The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

#Disney Has A #Solar #Farm !!!!

Isn't the world becoming a better place!?!
The changes are slowly trickling into reality.... Against all odds and everyone's worst conspiracy theory fears.... :
Tiny Houses are making their way into being legal and mainstream options!
Solar is actually being accepted as not only viable but preferable by the mainstream power companies!
Fast Food chain profits are so low that McDonald's is closing stores!
Walmart has been rumored to be closing stores!
People are waking up en masse! Whether you like Donald or Bernie, these extreme frontrunners are evidence that people are DONE with all the bullshit politics!
All major food companies are now proudly advertising all natural versions of old favorites like Kraft Mac n Cheese and Cheerios!


So........ Isn't this great???
I don't know about you but I smell bullshit.
What no one grasps..... Is that YOU ARE STILL OWNED!!!!
Tiny Houses are gaining legitimacy, but now they will become regulated and MORE EXPENSIVE! And COST was the main reason tiny houses ever became a thing to start with! Regulated! They still own you.
Disney in Orlando now has its own solar farm.... Built by DUKE ENERGY! They still own you.
In order to stay open, fast food chains are offering very healthy alternatives to greasy cheese burgers but guess what? All the food still comes from Monsanto's franken-food monopoly! Its all GMO! You are still owned!
Walmart store closures is indeed a rumor that I cannot verify.... But what alternatives have risen in their place??? Amazon??? Guess where all their products come from?? Same place as Walmart's!!! China! Indonesia! Where workers are treated like shit. You are still owned!
People are so tired of political bullshit and being lied to that they are actually convinced that Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders will be different..... Elected by the same corrupt system, with corrupted voting laws, corrupted voting machines, the influence of money and complete lies.... Just like always. ??????   You are still owned.
Kraft and General Mills - all natural, gluten free.... GMO food!!! You are still owned!

If you can't beat'em down, join'em! Before they gain the upper hand! Give them the entire kingdom.... As long as WE keep the keys.

They let you think you're changing the world for good.....
Its all advertising. It's smoke and mirrors.
You are powerless to discern and know the real truth! So you just give up and APPRECIATE your slavery..... Never understanding.... That it was never about any of these things mentioned above or any of the wonderful things that were not mentioned.
It was never about conspiracy theories or government plots....
It's not about the food or the election or the solar panels.....

It's about YOU knowing how to be genuinely free, inside and out.
It's about YOU becoming completely free of fear.
It's about YOU not only accepting responsibility for your own life, but YOU believing that you are allowed to do that, AND capable of doing that!!!
All of this .....!!!! All of it is about YOU.

Once YOU get it, everything else will fall into place. It's RIGHT place. With no struggle, no fight, no effort!
Until then, all your EFFORTS to make the world a better place will be FAKE. Band Aids. Lies to keep you from being SOVEREIGN.

It is a spiritual war.
It is an internal war.
Nothing else matters.
Yes, its that literal.

They'll let you have anything you think you want! As long as THEY maintain control....
You want tiny houses because they're more affordable??? Sure!!! As long as WE regulate them and raise the cost. You want solar power because its "earth-friendly" and cheaper????  Sure!!! But we'll be the ones building and regulating it, and WE'LL be the ones who profit off of this cheaper energy form.... (LMFAO!!! ATWTTB!!!!) You want "healthier" food??? Sure!!! We'll take out the chemical preservatives, because now we control the actual GENOME of all the plants that all your food comes from! You want affordable health care??? Sure!!! We can force everybody to pay for your health care against their will and convince everybody that we've done them all a huge, benevolent favor.... Knowing that the sick and dying will multiply exponentially in spite of all the wonderful medical advances that take place on a daily basis, because, what you don't know is that WE'RE the ones making you sick!!!! LMAO!!! ON PURPOSE!!!! LMAO!!!!
So SURE we'll give you what you think makes you free! We'll even let you fight for it so that you feel better about your efforts to make the world better for your kids and grandkids to come.
How wonderful is THAT!????

This message is to encourage anyone who feels like something is not quite right with the world out there....
This message is to encourage you to question and dig for answers...
This message is to inspire those dangling on the fence...
You are not alone. You are not crazy. You are not a conspiracy theorist just because you notice things are not what they appear to be.
You are awake.... or at least beginning to awaken.
It's ok. It's the right thing. Go with it!
The whole thing..... The meaning of life.... Is the battle for your conscience! The battle for your WILL! The battle over who will control your free will consent, your sovereign right to choose without being told what to do or how to do it.
This is the battle for your soul!

And that's ALL this is!
The Earth is not in danger....
The country, the weather, the food, the economy..... NONE of this is the point! Stop trying to change it and change YOU.
Your heart.....
That's what this is ALL about.

The end.

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