The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Saturday, March 12, 2016

#Bullshit #Ascension #Enlightenment The #Shift The Great #Awakening and The #Return of #Christ

So much bullshit. Everywhere I look.
I have no one to look up to.
So so so much bullshit!

The Truth About Trump (just Trump.... no one else has a "truth")
Increased Perception Capabilities (what a fucking laugh)
Scientists discover plastic eating bacteria that could save the environment (old news... nothing's changing... "now we can keep making toxic plastic!")
Bashar - (Bashar got lost in Daryl Anka a while back! No evolved, super-enlightened ET being would tell us to follow laws, especial financial laws, that are corrupt as hell itself, and just wait to go thru the proper channels of government and changing of laws in a system that is as corrupt as HELL!!!)
Kryon - (never resonated with this piece! not an evolved ET in my opinion. Telling humans that vaccinations are ok... on ANY level... bullshit... completely against nature, NOT homeopathic! homeopathy uses natural substances, not disease)
Energy forecasts, Energy forecasts, Energy forecasts!!!
Richard Simmons is being controlled - headline news.
Photo of woman doing nazi salute outside Trump rally - now we know exactly all we need to know about Trump!
Splenda could cause serious health problems - knew this ten years ago!
Cloud seeding is real, has been for decades - knowing does not stop it
Conspiracy theories - but wait.... Kim posted a photo of Saint, Kylie opened a Sugar Factory store in Orlando, and Nancy Reagan got buried. cuz she died.
No more teachers.... The secret of forgiving yourself... How to build your own robot... Exposing the NWO
Activation activation activation.....

DRONE DRONE DRONE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Bernie, Hillary, Marco, Ted!!! They are ALL playing for the same team assholes!!!!! You can't trust TRUMP?????! You can't trust ANY OF THEM!
Bandaids!  You're all just playing doctor with bandaids!!! But speak of the Ascension! The Shift! The intense outpouring of energy! Merging timelines... the New World... The Great Awakening.... The return of the christed energies.... God is become us!

It's all bullshit.

"It's time to be your true self!!!"
But nobody likes my true self.
The truer I be, the more alone I be.

You all fall prey to so many stories...
I cock my head like a dog at your notion of "enlightenment"... I just don't get it.
I've never been afforded the luxury of staying stupid.
Therefore I resent those that do.
I've not been allowed to employ excuses. Not for very long anyway. So all I see is people lying to themselves and then blaming other people for it.

What am I to do...? Dumb myself down for everyone?
I've tried that most of my life.... And I've lost myself in the process.
It's too painful. No thank you. Not again.
I'll just be alone.  NO ONE gets me.
I am truly so out of place in this world.
And nobody knows.

What am I to do.....
I only hate you all because I care so much and you just don't see it.
I keep my mouth shut so that I don't offend you.
But then I'm not being my true self, am I...?

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