The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Pay For Blame

Your're all so terrified of who you really are that you PAY people to take the blame for you!!!
You deceive them by "honoring" them with high titles such as "Doctor" or "Attorney at Law" or "Judge" or "Professor" or "Reverend" or "Father" or "Mayor" or "Captain" or "Senator"........................
If things don't work out, IT'S THEIR FAULT! THEY'RE THE PROFESSIONALS!!!!

That shit is not gonna work anymore humans.

We each have special gifts, talents, predispositions, preponderances, passions.... Things we excel at beyond our peers.... Things we really should be doing because we're awesome at it and it blesses the socks off others!
So yes.
Leave some things to those born to do it.
But that never means for us to become complacent and indifferent to our own self responsibility as living beings!
You have faith in anyone with a certificate!! That is NOT the same as being amazingly awesome at what you do!
We ALL know from first hand experience or at least first hand stories of those in our lives, of "Doctors" who should NOT have as much power over life and death as they do!!!!
It doesn't matter what school they graduated from, THEY ARE NOT DOCTORS!!!
But because of that damned piece of paper, you grovel and cowl as if an inferior being who does not dare question their deity!

You stupid bastards. Wake up. Stop being afraid!!!
Stop being afraid.
Stop... being.... afraid.

A Profound Notion to End #2015

I don't know that the human race is supposed to evolve completely out of duality... At least not anytime soon!
Not on Earth/Gaia anyway.
I mean, its becoming obvious at this point (2015) that this shit has gone on FOREVER! The rise and fall of "civilizations".... They just keep going thru cycles, The only thing that ever changes are the gadgets, and SOULS! 

Isn't it about the evolution of the SOUL?
Will the SOUL not be evolving forever??

Of course!
There ARE other dimensions and realities!
But Earth..... No one on Earth ever evolves to the extent of "getting it right this time"!
It is the same cycle over and over.
The only thing that evolves are SOULS.
And in true Karmic notion, as SOULS evolve there comes a point where they don't have to "cycle" thru this plane anymore.... This dimension..... Earth.

Some key points:

  • Earth is Gaia, and she is an entity, she is alive, she is the Mother of humanity.
  • Humans are NOT causing Global Warming and Mother Gaia is NOT in danger of being killed off by her offspring, or the human virus! "Climate Change" is a natural, galactic phenomena that is part of a Grand cycle that none of us has been alive to see, nor has anyone in our immediate history. Therefore "humanity" does not see or believe it..... 
  • Every time humanity gets to this point in "evolution" it gets buried. Literally. So the only thing left are legends, myths, and a few artifacts that surface over time for the next gen (cycle) to try to puzzle together and figure it all out again. But "figuring it out" is never the point, so they never put it ALL together... And the cycle continues....
  • There IS such thing as right and wrong, good and evil! As with all things human, the Buddhist teachings have been taken too far, blown out of proportion and misinterpreted AND not allowed to expand in the SOUL, but instead have been held stagnant and captive by the ego - Turned into rules, laws, and religion.
  • Time & space IS the game here on Earth... It IS the matrix.... It IS the very structure of this reality. 

We are all exactly where we should be, need to be, are...
It is all an evolutionary process and NO we are not all in the same place in our evolution.
STOP New Agers, forcing us to all "be one" and the same on all levels!
We are one on a cosmic level that you obviously only "mimic" and do not truly, authentically, experientially understand!
We MUST be allowed the individualization of personal evolvement - THAT is what makes GOD.
Some souls are on level one stage ten.... Meaning they're dense, 3D, dumb as dirt HUMAN and are about to experience "The End" of an age WITHOUT ever "awakening"!!! And THIS is part of their evolution...! They are perfectly placed, perfectly timed, exactly where they are on this evolutionary process..... They are just energy...! (Like eeeeeeeeeevery thing else...!) And this "energy" is finding its way into consciousness on its own pace for its own purpose. It will develop into an identity or it will not - All energy serves a purpose. Let it be.

