and complete lies.... Just like always. ??????   You are still owned.
Kraft and General Mills - all natural, gluten free.... GMO food!!! You are still owned!

If you can't beat'em down, join'em! Before they gain the upper hand! Give them the entire kingdom.... As long as WE keep the keys.

They let you think you're changing the world for good.....
Its all advertising. It's smoke and mirrors.
You are powerless to discern and know the real truth! So you just give up and APPRECIATE your slavery..... Never understanding.... That it was never about any of these things mentioned above or any of the wonderful things that were not mentioned.
It was never about conspiracy theories or government plots....
It's not about the food or the election or the solar panels.....

It's about YOU knowing how to be genuinely free, inside and out.
It's about YOU becoming completely free of fear.
It's about YOU not only accepting responsibility for your own life, but YOU believing that you are allowed to do that, AND capable of doing that!!!
All of this .....!!!! All of it is about YOU.

Once YOU get it, everything else will fall into place. It's RIGHT place. With no struggle, no fight, no effort!
Until then, all your EFFORTS to make the world a better place will be FAKE. Band Aids. Lies to keep you from being SOVEREIGN.

It is a spiritual war.
It is an internal war.
Nothing else matters.
Yes, its that literal.

They'll let you have anything you think you want! As long as THEY maintain control....
You want tiny houses because they're more affordable??? Sure!!! As long as WE regulate them and raise the cost. You want solar power because its "earth-friendly" and cheaper????  Sure!!! But we'll be the ones building and regulating it, and WE'LL be the ones who profit off of this cheaper energy form.... (LMFAO!!! ATWTTB!!!!) You want "healthier" food??? Sure!!! We'll take out the chemical preservatives, because now we control the actual GENOME of all the plants that all your food comes from! You want affordable health care??? Sure!!! We can force everybody to pay for your health care against their will and convince everybody that we've done them all a huge, benevolent favor.... Knowing that the sick and dying will multiply exponentially in spite of all the wonderful medical advances that take place on a daily basis, because, what you don't know is that WE'RE the ones making you sick!!!! LMAO!!! ON PURPOSE!!!! LMAO!!!!
So SURE we'll give you what you think makes you free! We'll even let you fight for it so that you feel better about your efforts to make the world better for your kids and grandkids to come.
How wonderful is THAT!????

This message is to encourage anyone who feels like something is not quite right with the world out there....
This message is to encourage you to question and dig for answers...
This message is to inspire those dangling on the fence...
You are not alone. You are not crazy. You are not a conspiracy theorist just because you notice things are not what they appear to be.
You are awake.... or at least beginning to awaken.
It's ok. It's the right thing. Go with it!
The whole thing..... The meaning of life.... Is the battle for your conscience! The battle for your WILL! The battle over who will control your free will consent, your sovereign right to choose without being told what to do or how to do it.
This is the battle for your soul!

And that's ALL this is!
The Earth is not in danger....
The country, the weather, the food, the economy..... NONE of this is the point! Stop trying to change it and change YOU.
Your heart.....
That's what this is ALL about.

The end.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Bad Road of #Ascension

I could be very wrong all my.... Ascension(?) people... But it just does not jibe with me at all that - even a "cosmic event" may occur and - everybody suddenly (a relative term) wakes up and is on the same vibration of love and peace!

That totally violates free will and contradicts the choosing of a path and a journey..... I don't think the ancient prophecies of destruction were an option, but a description (from an individual perspective) of what has already happened.

"You can do anything you want! But I can see ahead and I know what you're going to choose, and this is what I saw."

Not everyone will CHOOSE to wake up and be a part of the Light in this moment!

Some also feel that this "transition" to the Light (that has already won the battle) will be very slow, and "normal".
Again, this does not resonate at all with the frequencies that we are now living in!
Darkness is upon us like you, (most of you obviously), would not or CAN not believe!

Yes there will be escalating events! Cosmic events!
But the choice will forever remain sovereign as to how one reacts!

Everything is for a reason, even our own demise.

Pick a horrible person in this world today that you feel is the absolute worst person alive!
Now BE that person.
People who search for and study awareness, consciousness, ascension have all run across the teaching that everyone is a reflection of some part of YOU!
Even the ones you encounter and think to yourself, "I would NEVER do what they do, or be like them!!!"

Who is the worst person you can think of?
Now..... Be that person.
Why do they do what they do and how do you know?

How do you think that person would react to: _____________ .
Not - How would YOU as this person react! 
But how do you honestly believe this person would react to.... say..... being incredibly wealthy and coming across poor person on the sidewalk?
What would this horrible person do and why would they do that?
Now imagine what happens to this HORRIBLE, ASSHOLE person.... that causes them to "WAKE UP"!
Where did all that horribleness go? What did this horrible person's horrible life ever mean? How does such a horrible person get to skip their work and go straight to enlightenment....!?

