The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Saturday, July 30, 2016

#Exercising Your #American #Right to #Vote

Don't insult my intelligence by telling me I HAVE to vote for the lesser of two evils!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't lay that patriotic bullshit on me that its my American RIGHT and therefore somehow my DUTY to vote, that men and women have died to give me that right and that FREEDOM!!!!!!

It's ALSO my RIGHT to shoot you in the fucking head based on the clear evidence that you are a fucking ZOMBIE, and be tried in a UNITED STATES court of law by a jury of my peers!!!!

But you don't see me exercising THAT RIGHT EITHER DO YA!!!!???
Cuz its STOOPIT!!!!!

#Donald #Trump
#Hilary #Clinton
#Bernie #Sanders

All #Career #Politicians


Thursday, July 28, 2016

#Energy Report #4 #July #2016

In these waning moments of July 2016 there is yet another Energy Report....

This energy is cataclysmic in nature....
No one is listening anymore.
The gears have engaged.

My heart is heavy on so so so many levels right now.
MANY levels!
I feel it ALL.
And it hurts, It makes me literally queezy... and the battle in my mind to NOT ALLOW darkness to exalt itself is just fucking insane!
Robin Williams.


No one has listened.
I have written and written and written these messages for years.....
And now here it is.
No one listened.
Like a ghost screaming at the top of my lungs......
And nobody heard a word I said......

I don't really know how to put anything into words right now....
I've written it all before.

The spirit of deception.
Nothing is as it appears to be.
There is only one way and that is for the hearts of individuals to awaken and change.
And there will be no Jesus on a white horse saving all you idiots from yourselves.

You did not wake up.
You don't have a clue.
You've missed the entire meaning of this life.
You have chosen slavery over freedom because you did not learn what the truth was about either of those states of being.
You allowed yourself to be controlled by others.
You did not grow.
You did not take responsibility for your own self.

You mimicked and feigned these concepts like children pretending to be grown-ups, but you have no idea what it really means to be grown!

NO ONE will pray their way, or other's ways out of this darkness.
There is only one way out.

Wake up.
Accept the truth.
Follow your heart not your mind.

Read my old messages.
They're free.

And yet.... I still feel I haven't said anything in this message...
I don't know why.

There is NO ORDER right now.
There is no flow.
No rhyme No reason.
Everything is a lie.

With all that you have left, hold the light of truth and love.
Do not hold on to bitterness and allow it to consume you!!!
Everything is AMPLIFIED now!!!
Everything is dangerous.
You must live beyond this chaos.
You must KNOW in your HEART.
Love is the only thing that will survive.
And even Love does not look like most of you think its supposed to!

Wake The Fuck Up

Friday, July 22, 2016

We Are Here To Conquer & Become #Immune to #Evil Not #Fight It!

We are here to conquer evil, people!
We are here to cover it all!
To meet each and every imaginabley possible challenge in the most optimal efficient way there is, in order to EVOLVE into a more perfect being.
We are not here to FIGHT evil.
We are not here to SAVE people from evil.
We are here to CONQUER it altogether so that no matter how much evil there ever arises, it has not one ounce of influence over us!!! No matter how hard evil may try to get into us, into our heads, into our hearts.... There's just no way in, there's just no room inside of us for it to be! We've been there. We held that evil before.... Until we were thoroughly and completely exhausted and sick of it and we moved on - ie. we learned all its tricks, fell for all its lies, chased all its geese until we wore ourselves out, and began to realize it was not the way to happiness and freedom, and with all that struggle we developed.... IMMUNITY. We evolved!

The true warriors of light and truth are not here to change anything!
We are here to LIVE THRU IT!
We conquer by enduring.
We conquer by persistence of our inner resolution, our inner drive and desire to be well, to be whole, to be complete, as an INDIVIDUAL.
This is why so many (all!) people on the bliss train and the positivity trip fail miserably! It is not about making bad things go away with positive vibes. It is not about checking out and being removed from the darkness and demons. It is about letting them in and dealing with them until they have no more strength over you! YOU!