This LACK of evolvement of any part or level of humanity DOES NOT DOES NOT DOES NOT hinder or change the course of the "graduation" or "leveling up" of other identities or other SOULS!!!!! Their lack of capacity DOES NOT restrict my journey! And yet, we are still all connected, all ONE.
We have had it all wrong (been shortsighted) until now.... This is not the END of all ENDS!!! It will cycle thru again! It is such a Grand cycling that NO ONE in human form grasps it to the extent of passing it down into the DNA so as to become an evolutionary stepping stone.
The "CYCLE" will never phase out.... Because there is so much energy out there trying to become CONSCIOUS and this is (at least one place) where that happens - EARTH.
This is why memories change, fade, erase, resurface in proper time....
This is why people "die"....
This is why we don't carry all our experiences consciously with us all the time...!
We have to EXPERIENCE things raw sometimes.
"Knowing" would defeat the purpose.  Wax on, wax off..... (The Original "Karate Kid" with Ralph Macchio referenced).

2016 Opener

See ya blowin' me a kiss, it doesn't take a scientist
To understand what's going on, baby
If you see something in my eye, let's not over analyze
Don't go too deep with it, baby

So let it be what it'll be
Don't make a fuss and get crazy over you and me
Here's what I do, I play it loose
Not like we have a date with destiny

It's just a little crush
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing
Not like everything I do depends on you
Sha la la la, sha la la la
Sha la la la, sha la la la

It's raising my adrenaline
You're bangin' on a heart of tin
Please don't make too much of it, baby
Say the word forevermore
That's not what I'm looking for
All I can commit to is maybe

So let it be what it'll be
Don't make a fuss and get crazy over you and me
Here's what I do, I play it loose
Not like we have a date with destiny

It's just a little crush
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing
Not like everything I do depends on you
Sha la la la, sha la la la
Sha la la la, sha la la la

Vanilla skies, white picket fences in your eyes
A vision of you and me

It's just a little crush
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing
Not like everything I do depends on you
Sha la la la, sha la la la
Sha la la la, sha la la la

Jennifer Paige Crush 1998

Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Test

I'm not "an average idiot".
The average idiot has no clue they're an idiot and they blame everything on someone or something else. They are not conscious of themselves - they are not self-aware. They don't see what they do or what they don't do. They take responsibility for NOTHING. They are mindless drones mimicking society around them. They truly are dumb as dirt for the most part, even tho they may "function" at some sophisticated level conducive to their environment. Like being a manager at PetSmart... Sounds impressive but any awareness level above average idiot will struggle in agony with this position! Only idiots qualify. People who will not or cannot think for themselves. People who are unaware. People who are perpetual victims of society, childhood, or any other "unfortunate" circumstance.

I on the other hand am completely aware of my position in life.
I may not like it, I may not understand it fully. But I am VERY very aware of it.

I know that I confound people. I know that I challenge people to love and care about me.
I know I am a pain in the ass and difficult to be around.

I have struggled with these... "perceptions" of my life, all my life.
I have tried to fit in, be normal, conform.... I have admitted to faults to a fault.... I have embraced my shortcomings... I have listened to those around me in an effort to learn and be humble and grow into a better person. I've tried it "your way" for most of my life in an effort to be good, be submissive, beHAVE.

All that these exercises in futility did... was make me grow into who I am today.
Very conscious.
Very aware.
Of who I am NOT.

I know you struggle to understand me and why I do the things I do, and why I won't do the things you think I should, in order for YOU to think I'm a better person.
I know you think I don't try hard enough, if at all.
I know at least one of you thinks that I think I'm so different that I'm privileged. You think I'm "spoiled".
You think I need to be taken down a few notches....
I know you think I'm lazy. Unrealistic.
I am aware.
I know.
I know all of this!
I know what you think, what you say behind my back, how you talk about me to others....
I know you think very bad things about me and very good things about yourself.
I know you think you love me.

But you don't know who I am.
You do not recognize me.

I, unlike most, am fully aware of my position in life.
I know that I make you cringe.
I know that you think you are better than me, even tho you'd NEVER think you're better than someone else, because its just not a Christian thing to do.
I know you judge me, even tho you don't judge anyone because its against your rule book - "Judge not, lest ye be judged". But you do.....

I don't behave the way you believe people should behave.
You don't think I'm worthy.
You think I don't deserve help because I won't help myself.
You think you've got it all figured out.... because you are normal.

I am not your responsibility.
You should not have to take care of me.
And you resent me for not being like you.

I'm not like you.
I was BORN not like you.
And your kind are becoming obsolete.
If you really wanted to know, you'd know.
But you don't.
You love your position in life, because you are "GOOD", and I am not.
That makes you feel very satisfied.
Enjoy it while you can. Because that's all you get. That's as far as your heart can stretch.
God will not give you any more than you can bare..... Right??