YOU DON'T KNOW THE ANSWERS TO THESE THINGS!!!! Because there's too much to know!
Not everyone is ready to join the light.....
Everything in our multiverse is a spiral.
Spirals are eternal.
They have no beginning, and no end.

Big cycles.
Bigger cycles.
Bigger still cycles.
GRAND cycles!
Cycles WITHIN cycles!!! Within larger cycles! Within Grander cycles........!
And on and on and on.....
Look up the word "fractal" and be mind-blown.

Bernie Sanders is NOT even PART OF the solution!!!!!!!!!!
He is NOT Team Light!
What none of you "ENLIGHTENED MOTHERFUCKERS" seem to be receiving is that THE ENTIRE SYSTEM is GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The WHOLE SYSTEM must go!!!!!
There IS NO candidate for the Light!
Because the Light has no political system AT ALL.
Why aren't any of you seeing this!?

We're not all gonna get raises!!! We're not all gonna get rid of the IRS!!! We're not gonna fix ANYTHING!!!!!
We are here TO START OVER.
Build something entirely new! On a new frequency!

There will be mass destruction!!! Like their has been many many.... countless  times before.
The Dark Matrix will NOT shut down quietly!
It will not surrender!
It must be played out to the end.
The LIGHT is not the LIGHT unless it encounters ALL DARKNESS, and overcomes it - not avoids it.

Avoidance without an authentic, personal, individual change of heart....

THAT is not peace!!!
THAT is not love!!!
THAT is not light!!!

You all have so much programmed shit in your heads.....!

I await to be proven wrong..........

The Band Aid Era and The #Almighty #Dollar

The core foundation...
Of what all principles of this entire era are based on...
Is - in a nutshell...
"the cart is before the horse".
This Horse is looking at you like you're stupid.... Because you are.

Appease the symptoms without ever addressing the root cause.
Hell... no one even knows the concept of "root cause".

The legal system
The education system
The medical system
The political system
All of everything is based SOLELY on treating symptoms, not solving actual problems.

The remedy for everything is to slap a band aid over it! I mean..... That's just what you do. You're crazy if you don't ! Something horrible might happen if you don't dowse it with antibiotics and cover it immediately!

What a master plan for "someone"..... !
It all goes back to power, control, and its greatest tool - Money.
If "problems" are never solved, then there's always a "need" created for dependency....
If humans Never figure this out, then the whole concept becomes a CASH COW!
The cart before the horse.... Is an intentional set up.
Who started it and who they are now is another message altogether, and actually a bit irrelevant.

Part of the foundational "cement" in this "master plan" is a program that causes all humans to believe that all humans are innately bad...
That given the opportunity, all humans will lie, cheat, steal, and even kill if they think it will serve their purpose and they can get away with it!
Given the opportunity, NO ONE is honest all the time, NO ONE has an air-tight, water-proof sense of integrity...
It is concretely believed that humans are NOT CAPABLE of being good of their own free will.
And because of this, there are kings and queens, judges, militia, priests and pastors.... principals, supervisors, CEOs.... SOMEONE has to be in charge. Otherwise, no one will do what they're supposed to!!!
And this is a running program in the human psyche, right now.
It is the core of your current human existence.
Actually, this is what the human experience has been based on since current recorded history, going back thousands and thousands of years.
It's all we know!

And so we assume that this is the only way there is to be.
[Herein lies the story of the REAL Shift... The REAL Ascension.... The REAL Apocalypse...]


Where did this belief come from???
Why can't  you be good all the time?
Well the first reason YOU BELIEVE you cannot be good all the time, is your definition of  "GOOD".
Whether you like it, believe it, accept it or not - your definition of "good" has been programmed into you thru RELIGION. Again, you don't have to believe in god for this social influence to have affected you! You can actively hate god and still fall under the influence of religious definitions.

So... Here it is:
What  those who hold illegitimate power fear most - is someone who does not NEED rules.
Not someone who BREAKS rules!
Someone who does not need them!!!
Someone who is independently "good"... Aware..... Awake..... Independently conscious and does not NEED to be told anything.
Someone who doesn't need god.
Someone who doesn't need money.
Some who NOTICES that the horse should be in front of the cart, and that any other way is insanity!
THAT scares the shit out of your masters!!!
The greatest, mightiest tool/weapon that those who hold illegitimate authority over you have ever held is MONEY.
Its what they use to control you.
And control you, they do!

It has slowly taken over every aspect of every little every thing on the entire planet! You can no longer do anything or go anywhere without MONEY.
And the scary part is - There is at least one generation - at this writing - maybe two, that don't see what's wrong with that!!!
They have never seen, felt, tasted, experienced natural freedom and independence from government "nanny-care" and life without the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR. I'm actually not talking about poor people here.... I'm referring to wealthy, successful people.......!
That's the scary part. The SAD part is, this new generation has all but swallowed up the still-living generations before them so that now even the ones who REMEMBER INDEPENDENCE.... no longer consider it a viable means of life......

