The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Friday, May 24, 2013

This is how I see Activism...

Activism is GREAT!  It shows that people are waking up, no matter how juvenile.  "Awake" we can work with, indifferent we cannot.

Having used those words, let me take "awakening" further - from my perspective - into maturity.
As the awakened mature, activism may not be the best solution for legitimate, authentic real-time change.
This is not to say one single bad word against activism!
But rather, there is a maturation of the concept - to bring about awareness and ultimately change for the better.
I say do away with all these rules, regulations and laws.  Let freedom truly ring.  Let Monsanto control as much as they can.  But leave me and my co-op and our heirloom organic seeds alone!  Let me feed my own family and share as much as I want with my neighbors and community.
Let Monsanto die a natural death.... with no courts, no jails (all of which cost money...!).... Just no business!  How do you put business out of business?  Don't buy what they're selling!  It's that simple.

Ya see, this is the information age.  Actually, as I write this, the information age has just about passed us by and we are now moving into the responsibility age.  You've been given free information!  You don't have to go to school.  Just read.  Just lift a finger, get off your ass, bust a move....  Be interested in your own self.  You don't need laws and regulations to tell you food is safe to eat if you're growing it yourself or buying it from a neighbor.  I don't need you to pasteurize my milk killing most of its beneficial properties when I can pull up to the dairy any day and see for myself that the cows and goats are happy, healthy and their environment is safe and clean.


Here's YOUR problem.... you depend on absolute strangers to tell you what's good and bad, right and wrong.  Stop it!  Decide for yourself.
But I don't have the education that they do!  They're smarter than me!
NO!  They aren't.  They don't know shit actually.  They paid a school, passed all the right tests... (you don't have to know the material, you just have to PASS)  GET IT???  And then someone started referring to them as "qualified", "expert", "professional".....  BULLSHIT.

You know!  You know....
You do not need someone to tell you what to do.  If you want to learn, ask!  Ignorance is deadly.  A mind is still a terrible thing to waste.

Don't you see, the answer is not more legislation.  The answer is awareness.  Paying attention.  Knowing!

If you go to the milk jug, check the expire date and it says you got one more week before its bad, but the smell when you take the lid off almost makes you hurl.....  do you drink it anyway because THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE says its still good???  NO!

You don't need someone to think for you.  Don't protest, just educate yourself and STOP BUYING SHIT.

Informed choices.  Personally responsible decisions.  That is the mature awakened approach to change....  BE.... Be the change.
I don't go to McDonalds.  EVER.  I don't go to Walmart.  EVER.  Slowly I am finding that I do have the strength and the resources to live without these corporate drugs that the rest of you think you cannot survive without.  They've got you!  You need to run for your life.

Runaway Slaves......

See... people always wanna attack the Hollywood Elite for being spoiled...  If Korea invaded America how would Paris and Kim survive without lattes, Louis and limos!??
But actually its YOU,  the working class slave that wouldn't be able to survive!!!  What would you do without Walmart ? ? ? ? ? ?  You'd die!  That's what.

We the awakened don't need to protest and make demands for more laws...  We already have laws, people already know right from wrong.... does this stop them??? NO.
More laws aren't the answer.  If people want to remain ignorant I say let them be free to do so.  If that costs them their life.... that is tragic.  But you can't live their life for them.  They have the right and the intelligence to find out  just like I do.
I share as much information and resources as I can.  I'm not greedy.  I'm not hoarding or hiding.  But I nor anyone else can force another person to listen.
If you share a truth with people that will make their life better or even save it from suffering and an untimely death, they don't always like it.  They don't wanna hear.  They are the reason the madness continues.  I say lettem be.  Lettem have it their way.  Lettem supersize it. Lettem get all the rollback prices their poor asses can grab.
How stupid.  They think they're doing so well..... buying bargain priced food.... Well how the hell is it all  bargain priced??  What is that crap that they call food?  Its killing them and their kids!  And they do not care.  They do not believe me.  Does anybody even know about the building collapse in India a couple of weeks ago..... Thousands died!  It was a factory that makes cheap ass crap to sell in America!!!  These people died poor... No safety regulations... No benefits....  And so lets make stricter laws.... right?

WRONG.  Stop buying that shit!!!  Then there will be no need for them to work in deplorable conditions.

Be an activist.  Sign the petitions.  March.  Do whatever you feel you should do and be blessed in your efforts.  God sees your heart.
But consider....  Stop buying all the "shit" and the "shit-makers" will go out of business.  Stop being a chump and a panzy and you won't need all these laws and courts and jails.  Be informed.  Don't believe commercials!  Learn.  Follow your heart, your gut intuition.
If an officer stopped you in public, do you know your rights?  No you don't.
Do you know the Constitution that governs you?  No you don't.
You're nothing but a dumbass slave.  If you want to be treated like a free person, start acting like one.

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