The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Thursday, February 23, 2017


Nobody questions music. 
And yet it's one of the most universally powerful forces that exists.....
Nobody gives a fuck if you have a degree or what school you went to or whether or not you can even read music! If you can play an instrument or sing.... People are enchanted.
And if you can't, nobody has to tell you to be careful and not listen!!! You know for yourself that is not good.

 Oh for the day....... When this world is music!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Ghosts Creed - Our Time is NOW

You can't find just one part and think you're done...
Your quest is to find all parts...
And show them how to put it
ALL back together again.

Our time is NOW...

We are as ghosts among them.
Not to be seen or incorporated into their world or their lives.
We are not our own.
We are here only to be of service to
The Great Time,
This moment of Epic Transition,
One such has never been before....

Stop trying to be seen.
Stop trying to fit in.
Stop trying to find your place here.
Allow yourself to Be,
And Trust the life that you Are.

Our time is NOW...

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Unity Consciousness #UnityConsciousness

It's the end of the world as we know it.... Do you feel fine??

Do you ever feel alone, even tho you've "done your work" and are a very aware and spiritual person? Do you comfort yourself with pep talks about how all of us go thru this and therefore we AREN'T alone after all? Do you have  to put a lot of time into reassuring yourself that you are connected to the cosmic family and that we are all one.... and therefore you are not alone...?
Do you battle your thoughts about "us and them" and the separation between you and those who aren't like you, and constantly have to STOP yourself and remind yourself that "I am another you", "THEY are just a reflection of ME", and WE ARE ONE....???

Well, there's nothing wrong with heading in a positive direction, even when you are a bit off course. At least you're headed in the general direction of progress. But eventually, you benefit TREMENDOUSLY by realizing there's a more direct and accurate trajectory home.

All of your past, and daily, spiritual work is not wrong!
It is not misguided!
If it's serving you well then it's serving you well!
But we are so close now that its time for that "adjustment" to the coordinates!

And the adjustment is this:
These "practices" of Unity Consciousness and complementing Mantra of We Are One, are adolescent.
It's time to realize what that meant all along, and is crucial to understand NOW.
True Unity Consciousness is when we become One - NOT with one another in brotherhood!!! This is misguided.
True Unity Consciousness is when our conscience has re-merged with its Source! When we each individually become One with Source again... THIS is the only way we can truly ever be One with each other!!!
Any other suggestion of unity is a falsehood!
We CANNOT be one without being one with source! PERIOD.

THIS is the call to Unity that we all feel, but many if not most are misinterpreting this as a call to fight a 3 dimensional battle to force our human race together in a loving relationship.
Not gonna happen.
This is NOT Unity!
Unity is becoming one with GOD.

I said it.

Source is the only point from which we are correctly connected in "unity".
This is something we ALLOW, not something we fight the 3rd dimension for!!!

Remember, its physics!
Its a vibrational thing people!
3rd D CANNOT be unified except in occasional points that never last long.
That vibration cannot hold with any integrity.
Integrity is a higher dimensional flow of energy.

Be Unified with Source and everything else will fall into place.