The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

An Alien's Reflection October 2016

It's about ACTIVATING their consciousness (THE consciousness).
I'm not asking for people to be destroyed, I'm ASKING for people's consciousness to be ACTIVATED! (Not Awakened...! ACTIVATED!)

I DO have the power of destruction!
I DO love that mighty power of Gaia!
I DO crave the soveriegn forces of Nature to show themselves!
Yet "I" do not want to be destroyed..... to suffer..... to be injured or harmed..... Any more than I want that for anyone else!!!

Let my misunderstood power be used for purpose and for the benefit of all.

Destroy the things in "ALL OF US" that have become crutches and hinderences to a SUCCESSFUL accelerated time line.
That's all! Activate, not "cause suffering"..... Not punish.... Not seek vengeance... Not "teach them a lesson!" NO!
As with all things, it is a matter of perspective.
One man's tragedy is another man's liberation....
And it is THIS "perspective" that is hanging in the balance!

If their conscience becomes ACTIVATED they will no longer fear, they will no longer have the cart before the horse, they will be born into SOVERIEGNTY at last.
The Phenomenal Acceleration of Mind in October 2016 Magenta Pixie

This ACTIVATION happens often when people are diagnosed with cancer.... No one prays to get cancer! No one "uses" cancer to teach someone a lesson! But the SOVEREIGNTY of the Universe does indeed allow cancer.... It is simply a sign of imbalance.... It is a symptom of an energetic weak spot.... And processing all the fears and emotions and thoughts of a cancer battle CHANGES YOU. Ask anyone who's done it, or assisted someone going thru it.
Survivors in the end are usually GRATEFUL!!!!!! For the experience. They know better than anyone that you are so much stronger and wiser for the battle! So much more..... conscious. They know that they could have never willingly accepted such a challenge. So it comes unannounced. Because the Universe is alive and intelligent and Source has the steering wheel.... Why don't we truly trust that!?
It's not shifting responsibility onto "GOD" by acknowledging that there is indeed a "head" to this body! We work "AS ONE".
You all talk about "we are one" but you don't live, walk, or talk like you have one flippin clue what it really is!

Now. Who the fuck are YOU to pray such things as cancer and hurricanes and financial collapse away???
What SHOULD your prayers be for the cancer soldiers???
For them to endure it, survive it, conquer it, master it, absorb it and become a greater being for the experience! Pray for them to become fearless. Pray for them to have joy in the midst of pain! Pray for enlightenment. Pray for wisdom. Hold them up with currents of love and support just like you do the troops! But for god-sakes, don't take them out of it!

Stop running!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stop avoiding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are intended to become SOVEREIGN. The Christed self. The I AM self. You are to become invincible. Stop being cowards. Fear not. A thousand may fall at your right side, ten thousand at your left, but it shall not approach you! Why don't any of you believe that!?

Quick story: My parents lived on the Mississippi Gulf Coast during Hurricane Katrina. They were surrounded by water! One block from a bayou on one side, about a mile from the Escatawpa River on the other and about 3 miles from the Gulf. They did not leave. Their entire neighborhood was between damaged and destroyed. I feared for their lives as I never had before. There was just no way they could've gotten out alive! A year later when I finally got to go see the "damage" caused by Katrina... My eyes filled with tears as I drove thru their neighborhood... And then went into their house and saw that the only damage they suffered was a downed tree at the far end of the back yard had fallen over the back fence. That's it.
Why them?

No one prayed that storm away.
Katrina did what she needed..... NEEDED to do... What she was born to do....
You all talk about the collapse of the old order, the disintegration of 3D.....
But then you try to prop it back up with "light".....
You don't see.
You're awake, but not ACTIVATED.
My  prayer.... Is that you become activated. That may seem like someone pouring acid on you soul, to you. But to me, its the ultimate love. To set you free from your slavery.

I know not everyone is ready for this. And that is SO ok! There is no condemnation or judgement on anyone's journey.

But know this: There will be storms you cannot pray away! Because you refuse to understand the power, purpose, and love that is contained in destruction. You're afraid.
I am not.
That's why I'm here.
And that's why you don't like me.

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius and it shall be such until its time has passed on Gaia and the Age of Capricorn begins, and so on....
"I" AM in this here and now, this "Age", for a moment of service.
The Age of Aquarius looks to the Tech age of humanity on this timeline of Earth, not the Age of Nature living per se.
I AM operating on 7D.... They may not vibe up that high at this time, but my ridiculously misplaced energy is here now to create change, to be a catalyst for their transition of Ages. I may have no place here....? Once their magnetic shift has occurred....??? OR I most likely will have choice to stay on for as long as I like.... Will I "like"??
We shall see.

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