We are not here to fight and resist evil.
But to challenge it in the face.
To take on and slay every INNER demon that the darkness can come up with.
And THAT is the KEY that we must attain in our understanding right now - INNER!!!
There are no OUTER demons unless there are INNER demons!
This war is over our CONSCIENCE! Each and every INDIVIDUAL conscience!
Each and every soul must evolve, conquer their demons, become immune.
There is no more vaccinating demons away! Vaccinations - literal and spiritual ones - are KILLING US!
It is a personal, individual war for consciousness. Fighting evil externally is of absolutely no benefit.
An inner battle may indeed take on outer manifestations, for such is what we call "reality".
But there is no outer battle unless it is your personal, inner battle for peace, freedom, immunity, and love. We are only of service to others, the collective, the tribe, when we are "doing me".

And NO NO NO this does not mean that everyone must endure every most horrible atrocity imaginable!!!! No!!! It just isn't necessary.
The point is INNER resolve. An impenetrable complete inner being that is completely immune to evil!

It's that simple!

Carry on.....

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Our Newest #Vocabulary Word... #Compartmentalization

Your new vocab word is.... Compartmentalization.

Study its inference from the Wiki link below.

Your homework assignment - as you observe your surroundings on a daily basis, including EVERYTHING, even TV,  - see how many instances of Compartmentalization you believe could be occurring. 

"but most did not know what, exactly, they were doing......."

#Energy #Report #3 for #July #2016

This is a toxins purge.
This is what you are experiencing right now.
It is not illness, sickness, disease or anything you're used to hiding behind.
Toxins are being forced out of us! All!

The Galaxy, The Earth, The Matrix, Individuals.....

Recognize, accept, respect, appreciate, and cooperate.... It will go much easier with you.
Fight it! Resist it! Medicate it! Label it as something that it is not! ..... It's gonna fuck you up!

This is it people. This is it. This is the end of this bullshit mess we've made!
The time has come.
We are at the window of the cycle where we level up, or get chewed up, swallowed up, shit out, and buried.
It's a grand grand cycle.
The window approaches.
There is no angry god. Tho some might explain it and interpret it that way.... And actually, if that's all you can grasp, then its ok! Angry god!

The cycle will continue regardless of you or how you interpret it!!!
Participate at your own pace, and your own level, at your own free will.
But if you are standing on top of the volcano when it wakes up as part of the grand cycle, and you do not move - REGARDLESS OF THE REASON WHY - you will get blown to bits in the now, and come back in another form on another day.... According to what your soul needs next in order to have the sense of awareness and consciousness it takes to know when to get the fuck off of waking volcanoes!!!

Its all about awareness.
That's it.
Nothing more.

Anything that stands in the way of your evolution, your expansion, your growing awareness..... Can and will be used against you!!!

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times......

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Yet Another #Energy #Report for #July #2016

Lift your heads, for your redemption draws nigh....

The message of Grace has been seen by others.... and has been going from trickle to flow.
Grace is the focus, Grace is the current flavor of love, the current aroma of ascension process, the current color of frequency, the current sound of vibration.... Grace. Grace. Grace she said.

Grace, the hand that miraculously grabs your wrist, strong secure and steady, just as you lose your grip and begin to plummet to your certain ugly death from the 100th floor of a skyscraper, where you'd run to escape the evil demons of the dark city.
Grace, who sees you flailing and lagging behind. You are not going to make it. And as you collapse, and that one drop of magic bleeds from your heart onto the unforgiving black asphalt and you are lost... Only to raise your head and wonder where the hell you are and why you're not dead. Grace is how you got there.

Grace is not forgiveness.
Grace is not a free pass.
Grace is the spirit in the wind that you can never hold and never know.
You never deserve Grace!
And Grace does not deserve you.
You are not lucky.
You are not chosen.
You are not special.

Reality does not really exist in this current moment.
It is chaos.
This is what chaos is.
Everything swirling, defying, denying, grasping desperately for anything and everything familiar, and all that is familiar is an illusion that crumbles before your eyes.

And yet.... in this moment.... for only a moment more.... Grace is everywhere! Do no mock her. Just accept her and go on from where you are, before her time is complete.

Death.... is everywhere.
Decay is setting in.
My soul can smell it, and feel it.
It is a bit unnerving at times.

Chaos Chaos Chaos.
It is right on time.
Everything is SO SO SO very foreign to me in this place!
Amplified, Magnified, Intensified.
Don't forget to breathe.
Slipping... Crashing... Fading......

Like that.

Monday, July 18, 2016

#Taxation Without #Representation

It still goes on because....
You're still angry because.....
There's no justice and no resolution manifesting because.....

