The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Fallacy of "Jobs"

The biggest reason advancing technology is "held back" and kept secret by the government is that it will change the economy, and the government will lose control of it.  If life changing, planet saving discoveries and inventions become available to the public and actually begin to solve the world's most desperate problems, the money stops.
If people begin to go "off grid", what happens to the utility companies!?  They suddenly have no income. Because people no longer need them. The next logical concern in MOST minds is - What about all those people losing JOBS!!! If the company they work for no longer has a cash flow, then paychecks cannot be given.  So what happens to all those unemployed people, many of whom have families to support?

The Illusion
Why does anybody need to a job?
"To take care of themselves and their families" is a very broad answer.  Let's break it down.
To pay rent/mortgage, to buy food, clothes, toiletries, to pay utilities, insurances, loans.....
Well.... the American Dream is to be so financially secure that you..... DON'T HAVE TO WORK.  Yet few find a way to do that honestly.  Many others sell their souls to become financially secure.
So, what's the average Jane & Joe supposed to do???

For starters, wake the fuck up.  There are so many alternatives that can provide the things we need! Hence so much new technology that allows good people to go off grid!
That's what the Janes and Joes have to do.  They have to realize that they are capable of so much more than slave labor.  A good start would be to just google off grid living.  This is an EXPLODING trend!  People are doing it more often and learning better ways to do it every second!  Most of this information is FREE! Sure there are books you can buy... but that's a really small investment if it means giving you a genuine life of freedom.
Free energy means you don't have an energy bill to pay!  Liberated!
Therefore you no longer need a job for that reason.
 Growing your own food is also a major trend.  How much money do you spend on shit that is killing you that you call food just because its convenient and requires little effort?  Take that money and grow your own food.  Google it.  With your food supply coming into alignment, your costs are cut WAY down.  But beware of pervasive side affect!  HEALTH!
If you begin to learn about how to simply be healthy, you will no longer need insurance.  Or doctors.  Or dentists.
WOW!  We've just liberated the majority of a typical household budget!

Why else might you need a job?

Now you have LOTS of free time!  Now you have the capacity for much greater health.  Now you can "BE" a family, instead of just whining about how hard you work to take care of that family.  Hell you may discover that you're not really a family at all!  Adjust accordingly.
But also you now have time to truly live your dream...!  Now you have time and space to be you.  Again you may be in for a great discovery in finding that because of being a programmed slave all your life, you don't know who the hell you are!  Are you a chef? A painter? A healer? A boat builder? A seamstress? And once you find out.... What do you do with yourself!?
You give back.  You help others.
No job! Or degree or certificate or license or legal documents... no paychecks, no excessive payouts... no stressing over promotions or retirement funds... Life.  Just pure enjoyment of life.  NOW, not when your 65.

Why is it so bad to lose your job?  Our human goal is to be free anyway!  It scares you because you are unprepared.  Get prepared!  If we become willingly responsible for ourselves, our brothers and sisters, our neighbors... then all the big bad monsters that control us and make life on Earth a living HELL.... go away.
Face them and the fears they represent for you.  By walking away, and knowing that you can thrive without them.

The technology is here.  NOW.  But it will never be in our grasp, it will be hidden or controlled by the government to profit off of, all while they proclaim victories for the people for "creating" jobs.  Doesn't that sound like "busy work"??  Why should a job have to be "created"!?

Nikolai Tesla.... Google him.  He was the greatest inventor and innovator in modern history.  He wanted to make the world a better place.  He wanted to share all his inventions and discoveries with the world, for free. Because that's our goal, remember!  But everything he ever did was stolen from him... And his inventions are now our contemporary MONSTER CORPORATIONS that are bleeding us to death for profits..... And destroying the Earth as they go, with no regard whatsoever.

The technology is here, and most of it is NOT yet in the hands of the government.  No, it's not easy.  But opening your heart and mind to the possibilities can be very exciting!  Making small changes here and there, lessening your dependency on Big Brother and allowing yourself to grow into a better lifestyle eventually turns into big changes.  Get creative!  USE YOUR IMAGINATION!!! Use your gifts!  And share it all.

All I wanna say is that, they don't really care about us.

No, we don't need more jobs!
We need to stop feeding the monsters......
They only create jobs "for us" so that we can continue to make shit for them to profit off of.

Going Off Grid Nears Tipping Point, Morgan Stanley Reports

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Because I'm HAPPY!

It's been a while....
I've been so . . . discouraged?  Nobody's listening. So why bother....
But here's some stuff that I feel needs some random attention, whether any of you dumbfucks read it or not.

Jimmy Buffet is a god.  I love him/his music/his vibe.  Tickets to see one of his shows:  ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!? JESUS would have to get a payday advance to buy those shits!

Cesar Millan is a god.  I love him/his message/his methods/ his vibe. And he's cute as hell! Price of one of his training camps: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!?  Jesus would say, "Aw HELL NAW! I'll buy a damn muzzle!"

People are not sheep!  Sheep are sheep and they do "sheep" very well.  To call dumbfuck people "sheep" is an insult to perfectly fine sheep.  People are AMOEBAS!!!!

Vaccines.  Really...?  Nobody knows what that shit is and AMOEBAS are too stupid to question the "authoritarians", they just trust them blindly.  Look around.  Vaccines are killing us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Our childrens and our pets!!!!  Stop vaccinating and start using your fucking brain capacity HUMANS.  RESEARCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370.  Again.  Really??? It's a false flag!  It's a set up.  It was planned!  It's not missing....!  No one will know the real truth for a very long long time... till all the AMOEBAS have forgotten about it and no longer CARE.  AMOEBAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EVERYTING ELSE IN THE HEADLINES.... LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's all lies and many of you know it and yet....... you keep playing the damn game like you just might win.

It's too late.
It's over.  OVER!
You lose.

Here come bad news talkin this & that.  Well gimme all ya got n don't hold back.  I should prolly warn ya I'll be just fine.  No offense to you but don't waste ya time... Here's why... Because I'm HAPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Because I'm HAPPYYYYYYYYYYY. Because I'm HAPPYYYYYYYYYY. Because I'm HAPPYYYYYYYYY!