The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Friday, May 27, 2016

Energy Report: May 27 #2016 #EnergyReport


Energy reversal, vaccuum, pause.

Don't resist it. Learn to speak Energy.
It's not about you forcing your "creation".... It's about you responding to a much bigger game with many players that you cannot control with your positive bullshit, and creating the New World out of utter chaos.
This is not negativity - This is how it happens. 

You struggle still because you are holding on to old old old.....! Familiar old. 
Old desires, visions, dreams..... Ideas of what you want and need to make you happy......
I can tell when you're holding on because you are suffering.
You can go thru tons of shit and not suffer....
You can have a charmed life, and be suffering in the midst of it every day.
Suffering is relative. Relative to the your own personal imbalances.

When you spew all of your enlightenment positivity bullshit, do you ever feel ("empathize") the women of Darfur..... and wonder how this applies to them???
It's just a question, not a guilt trip. 
It's a good way to test the intel you are receiving - Ask the question: What would Jesus do?  
Ask: Does this "truth" apply to the women of Darfur as equally as it does to me?
Good one, huh?
We tend to forget about them as if they are non-human. We ignore them in the Enlightenment Community because they could never afford to pay for a conference or a teaching series or a box set of channeled transmissions from our star family..... What about them? 
Not our responsibility??
But I thought we were all ONE... ???


There is a lag in energy right now. There is no spark. Flow with it. Don't analyze it or judge it, or judge yourself because of it. It is MUCH BIGGER THAN YOU NOW. (It always was but now there's no room to avoid it...) This dead zone could end swiftly and or abruptly. 
Not our concern. Just ride it and pay attention.

But don't doze off....
ALWAYS be ready.

True readiness is calm awareness. Not panic or intense efforts.
STAY ready. It's coming. Oh its coming!
Don't let the eery quiet fool you.... Don't start second-guessing yourself now!

It's all about the inner, not the outer.
Don't look out there, FEEL in here.

Peace & Good Apocalypse!

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