The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Friday, January 1, 2016

A SPECIAL Energy Report: New Year's Eve 2015

Farewell you inglorious bastard!!!
And thanks..... (for the worst year of my life....)

Energy Report:
Still with the aching joints.
Air is thin.
Always sick but not sick.
What are they spraying us with......? (It's not just the spray....)

How matter is behaving differently?
Do you stumble with material objects a lot lately?
Is your hair feeling, looking, acting funny?
Is food strange? All your dishes are turning out perfect all of a sudden... OR All of your dishes are disasters all of a sudden??
The pudding just won't thicken and the dough just won't rise??
Time jumps??

Nothing seems to be working quite right!
Because MATTER is changing.
Atoms are changing.
Gravity is changing.
The atmosphere is changing.
The magnetics of this planet are shifting.

All these things affect how matter behaves.
It's not just the climate and weather that are changing!
The same things causing the climate and weather extremes are also affecting MATTER aka "the material world".
The building blocks of what we know as "real".

You can think its all heeby-jeeby bullshit hype...
You cant think its magic....
You can call it GOD....
You can claim that it's too complicated to understand....
But the fact remains - It IS explainable with science and physics, there ARE those who know exactly what's going on, and you CAN begin to understand what's happening to YOUR world if you so desire and choose to!
Most will just hide behind the familiarity of their illusions.
But those will soon collapse upon you.
There is no place to hide anymore.....

The one thing I wish for when desiring justice/vengeance in my heart toward others who really deserve it is this: I don't just want them to get what's coming to them, I want them to KNOW. I want them to SEE exactly what was wrong with their actions. I want it to be crystal clear. I want them to know exactly why some shitty thing has come upon them.
I want the blinders ripped off!!!

I'd like you to meet 2016.
She's new. Different. Unlike any year you've ever seen, heard of, or experienced before.
She seems like a hard cold bitch cuz she takes no shits, gives no fucks. She is the Mother of all bastards.
She is not vengeful.
She is efficient.
Her compassion is beyond your programming, beyond your comprehension.... And it is abundant for those who need it.
Not for crying whining snivling assholes who don't want to do the real work, the correct work that this life is all about. Assholes will not be able to survive what's coming.
Like fish can't survive out of water.

The physiology of our material world is changing.
That is the explanation behind  the myriad of weird and strange little quirky things you're noticing that just seem to be on the fritz, wonky, haywire......
Things are changing.

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