You can't handle the truth.
So we won't burden you with it.

I will go beyond the shame and confusion...
Beyond poverty....
Beyond ridicule and blame....
Beyond all your limits of what life is....
And I will be free.

Keep your life. Your self righteousness. Your god. Your pride, dedication, and honor.

But in your last moment, remember me.
I was your test.
And you failed.

Beyond the Test

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Dark & Heavy - #Rock & #Metal #Music Has a Holy Purpose

You think because we scream and cuss that we're not evolved, not awake or aware.... Just angry and violent and controlled by ego...
You are wrong.
You think hard loud rock metal music is dark, lacking love, life or spirituality... Just angry and violent and birthed by ego out of control...
You are wrong.
You who are afraid of the dark, the shadows, what some call evil and hell... SIN... You do not know what the hell you're talking about.

Metal artist care more passionately about truth, Earth, animals, and humanity than "proper" assholes filled with the light... who never get angry, who think love is pastel and gentle, who are too good to associate with rage.

We are the light who dare to scream out,
Who dare to wield the truth like a dull, dirty sword that's been buried from your eyes for way too long,
We are the prophets...
The teachers...
The deliverers...

We are the preachers of the real gospel.
If we hurt your ears or offend you mind....

Quiet is beautiful, when its time to be quiet.
Solice... Meditation... Peaceful and still....

But in this dimension of reality we must experience contrast.
So we do not apologize for our FOUL VULGAR BRUTISH language and ear-splitting sounds of noise and music.
You need it.
They need it.
It is a holy sacrament whether YOU see it or not!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

An Unpopular Truth about #Poverty

"You should be grateful for what you have! Some people don't have anything!!"

"I guess I can't complain.... Some people are worse off than me..." 

"No matter how bad you've got it, somebody else always has it worse."

This is all wrong.

This age-old axiom is bullshit.
Let me rephrase that..... We've outgrown these notions. We've evolved. It's time to see this energy for what it is and move past it.
Because it is perpetuating poverty.

Remember kids, everything is energy.
Thoughts, notions, words, trends and traditions.... All energy.
And energy forms our 3-Dimensional world. Literally.
Energy causes our reality to take shape.

As bad as things are, somebody else is always worse off than you.... Suggesting that some poor schlep in Africa (we always think of African people because of all those "Feed the Children" commercials from the 70s!) lives in filth, squalor and starvation, while you complain about a flat tire here in America.
You ungrateful bastard! 

This is NOT the energy we should be using to create the future!
Flat tires SUCK!!! There is no glory in suffering thru a flat tire incident!
We need to deal with the flat tires and broken fingernails the same way we would deal with starving children in war torn places....
That's right! The same way. With the same energy of "Damn! This is not kosher! I must fix it now!"
"This IS important, and I CAN help bring it back to balance!"
You can't move forward with a flat tire and so you complain.
And then you get it fixed.
Use the same energy to fix starvation... Poverty... War... Corruption....
Yes you may bitch about it but then - like it or not - you get that flat tire fixed!!! You DO NOT ever just resign yourself to staying on the side of the road!

Rather than have that same "this must be fixed" importance level, you just tuck your tail when you encounter adversity and hope to piss yourself into a corner quietly like a whipped puppy so that you don't have to take any responsibility for STARVATION OF NATIONS, POVERTY, WAR, ABUSE, NEGLECT, CORRUPTION.
You feign humility because if you face the real truth, you would be overwhelmed with shame, and a sense of helplessness... So you just duck and cover under "I shouldn't complain! Somebody out there has it worse that me...!" "Thank Jesus that my problems are small and petty!"

Stop bringing Jesus into this you lazy morons!!!
Get off your ass and BE THE CHANGE.
Change your energy output!
Change your tune!
Change your intention!

But STOP whining about how grateful you are to be a little less fucked than others.....
Get it...?

Monday, December 14, 2015

#Convergence - The Perfect Storm

This whole bullshit pervasive DOGMA that says humans must be flawed and bad and selfish and liars.....
The whole "this is why we can't have nice things".... Because someone ("someone"!) will come along and abuse the rights, privileges, order, system.... Someone will "be human" and fuck it up for everybody....
The whole "this is why we have laws!" bullshit.....

For those of you who do not believe in humanity as it is supposed to be... You are doomed to live in the world in which you believe. It is a completely unsustainable world filled with evil and it will therefore implode upon itself violently, since that's all you believe humans are capable of.

