The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

An Unpopular Truth about #Poverty

"You should be grateful for what you have! Some people don't have anything!!"

"I guess I can't complain.... Some people are worse off than me..." 

"No matter how bad you've got it, somebody else always has it worse."

This is all wrong.

This age-old axiom is bullshit.
Let me rephrase that..... We've outgrown these notions. We've evolved. It's time to see this energy for what it is and move past it.
Because it is perpetuating poverty.

Remember kids, everything is energy.
Thoughts, notions, words, trends and traditions.... All energy.
And energy forms our 3-Dimensional world. Literally.
Energy causes our reality to take shape.

As bad as things are, somebody else is always worse off than you.... Suggesting that some poor schlep in Africa (we always think of African people because of all those "Feed the Children" commercials from the 70s!) lives in filth, squalor and starvation, while you complain about a flat tire here in America.
You ungrateful bastard! 

This is NOT the energy we should be using to create the future!
Flat tires SUCK!!! There is no glory in suffering thru a flat tire incident!
We need to deal with the flat tires and broken fingernails the same way we would deal with starving children in war torn places....
That's right! The same way. With the same energy of "Damn! This is not kosher! I must fix it now!"
"This IS important, and I CAN help bring it back to balance!"
You can't move forward with a flat tire and so you complain.
And then you get it fixed.
Use the same energy to fix starvation... Poverty... War... Corruption....
Yes you may bitch about it but then - like it or not - you get that flat tire fixed!!! You DO NOT ever just resign yourself to staying on the side of the road!

Rather than have that same "this must be fixed" importance level, you just tuck your tail when you encounter adversity and hope to piss yourself into a corner quietly like a whipped puppy so that you don't have to take any responsibility for STARVATION OF NATIONS, POVERTY, WAR, ABUSE, NEGLECT, CORRUPTION.
You feign humility because if you face the real truth, you would be overwhelmed with shame, and a sense of helplessness... So you just duck and cover under "I shouldn't complain! Somebody out there has it worse that me...!" "Thank Jesus that my problems are small and petty!"

Stop bringing Jesus into this you lazy morons!!!
Get off your ass and BE THE CHANGE.
Change your energy output!
Change your tune!
Change your intention!

But STOP whining about how grateful you are to be a little less fucked than others.....
Get it...?

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