Taxation without representation!
Taxation without representation!
Taxation without representation!!!

This is what drove people away from GOVERNMENT to these very shores over 400 years ago!
Taxed to DEATH!!!
With no one representing me, my reality, my truth.

You're still hurting everyday because....
You have Fake people, speaking Fake words, with Fake voices, and Fake intentions REPRESENTING YOU.
Talking heads.
Same ol' words, over and over and over...

It's all a setup and you're falling for it!!!
It's just the TV head-talkers spewing shit and you're believing every fucking word of it.
You swallow it like freshly killed meat!
No one around me is acting like that. No one around me is out of control.
It's a choice people.

THEY are the problem!!!
Representation without taxation....

Stop being so goddamn stupid.
Now everybody's scared and hating because the TV told them everybody else in the world was doing it!!!
Are you as dumb as they think you are....?

Sunday, July 17, 2016

#Energy #Report #July #2016 #Ascension #Message #Songs

Pay attention....


Close your eyes....
Don't try to fight it....
Let the rhythm get into you...

Relax your mind.....  Wait a minute.

I don't know if this is something others understand or not.
But I see everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, differently.
What the entire world may interpret as a "love song" filled with sexual innuendo, I hear a message much bigger! I understand sex itself as something MUCH BIGGER than most people even grasp. Therefore its not just a love song to me, it is GOD speaking to the love and desire of every living heart. Songs are very often timeless messages (one clue they're god-songs) that come to you when you need to hear them. Along with the music, which is vibration and frequency, it speaks to you in ways that normal language just cannot. Or at least it can if you.... PAY ATTENTION.

Again!!!! "GOD" is not the religious Christian or Muslim or Jewish God that most people identify with, to me!!!! God is the universe, the source, the force, the origin of us all and we are all extensions and expressions of that unlimited intention that really is "GOD". God is anything and everything trying to find its way to expand and grow in love and joy. God is the yin and the yang. God truly is all, and in all, and without god there would be nothing. God is the intention that when realized becomes US.

Most people just see another singer, another "star", another fad or sensation that some hate and others lose their minds over. But most "stars" are actually much much more than that. They have an incredible energy that when expressed in their art form feeds the rest of us in ways that most people just don't get. They are indeed stars, set high so that the light they shine, the energy they emit, is available to the masses, and they are here to emit a very specific energy and frequency in order to assist the rest of us in building the universe. And we ALL build best in love, joy, and peace.
Music is the Universal Language because your mind does not have to understand it, it is energy and it is FELT.
As with all truly spiritual truths, you have to get past the stories, the hype, the celebrity, the HUMANITY and be open enough to hear, see, feel GOD.
Not just in Michael, but in ALL THINGS.
Michael is very very special. Many beautiful messages were delivered into our consciousness thru him. Encoded as it were, like so many other songs thru out time....

Here comes a message.
I've posted song messages before.
Most of you probably did NOT get it!!!
And.... It is a life-long style or trait of mine, to NOT explain certain messages to anyone! I almost DARE you to get it!!!!  It's a test. And most fail.

But for some damn reason I feel the feel to drop some clues this time.... So,
H'yeah-it go!

Girl, close your eyes   ("Girl" meaning all who hear, all who have embraced the feminine ability to receive the spirit, the integration of higher self. "Close your eyes" as a act of releasing the crutches of the five physical senses and allowing a meditative state.)
Let that rhythm get into you  (The rhythm is that of creation, nature, source, spirit.)
Don't try to fight it (Don't try to reason or justify things in your mind.)
There ain't nothing that you can do   (There's nothing your mind - ego can do to make things happen. We've come to the time that we operate in energy, or we suffer doing it the old way.)
Relax your mind (A meditative practice)
Lay back and groove with mine (Connect with god, higher self, spirit freely)
You gotta feel that heat  (Heat is often associated with the flow and movement of spiritual energy. In recent times, many feel a lot of heat a lot of the time. We call it "intensity"...)
And we can ride the boogie (If you've gotten this far and you don't know from experience what "riding the boogie" is, and  the ONLY thing you can think of is sex...... Again, its so much GRANDER than the human sex act! And if you don't get that, then explaining will do you no good.)
Share that beat of love

