The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Sunday, February 7, 2016

I Want You To See

I don't want anybody to get hurt.
I just want everybody to wake up.
I want everybody to be able to see and receive the truth.
But most times, people will not or can not open their minds and hearts until they are in pain - mental, emotional, or physical.
It takes being pushed beyond your limits of control in order to crack open your willingness to consider something other than what you currently accept or believe.

The old cliche.... Sure you're an atheist..... Till the plane starts to crash!
You change!
In ways you cannot control. Because you're scared.

I don't want anybody to get hurt.
But the thought of the world turning upside down and destroying everything that people hold onto is so very exciting to me!
Not because people would get hurt, or even die. But because they would be tested in what they think they believe, and they would be forced to consider something else!

I don't want random pain and destruction. Not all pain is the same.
There is cataclysmic acts of god...
There's the plane crashing...
There's the diagnosis of cancer...
The gun...
The rape...
There's the fire...
The car wreck....
The betrayal...
The lie...
The abandonment...
And on and on.....

I want personal pain. Personalized destruction. Personalized heart break.
I want to see you lose your shit.
I want to see you break.

I want you to SEE.

I don't want anybody to get hurt.... But you are not going to magically wake up without a reason.
I know... Many believe that the enlightened ones are going to bring so much cosmic christed energy into the planet that people indeed WILL begin to magically wake up.
I must say that I know that this is only half of the equation.

For instance, there can be catastrophe and no awakening!
And yes there can be awakening without catastrophe....
This phenomenon, however, almost defies our entire human history and purpose on this Earth! So somewhere along one's path, there will be pain and there will be challenge in order to get to that place where there is indeed no need for pain any longer.

But that place is not in the current 3 dimensional matrix we've all become accustomed to.
It requires the work of the enlightened ones, the shifting of the Earth, and the shifting of the entire galaxy, as well as personal willingness to expand beyond what you think you know and what you've always believed.

I don't want anyone to get hurt.
The intention is NOT hurt, but what must happen as this Universe continues to flow and expand, will indeed catch many unprepared. They will feel it.
So my prayers for you to find love peace and joy...
May feel like acid being thrown in your face at first.
If you desire truth above all else, you will survive. You will realize it was NOT the acid you thought it was. But simply the impact of having to become oriented with the truth because of how far away you were.
God and the Universe does NOT inflict pain and punishment on the human race as we've all been brainwashed to believe by religion!

If you prefer the lies...
Then you'll have to figure it all over and over again, somehow, some way. Whether you "believe in" such things or not.

There is a better way.
You're not entering a new world with bags of old shit!

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