The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Revolution.. A Fictitious Serial Experiment

The Revolution is coming...
I know its scary to contemplate.  But you now have to choose.  You will soon have to realize that its not the military thats defending our freedom in some foreign land...  Rather it is our freedom right here in our own home, our own land, America that has to be defended.  It is your very own personal rights that need to be defended and fought for.  And our enemy has become what is now know as "our own government".
People must now make the choice whether or not to see America as "our government" or as "us"!  The people... The people who really do believe in the honor, valor, and heritage that we as a people stand for.  Freedom.
People must now make the choice whether or not to realize that we've been duped.  We've been hogswoggled.  We've been led astray.  America once was a beacon to the entire planet of what free people could do and be.
But we do not have those freedoms anymore.  The rift is so painfully obvious now that die-hard patriotic Americans, elderly Americans, Veterans, people who would not hesitate to die for this country... are in serious doubt.  They don't feel that they can vote anymore.... They are afraid to speak their minds because they feel guilty, or treasonous.

They are not treasonous.  WE are not treasonous for calling our "government" into account.
I began saying this five years ago with ancient blogs to prove it:  Things are NOT as they appear to be!

The Revolution is coming...
When these golden-hearted American patriots must decide to follow their hearts and resist, or give in to fear thus reinforcing and establishing the police state that is already taking shape all around us.

Things are not as they appear to be.

We no longer live in a land where we are free to produce our own food.  We cannot rear our own children.  We cannot keep the money we earn.  Education is not a right, it is a corporation now.  Medicine is an industry and healing is nowhere to be found.  And we are all trapped in the cycle of greed-mongerous lies.


This is NOT treasonous.  This is not anti-American.  We are NOT sheep.  We are intelligent and intuitive and we know something is not right and we know it cannot continue.  We all know, each and every single one of us, that a choice is on our plates right now.

Everyone knows LOL and OMG... TTYL and ILY...  But how many of you know WTSHTF??

Find out what it means.... because it will.  And you will have to choose.  You won't be able to hide behind a flag or the soldiers who are defending our freedom over seas...!!!  There will be no vote.  There will be no reform.  There will be no savior.  No one will come and rescue you.
For this is the time for YOU to be who you say you are.... An American... A Patriot.... A freedom lover... A believer...

THE REVOLUTION is coming....  Things are not as they appear to be.  Those who have been painted by the mainstream media as your enemies... most likely aren't.  They are pigeons... They are scapegoats... They are distractions and deterrents to keep YOU from taking a stand.
Be very careful who and how you judge.  A new day has come upon us such has never been before...  And according to some, never shall be again.
Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
So what of the generations who were never taught the truth about history in the first place...?
They're really screwed, huh!?
Well, hello neighbor!  Looks like this is where we all are!

Be very careful.  Things are not as they appear to be.  The Revolution is  coming.
There is no need to fear retribution for speaking out.  Because nobody listens anyway.  They are all well conditioned and obedient.  No one will believe the truth.  There is no threat to the New Order. There is no resistance.  Scream it on the mountain tops!!!!  You are only accountable to your own conscience.

The wise one knows... There are two sides to every coin.  Every coin.....

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