The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Sorry...... But It's Not About Ending #Poverty!

It is not about "ending poverty", or rich people giving 25% of their wealth to change the world and put us all on equal ground...!!!
If rich people DID do that, the "equality" wouldn't last long.... Because the reason the poor are poor would still be there.... It's not all about greedy people taking more than their share. Greedy people can only take more of YOUR stuff if you LET them.
Well why do the poor continue to let the rich rape and steal from them???
THAT is the question whose answer will end poverty.
Poverty mentality is all poor people know! And filling that GAP is what will dissolve the whole concept of poverty. There will be no more conscious space for it to exist!

What's the difference between a six month old infant and an adult who are riding on a bus and both have to urinate REALLY BADLY! The six month old just does it. The adult COULD DO THE SAME THING! But CAN THEY!? It is extremely difficult for an adult to pee on themselves of their own intention! Once you've been "potty trained" you just can't go back! There is no longer any space in your consciousness for such an act... That gap has been filled with a plausible, well functioning solution... A better way!

It's the same with poverty.  Until the gap is filled properly in the consciences of the poor, the cycle will continue to repeat. I mean, a six month old doesn't pee itself because there is no toilet! They pee themselves at home just as readily as they do on the bus! A toilet is not the solution! A conscious knowledge of the toilet AND hygiene, a sense of purpose, a sense of collective functionality.....
Apply this concept to poverty.

Giving free money will not fix poverty. Filling personal gaps with solutions, not OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY, is the only thing that will produce forward progress!!!

Teaching people to THINK for themselves, teaching people to create ourside the box, teaching people how to rise above their circumstances without money! Teaching people about being human again instead of the program of poverty that consumes their consciousness and therefore all the free space in their lives. Teaching people to believe in themselves!!! Encouraging fellow human beings to explore, excel and be authentic OUTSIDE the confines of  "someone else's money"!
THIS alone will END poverty. Resolve "poverty mentality".
If you can think for yourself instead of only thinking what you've been programmed to think, and if you can believe in yourself.... You can become open to possibilities of what it means to be ALIVE, not "be poor" and not "be rich"!!!! But be ALIVE!
Human potential... an AUTHENTIC sense of self worth and purpose will unleash the energy of "prosperity" to the poor. Someone with an open mind, and open heart, and the confidence and curiosity to learn and grow will no longer bend over upon command and take it up the ass.... Because only the POOR of spirit, the ignorant, the helpless.... only a slave will allow that to happen to themselves or to those they love.

Those in poverty are impoverished in their SPIRIT!!! They have given in to fear and helplessness and therefore ignorant patterns of servitude. They can no longer see anything but money.... the drug... the one thing that separates them from their pain.... But like any drug, it doesn't last long and so it becomes an obsession.
Not until we remove MONEY from the equation will we begin to see the truth of the situation and find grounded, foundational, unshakable solutions.
Those in poverty need to see someone leading them who is not corrupted with the power of money.
They need to see in action the meaning of "success" and "accomplishment" and "empowerment" WITHOUT MONEY.
They need to see that money is nothing without them - not the other way around!!! And this cannot be done within the current system where money is god.

Who has the balls to follow the new path??
There is a new way, and it will end poverty, and it is NOT money!

Welcome to a new level of the power of love.
Love in action like you've never seen before.
Don't look for it because you won't recognize it!

It is NOT weak.
It does NOT kiss ass.
It does NOT take any prisoners.
It sets people free!

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