The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Thursday, January 28, 2016


It's not so much that you need to fight the "bad" feelings and thoughts that you have, it's that you need to REALIZE REALIZE REALIZE where those thoughts and feelings are coming from!!!!
"Fighting" is resisting and it tends to get you not very far.
REALIZING is a whole other frequency!
That is the secret.
Become aware!
Follow your curiosity. Dig. Investigate. Research.

I've been offering this information for years, free of charge: Things ARE NOT as they appear to be.

Why do you feel bad all the time?
Why do you, a very healthy person, suddenly feeling like shit?
Why can't you stop thinking?
Why are your thoughts obsessing over dreadful things that you have no control over...
Thoughts that make you FEEL bad....

It is a mistake to fight these things.
It is also a mistake to ignore these things.

Embrace all that you feel, but do it with wisdom. Do it knowing where and why and how.
Do it knowing that you DO NOT hold onto, argue with, bargain with, or compromise with thoughts and feelings that are anything less than pure love, joy, power and perfection.

Your heart will not lie to you!
The issue is that you no longer know how to hear your heart or feel your heart. You have forgotten your heart's language.
And to get it back, you have to want it more than you want anything else.
This is very difficult to do in this phase of our evolution. But not impossible. Impossible is nothing.

It's not about trying. Or trying harder. It's about REALIZING.
Waking up to the lies, the facades, the propaganda and programming... Opening your heart to greater truths than you ever imagined and finding trust to know right from wrong.

Don't get diverted into a long unnecessary detour by accepting the false New Age "truth" that 'there is no wrong' . There is. But it's not to be presumed upon, it's not the kind of wrong that you think.

The secret language is in your heart.
Only there will you find the trust, love, truth, answers, and eternity that we ALL hunger for.

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