That is the evidence that this is a pivotal moment in the story of humans. We have reached a point of no return on so many levels...... And you've all been so successfully programmed, distracted, and scared that you think you need to be worried about climate change and destroying the Earth.

In this writing, I do not care to take the time to spell it all out.
There is truth out there, if you really want truth.
I'm not holding any secrets for ransom, waiting for you to pay me to release them, that will prevent you from being free and knowing the truth!
I'm simply here to annoy the fuck out of you with scary messages like this about DOOM!!!!

Yeah..... That's what this message is about.
YOU'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh be sure to get more band aids while you're out..... You're gonna need a shit-ton of''em!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

#Prophecy and #Prophets

Prophecy does not mean "It is written in stone!!!" and cannot be changed.
Prophecy is not a WARNING of what could happen.

Prophecy is..... "Yall all got free will and you can do ANYTHING you want to! You are not locked into ANY fate ordained by any GODS!!! (But I see things..... And I know EXACTLY what yall all gone do... And he'it is...!) You don't believe me!?!? Watch what happens..... Just like I said.......!!!"

A Prophet is merely someone who is "tuned in" to a higher frequency of vibration, allowing them to see into timelessness, or the Akash, or "the future"....
Just like a wise mother who tells her child not to touch the hot burner on the stove.... She's not sealing the child's fate! by "prophesying" that it will hurt really bad. She just has a much grander perspective as a grown, experienced adult, than a 2 year old child does. The child has free will to choose. But the mother knows what's gonna happen before it happens..... Prophecy!

#Energy Report: April 9 #2016

Holding space for the Fringe.....

Anywhere the wind blows..... Nothing really matters..... to meeeeeeeeeeeeee.........

(Maybe its all just for me now.... Everytime I receive a message and open a page to write it down.... It vanishes!)

The Other Side. I feel an almost total disconnect. I am a wild animal perched high and safe in a tree watching them all... Scattering like ants around a bed that's just been stepped in...

Perspective is King! And SKEWED drastically and dramatically from one person to the next!!!
Have you noticed??

I feel the Warrior.
Not what you think.

Bat-Shit crazy but still sane... (wow)

The WAVES!!! They indeed keep coming. Extreme highs, extreme lows, noticeable calms.... But count on their soon return!!!
It's all about.... All in how you interpret them, ride them, respond to them....
Take it easy..... Don't let them overwhelm you, even if you have to just surrender and melt into them. "Overwhelm" is a state of mind. And nothing more.

9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. You may think you know what this means...... But you're more likely to be the ones its talking about.

Money, Politics, Vaccines, Panama Papers,
Bernie, Donnie, Hillie......

Which word does not fit with all the others in the group above?

Amazingly I bet you all answered correctly.
And you still play the game without flinching.

"Well what'r we supposed t'do!!!?"

The answer to that question decides your fate in this game you've created.

Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go
A little high, little low
Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me

Goodbye everybody I've got to go
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The #FourHorsemen of the #Apocalypse - #Revelation Chapter 6

The White Horse - Deception/False Peace
The Red Horse - Anger/Rage
The Black Horse - Greed
The Pale Horse - Hopelessness/Death

It is FIRST & FOREMOST a battle of the Human Soul!
The war is of the Heart, and THEN manifests in the world.
It is ALL a war of the HEART of HUMANITY.

Your consciousness.
That's all.
It's not about money, oil, transhumanism, singularity, life on Mars, poverty, gays, blacks, browns, whites, christians, hell, sin, muslims, bhuddists, Mother Earth, global warming, extinction of species, GOD, judgment, Jesus, aliens, reptilians, or aliens..........
Only your conscience!

Deception. Only your conscience can discern and embrace a true peace, or a false peace.

Anger. You have no where else to go, and the evidence is that you can no longer contain, bottle up, suppress the things you have not worked out within your... CONSCIENCE. Rage.

Greed. You have nothing left that makes any sense, nothing that is true, nothing with meaning. All that's left in you is primal brutal survival... Because fear is all you can feel.

Hopelessness. Insanity, depression.... It has all culminated into its inevitability. Hope has died completely and no longer resides on your Earth anywhere. You will believe anything and follow anyone. You are Dead.

Apocalypse - Old English, via Old French and ecclesiastical Latin from Greek apokalupsis, from apokaluptein ‘uncover, reveal,’ from apo- ‘un-’ + kaluptein ‘to cover.’

This is the revealing of the Sons of God

None of this happens in the outside world without it happening INside YOUR CONSCIENCE first!!!
The Apocalypse is the revealing of the sons of god.

Not to prove to you who we are.... But to prove to us.......