The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Outside of the Box

If you play outside the box, don't expect it to be pretty all the time!
The reason you get out of the box is to really experience real life.
The box that most can't seem to get out of represents safety, security, protection, normalcy.
If you want more than that, you have to realize "there's a price", or you could also say, there are RESULTS!
Why do most people stay in the box??
And most people take that as a very scary thing! Most people take that as - What if something BAD happens!?
And they're right!
Something bad may indeed happen if you get out of the box!
If you step out of the lines...
If you don't play by the rules of conformity...
There are no guarantees that things will be as you thought they would be.
THAT is the adventure of getting out of the box!

You are no longer  protected by the borders and walls of a containment, nor are you any longer controlled by them! You are free!  And this freedom is not what conformers have been taught freedom is.

Some people jump outta the box and expect to have their cake and eat it too, as the old saying goes.
No rules and no risk.
It does not work that way.
Somebody somewhere is always going to create and cause a balance. The GOD field or energy field that creates the manifested world we live in demands balance. For every action there is an equal and opposite REaction - energetic balance. You can't have a thousand watts of electricity flowing thru a cable without it having a comparable ground wire, else you'd have all that energy flying and sparking dangerously around serving no purpose and causing harm. Balance.

So why get outta the box if its so dangerous!?
We are gods and we have the capacity to find balance in all things.
When "something bad" happens, our ability to KNOW what's going on at the roots, and our free will to CHOOSE to proceed with knowing and positive intention (or faith) is what makes LIVING outside the box a great advantage. We grow and expand every time we encounter a challenge and sort it out.
When we encounter a challenge and begin to panic - whine, blame, regret, doubt, fear - we often retreat to the box and swear off ever, EVER getting out again! We may become convinced that "they were right!" and we were never meant to get out of the box. And thus we remain slaves to the mind rather than realize our divinity.

The story of Jesus is one of walking outside the box, encountering challenge and resistance, and walking thru it all, even into the depths of hell, and coming out the other side.
Its that simple!!! It is not, nor ever was, about religious obeyance!!! THAT'S the box!!!
Jesus left ONE RULE - love. ,
Go thru resistance and hell fire, KNOWING what's going on, KNOWING that this isn't personal, FEELING every second of the fear and doubt and anguish and pain, FEELING the abandonment and the loneliness - not escaping it, SURRENDERING to the process KNOWING KNOWING KNOWING, that when you become as broken as you can break, you will realize your divinity - you are immortal, indestructible, and you will always rise from the ashes - if you choose to believe that.

God and Jesus and faith have not a goddamn thing to do with following rules!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cussing drinking smoking sexing gendering racing..... Mean NOTHING!!!
Thou shalt not steal.... Well ok, STEAL!  But there will be balance! Because you are god and do not need to steal! What is going on inside you to make you feel the need to steal?
THAT is what god is concerned about - NOT FOLLOWING RULES! Even Paul in the new testament bible book wrote that the rules were only there to let us know that something was out of balance inside of us! (But they didn't translate it that way so now you're all fucked up, still trying to follow RULES to make yourselves right!)
Thou shalt not lie.... Well we all do, and for various reasons, in varying degrees.... The point is YOU ARE GOD so why do you need to lie? A lie only means you are not willing to deal with the truth. And god is about truth - therefore lying will cause a "balancing" effect. Deal with it!
You won't be sent to hell and eternal punishment  for breaking rules!!!  That's bullshit! You will deal with the balancing effect - or Karma.

Out of the box life.... Only for those with the ovaries to do it.

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