I want to rock with you (all night)  (Rocking is a very spiritual practice, not as a methodology, but as a natural occurrence. You really do begin to feel the rhythm  and naturally rock. Jews do it, mystics do it, so do Autistics...)
Dance you into day (sunlight)  (Again, dance is very very very spiritual!!! It accomplishes what effort, logic, and ego cannot!)
I want to rock with you (all night)

Rock the night away
Out on the floor  (Out there where it all takes place. It is time to make all this spiritual blah blah blah MANIFEST, Real, Live it LIVE, not in words, sermons, workshops, or books!!! Go BE what you talk about, be the messages.)
There ain't nobody there but us  (No concerns of fear, judgment, right or wrong. By now you should  have it solid that you are god, god is you, you are never alone, and no one else really matters!)
Girl when you dance
There's a magic that must be love (Get it yet??? Dance, Magic, Love.... God Spirit HigherSelf.....     That's how it gets done, not thru the mind's lead or logic!)
Just take it slow  (No rush in spirit.... There is no time, there is eternity.)
'Cause we got so far to go
You gotta feel that heat
And we gonna ride the boogie
Share that beat of love

I want to rock with you (all night)
Dance you into day (sunlight)
I want to rock with you (all night)
We gone rock the night away

And when the groove is dead and gone (yeah) (A lot of people have been feeling a huge, impactful drop-off lately! Like all the guides and angels they're used to have up and gone! This only means the training wheels have come off. We are indeed becoming GOD in this Earth!)
You know that love survives (We should be at the point where we don't need to be baby-sat and coached over every little thing! We KNOW that it is ALL about love and that we can COUNT on it!!! FOREVER!!! Don't doubt it, don't struggle with it! KNOW IT.)
So we can rock forever, on

I want to rock with you
I want to groove with you

I want to rock (all night) with you girl (sunlight)
Rock with you, rock with you (yeah) (all night)
Dance the night away

I want to rock with you (yeah) (all night)
Rock you into day (sunlight)
I want to rock with you (all night)
Rock the night away

Feel the heat feel the beat
Rock you into day (sunlight)
I want to rock-rock the night away.

Rock With You - A god-message via Michael Jackson, for the now.
Listen to it, and hear it this time!

Rock With You - Michael Jackson

Thursday, July 7, 2016

#Pain Is The Answer

Whoever's supposed to be on my team and whoever's supposed to have my back when its my turn to get in the ring..... YOU SUCK! This HURTS!!!
WHY do people put shit like this on facebook (any social media)?!?!? Because goddamnit we are all dying and we need to be heard!!!
This may be sad but its the only 'world-wide' community we have.
I don't know why I'm on the wrong side of heaven, but here I am. 
I can't see the light. I just have to know that its there. Somewhere. 
I can't vomit positive affirmation all goddamn day! 
I don't live on some isolated mountain range where everything is bliss! 

I am not NEAR as dark as people assume I am. Rather I am a reflection of current energy. 
This shit is here whether you believe in it, like it, see it, feel it, or not! 
I am your sign. I am your test. I am acid. 
And I can hold this shit in for so long and then it starts to eat me alive from the inside! 

Ignore what I say. 
Believe in the light tribe and high vibes all you want. 
Pain is gripping this world. 
And integration will not let those who are the real light tribe escape that!!! 
This is NOT the end of the 7 year tribulation! 
This is only the beginning.... It is not over and it is not going away. 
It is not getting easier. It will continue until it is no longer necessary. 
Its going to continue until you figure out how you're supposed to be.
Its going to continue until you realize that EVERYTHING around you is false!
Its all a lie.
And now YOU have to clean it up and make it right.

Pain pain pain.... Learn what its about and stop trying to "positive vibe" it away! 
The answer is in your heart and NO WHERE ELSE.
This will not be voted away. 
This will not be resolved with any politics. 
This will not be made right with more laws. 

You want accountability??? Hold on to your asses! 
We can be fat slaves or we can be free and sovereign. 
We can no longer be one in truth and pretend to be the other in our minds. 

The racial drama is real and it is INTENTIONAL and it is here to test your hearts!!! 
Don't fall for it! Don't fall for any of it!!! 
Its all a set up....
Black lives may be more polarized than white lives, but they do NOT matter anymore than any other lives! And until you get that fucking racist speck out of your eye and accept that we are ALL slaves to lying white men!!!!! Nothing is going to get better.