This is of course a lie, but you cannot accept that, therefore you are going to live with the deadly reality that you do believe in and are convinced of.
You cannot believe in a world where humans make the right choices for the highest good of all because they genuinely want to, instead of being told to.
You cannot see a world where everyone is free to excel and enjoy the objects of their curiosity and creativity, without exponential costs and forced labor and..... some human factor to fuck it all up for somebody!
You cannot conceive a world where I am just as concerned about, interested in, and excited for YOUR life as I am mine.

This - your utter disbelief - is why you will not live in a world like that.
But I will.
And your beliefs will not keep me from it.

There is a convergence.
A convergence of belief systems that will mutually benefit one another. Your darkness will propel my light and my light will propel your darkness.
I will be propelled into a grander, more expanded reality, and you will be propelled into a smaller, more restrictive reality.
I do not have to wait for you to "see things my way...." or "wake up" before I can live in my beautiful world!!!
That too, is a lie.

It is the time of the convergence!
A convergence is a meeting of two powers going in opposite directions!
They will soon collide because there is no place left to go now, and there will be "sparks"!
But its time!!!
The perfect storm has been brewed up, and here we are!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

#Autism and #Autistic Tee Shirts

So my youngest daughter is an Autistic.
Yes, that's right, I meant to say it like that - An Autistic.

She does not HAVE Autism!
She IS Autistic.

She is 30ish (god knows when you may be reading this!) and she looks about 12. Nothing to do with Autism, just fucking amazing DNA.
She is semi-verbal. Very happy. Very wise. Very spiritual. And she's an artist.

So obviously art is her profession.
Profession suggests you fill a highly specified skill set as a functional "cog" in society.
No, she just draws. And draws, and draws and draws.... She does not "do" society.

If anyone would like to pay her for a print of her art, she will gladly accept your money. Money is what this world wants from all of us, so money is what Abi wants from you.

So I'm always looking for ways to share her art and allow her the opportunity to have an income from her gifts, skill, and talent.
She has a web site -
And a facebook page -
And I have made a facebook page on which I display her art and mine and other things that offer the same energy about Autism that we feel -
Because as I always say, If I had been born in 1994 instead of 1964, I would have definitely been diagnosed as Autistic!

It is a paradigm. It is not a disease. It does not need a cure. It has risen to prominence in our time because we need it and we need them! We need their message. They offer us the opportunity to form CONNECTIONS again with our children.
If we will look into their souls, with our souls - because you most often are not allowed to look into their eyes - then we will hear, and understand.
That nothing is more important to humanity than connection.
With the gift of Autism, we are forced to stop everything, and reconsider everything that we've come to know as normal.

So my latest venture for my daughter Abi is Teespring.
I have some skills with graphics programs and so I take her art and make it look awesome on t-shirts. I also throw some of my own in the mix.

You can find a growing collection here -
This is about empowerment.
This is about a new paradigm.
This is about awareness and consciousness.
This is the message of Autism.


Red Panther Free Shipping!

Basic Rights

No being on this planet should feel like their mere existence is an imposition on the world and society around them!
Everyone is entitled to basic rights of existence!
Everyone has the right to be clean and have fresh clothing.
Everyone has the right to stand, walk, and rest in a safe, comfortable place.
Everyone has the right to as much fresh, clean water as they desire.
Everyone has the right to as much healthy, natural food as they desire.
Everyone has the right to safe and sufficient shelter.
With no cost, no tax, no price tag whatsoever!!!
These are basics to existing in this world.
There should be no laws, rules or regulations to basic existence.
No one should feel that they are imposing on the world simply because they were born.
No one should feel that they are a bother to the society that they live within.

Everything will shift.
Everything will flip on it's axis.
Everything will be set right.

This is one of the many things that will change now.
Make it so.

Monday, December 7, 2015

The Reason It's So Difficult For Empaths & Awares

The reason it's so difficult for empaths and awares to be "in public", around other people, in crowds... is because we end up having to think for everybody around us!!!
It wears us out! We see it, we feel it, we know! And its just so so obvious! But when nobody else around you is able to flow in awareness, its taxing!!!
It is energetically draining.
And NO, we can't just "bubble up" these days. The intensity of this age has increased beyond all the old remedies. And again, people who don't "get" this are taxing.
So the wisest thing many of us can do at this time is stay away from crowded situations.
It's ok to do that!!!