The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Saturday, April 23, 2016

#Energy #Report: #April 18 and A Little More... #2016

I feel such a need to write this and yet... Such... struggle??

It's like it's there... but it's not. Like it's trying real hard to come thru the veil, but doesn't have the strength to do so...

Mystikal...! To say the least!

It's more intense than any of you realize, because you're so "engaged", "entangled", in the intensity of the symptoms right now.
There is SO much more in motion, right now, than you want to know about. And this is such truth!
I'm trying really hard not to use exclamations and multiple exclamations after every sentence... !

The Earth, Gaia, is twisting in and out of  shapes and magnetics and polarities... If you had been taught anything of value in school you'd be terrified! Or at least aware and prepared and excited...!
The reason you're not scared is because you're really stupid, dumbed down, and well trained to be that way... You were never taught truth or how to search for it.... And because the changes are so gargantuan that they are almost unnoticeable on our small, 5 to 6 foot scale of walking humans.
And by gargantuan I mean galactic... The WHOLE GALAXY is changing!!! Dramatically!

It's just plain weird to walk around these days... All I see are people running on programs!
It's like they aren't even real anymore.
Genuine kindness is rare and profound from my perspective. The slightest degree of human authenticity brings me to tears.

The intel is so fast I cannot put it all into words, and quite frankly, I have little belief in the fact that anyone is paying attention anyway. Maybe that's part of the struggle for this message to come thru... No one's listening.
I write it anyway as a means of putting the seed into the ground. It is an ancient spiritual practice.
It is all very alive inside of me!

Still, the energies are focused on "me", self.
I cringe at those who are out there still trying so hard to change the world and make it a better place! Especially "the awakened"... Not so awake from my perspective......!
But I guess that's the limit of their capacity for now.

I on the other hand, feel and see and hear and just all around know, a different vibration all together!
It feels very other-worldly to me. And just what does THAT mean???
It means I really really really feel like a foreigner in a place where all the customs and cultures are vastly different from where I come from. Literally.
I don't understand how selfish and unkind humans are.
I don't understand how complicated they make everything, and how blind they are to the severity of the damage all this causes.
I don't understand how afraid of love humans are, and how corrupted their definition of it is.
These things come natural to me and always have. And so I assume it is a "gift" I have to bring these notions, these truths, these enlightenments to the world.... at least to those around me.
But no one wants what I have, therefore no one understands me, and therefore I feel alienated - Alien. From another world.

I feel the energy of this world trying desperately to transition into a higher dimension. A place where the five biological human senses are set free and connected energetically into an open system, no longer limited by barriers of beliefs and old stories of what someone else wanted reality to be.
A place where humans can see, believe in, and actually participate in SOVEREIGNTY... which is true freedom, which is of a higher dimension than this current world system or matrix exists in.

And I also feel that the "struggle" has much to do with MERCY and GRACE. It could all be coming down MUCH MUCH harder and faster than it is!
And so there's a struggle in the air..... A tension, and energy.... The back and forth waves of "This has GOT to happen NOW!" and "Oh God I can't take this anymore!!! It's too much!!!"  but it must happen.... but its too much.... but like birth, you can only calm yourself, relax, and compassionately let it happen......

I don't know what else.....

And this is how long it took to get this out....!
Ya know I read a lotta astrological bullshit about this Full Moon in Scorpio! Most of it just did not rez... (resonate).
So here's the message I recieved... Undercover. Underground. It's busy as hell in places you cannot see! You can know... but you can't see it.
Deep. Deep deep deep deep deep.........
And this is the very shit you NEED to be "knowing"!
There is big big big shit brewing children.
Now is not the time to allow old-skool complacency to lull you to sleep....
The " Yeah we've heard that a million times before!!!" "Nothing ever happens. Nothing's gonna happen!"
Something's gonna happen.
The Earthquakes were just symptoms.

Two sides to every coin.....
One side is pretty fucking scary.
Am I  the only one who finds it hilarious/odd how we have suddenly begun to find and actually report countless discoveries of CITIES being found UNDER the Oceans?!?!?!?!?
As in.... They got BURIED.
Completely..... BURIED.

Get it???

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