I may appear to be white but that proves nothing! I've not had a DNA test!

Now where's my goddamn team?!? 
I'm fucking drowning and no one's noticing.... 
Go ahead. Wonder why.
Just because I'm ok doesn't relieve you of your responsibility.

Pain Pain Pain........ We are one. Right?
The answer is in your heart and no where else
In your heart and no where else
Your heart
No where else..........

You will not escape.


You know what hurts my soul so much that I loathe....???

People who honestly believe that they've EARNED something!
People who feel that they've worked SO HARD that they deserve something!
People who feel entitled to what they have what they own what they possess....

People who believe with all their heart that you can earn your way to good. That you can and must work your ass off to be right, deserving, respectable.
People who honestly truly believe that those who do not do things that way are lazy beggars and don't deserve anything!

And what just explodes the cherry on top o'that cake for me is that a shit ton of these people identify as CHRISTIAN!
In which case their very own Jesus died in vain.... Cuz they didn't need him, they could've worked their way out of sin and into holiness just fine on their own!!!

I loathe these people.
I do not apologize.
I am not sorry that I loathe them.

These people have a lot to hate, a lot to be angry about, a lot to judge.

I'll say it out loud: These people are unevolved shitbags! They are children who honestly believe that they're better than everybody else.
They are egos with dead souls!
They are the scum bottom feeders of the Earth.

They can't see beyond their narrow fucking noses.
They are the spirit that killed Jesus.

Does this piss you off?!?!?!?
Am I too much???????

But at least I know understand acknowledge and ACCEPT why I don't have any friends!!! I don't blame other people!

#Energy Report July 2016


I don't really wanna write these anymore. I'm forcing myself...
Yet I feel a very real compulsion to put this out.
I am literally nauseous.
I feel anxiety inside.
Nothing makes sense to me anymore.
I am seriously struggling with reality!

How can people be so heartless......

I cannot find my tribe. I cannot connect with anyone. At all.
People are so painful to me right now.
I am almost constantly on the verge of tears.

And money..............
Money has taken over everything including love and caring.
You cant reach out and become friends you must pay for a session...
You must pay for encouragement, guidance, love, friendship....
I have no money. I can't get any money. It runs from me. It mocks me.

How can people be so cruel.....

I cant escape it anymore.
All I can think of is this must be how Robin Williams felt.
So completely overwhelmed by inner noise and feelings and nothing makes sense and no one understands and nothing makes sense and no one sees and everything is about money and I have no money and people are violent about judging people who are different and there is no light and no matter how much I know and how much I learn it just never makes any sense in the end it never ends theres so much pain so much pain so much pain so easy to be hard so easy to be cold.......

And all the while, I do not believe this! I believe in the light! But I have no faith, none whatsoever, that I will ever reach it....

I feel the loathing and the disdain for the poor, the stranger, the misunderstood.....
I feel it all the time now, like a knife jabbing into my gut.
It is severe depression!!!
Except for the fact that its not.

Nothing do you hear me nothing makes sense to me anymore.
I am struggling with reality.

NO ONE sees me.
NO ONE hears me.
No one cares.......

I have lost contact.

Nothing clicks, nothing comes together, nothing works.... There are few and vague synchronisities.

I am seriously worried about my kids being left alone.
I'm not allowed to ask for help.
What I say from a personal voice and what people hear me saying is most often two different things.
I cannot.

All I want is love.
But that's not enough for a lot of people!
You have to work your ass off to prove your self your worth your value... And its still not good enough. Nothing is ever good enough.
How can people be so heartless. How can people be so cruel. Easy to be hard. Easy to be cold. How can people have no feelings. How can they ignore their friends, Easy to be proud. Easy to say no. Especially people who care about strangers who care about evil and social injustice. Do you only care about the fucking crowd.... Hard cold selfish dead inside....

I really need to get outta here or I'm gonna get removed......
No one can go on living with this pain this senselessness this madness.....

It is written that someone once said Vanity of vanities, all is in vain. In the end fear God and keep his commandments for this is the lot of man.
I disagree.
Fear nothing, be free, obey no one but your own heart, and love one another. No conditions.

Songwriters Ragni, Gerome / Rado, James / Mac Dermot, Galt
Published by Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
Read more: Hair - Easy To Be Hard Lyrics | MetroLyrics