The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

#Moneyless #Economy

We as a global society, a species, are headed for a moneyless economy.
This is not big news to most economists.
Nor to hard-core Christians.
Each prepare in their own way... Some engage in alternative currencies such as real gold or BitCoin, while others stockpile essential survival items and build fortresses.

But I get this information from none of these sources.
As with everything, there are two sides to this coin, and as with all things, there are two polarities to the axis around which this coin spins.
No one seems to be getting this.

The Coin
Side one - The Biblical "Mark of the Beast" is implemented globally. A microchip or nano ink tattoo is embedded into everything on Earth! Everything is a commodity, everything has a price on it, everything is monetized!  Everything!!! But rather than shock the world with this Biblically evil system... First everything will be converted to plastic (cards), and then digitized, (you can EMAIL money now!), and THEN for practical reasons and safety against fraud and theft.... Why not just personalize everything!  That way we can keep up with all the dishonest people, and the honest people won't mind at all because no one can steal their stuff anymore. Honest people are happy and grateful for this new system! But NO ONE has privacy anymore and NO ONE is free.

Side two -Love one another. That is all. No money needed. No system needed. Everybody's dreams are just as important as the others'... Everyone's skill or talent or gift is given freely.
Love. Trust based on natural intuition. Remembering that you are a living SOUL that cannot be bought or sold, and that you have the capacity to be responsible for yourself. Feeling compassion for others, helping your neighbors with genuine wisdom and love.

Both sides operate with no money.

The Polarities
Side one - Control. The misguided concept that human beings cannot and will not ever "behave" and be self sufficient in a responsible way and therefore must be "controlled" for the greater good of all existence. Only a select group have the capacity to know what's best. Truth has been overwritten with logic. This leans toward an elitists system, that seems to have a greater design and end-game than most people can imagine.

Side two - Freedom. Every individual with the courage to do so begins to choose for themselves, think for themselves, make sovereign decisions on their own. They don't wait for grants or funding, they don't pass the buck or point the finger, they get in there - into their communities, into their families and with total disregard for all they've ever been told - they make things right! They help the homeless, begin to educate their own children, freely give to those in need - not because its a tax write-off, but because that's who they are!!!  They genuinely feel love, feel their own power, lose all the fear they've been taught.... and begin to change the world.

We do not need money!!!
We need to remember who we are.

There is a battle between good and evil going on all around us, building to its critical mass and about to explode any moment now... and we are all in the midst of it regardless of what we believe or have been taught.

Sovereignty is when you have your very own unique thoughts and feelings and inspirations without being told... Without being told what to do, or what NOT to do. THIS is the true freedom we are all really seeking deep inside our souls!
This is "god" in us!
This is "Christ" in us!
THIS is the true dominion of human consciousness!
NOT slavery and control, but a righteousness all our own that does not need to be taught or enforced.

Right now,even those who kinda sorta believe this are afraid to let go and trust god, or the universe, or fate, or destiny..... or whatever you want to call it. They are afraid that something bad will happen and they will suffer, or their loved ones will suffer and that they will not be strong enough to face the consequences of all the "what if's"...

Those who FEAR NOT......
Those who believe to the end....
Those who have faith and believe without flinching in what is good and right and rings loud and clear in their souls...... These are the future. They will have no money. They will need no money.
And these are NOT some future race of humans that will evolve after you're dead and gone.
Oh no! You don't get out that easy!
This generation is NOW.  It is US.  I am one.
And if you are too..... You're not alone!

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