The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Politics.... For Idiots

We all know there is no honesty in politics.
Don't we?
Are you that die-hard moron who still thinks "good men" (women?) can survive a thousands year old system of greed, corruption, and coercion??
Of course.... and that explains why a system of such ill repute is still thriving - you're the only idiots stupid enuff to still VOTE for these imposters.
You feed them with your blindness.
It's rite in front of your faces and you refuse to see that you're being led to slawter by the very ones you idolize.
Romney or Obama....?
Which one is lying?
Which one is telling the truth?
I overheard an upper-middle-aged woman in the grocery check out line last week talking with the cashier about politics... and she kinda softly said, 'I don't know if we're gonna vote!'
Now I could tell that she felt ashamed/afraid to say that too loud.
Why?  Because we've been brainwashed to believe that NOT voting is repulsive, anti-American, blasphemous, ungrateful and downright communistic!!!!
So what would bring a well brainwashed American to say such a thing in publix... I mean public... :)  ?
It's that bad yet many of you still hold on to something that is TOXIC!
We are not free anymore!!!  And YOU KNOW THIS.... MAN!!!
YOU sit on your ass and criticize people who are in the streets trying to make things better... YOU brave American who went to your public school and didn't learn Jack SHIT about history... Because if you did, you'd know that REBELLION is what won the freedom that you all think you still have!

Freedom from WHAT!?
What did our forefathers "fight" for?
What freedom.... freedom from WHAT???
I can hear Lee Greenwood singing now....  Can't you?  Are you proud to be an American?  Do you KNOW that you're free?  Then why are so many American's rites being completely stripped from them... right in public.... peaceful, intelligent people.... who just want to be heard, who want to participate in democracy... they don't have guns and bombs for gods sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  They have food, and books and they share....  And you may think they're weird and stinky.... but since when is that a crime in America?
You don't feel safe from your own government and you KNOW IT.
But what do you do about it...........?  You keep following.
Politicians make "campaign promises" year after year after year... generation after generation after generation.... Which one was the honest one...?  Which one???  Because as per the Constitution of The United States of America none of them has the power to change anything.... they only have the power to represent and vote.  That includes your precious President!
The system is too big!  Its too complicated!  You don't understand it nor can you!  So you follow blindly while you're raped, stolen from and used for slave labor.
Are none of you smart enough to figure out that the whole system is rigged! Intentionally!  For failure!  

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