The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Saturday, January 24, 2015

I Am Worthless

Ya see.... Here's the thing - Because I don't have a degree in anything, or a license to practice anything, or an ordination by a HUGE mega-religion (one recognized by the IRS).... no certification, no insurance bond, no endorsement from any prestigious institution - I am nothing.

All my wisdom and skill.... worthless.
All my experience and ability, all my desire to contribute and participate.... completely invalid.

There is a huge wave.... a movement... of people who see the need for change. Many people have stepped out to begin to do things differently and make things better than the old system. But most - yes MOST - of these same people who seem to be awake, are simply falling into a new way to do the same old thing... which will keep them in the same old system.

Many people realize the need for change, but can't see out of the damn box.
Mission accomplished.
Slavery established.

What very, very few can see is that the WHOLE SYSTEM  is what must go!

What very, very few can grasp is that there is at our fingertips (!!!) a way that is so good and perfect that it is divine!
People cannot see what is right in front of their faces.

What has become contemporarily known as capitalism, has no better version of itself! Stop trying to fix it.
There IS a system where everybody gets everything they want and need. And it involves no money whatsoever. None.

A highly intelligent, creative, compassionate, awake and aware person such as myself... has no place in this current society. Because I have no papers. I am not to be trusted with the obvious knowledge, skill, and talent that I have.

Do you not realize that every little every..... everything.... everyone, every place, even thoughts..... have become monetized!  Life is a commodity... birth and death and every little every in between - All commodities! There is a price on everything and the only ones that are served by this system are the cold, heartless, or at best indifferent and oblivious, wealthy.

Gravity is not a choice. The economic system is.
Oxygen is not a choice. Believing in an illusion is.

Because I don't have "paper credentials" that signify my worth, I am therefore worthless.
And speaking of "worth", at this point, all those papers represent is debt or the price you paid for your legitimacy. The paper does NOT signify that you are gifted, skilled or in any way know what you're doing, or that you should be doing it! Yet people think "education" signified by "papers" is in some way magical and guarantees legitimacy, comfort, safety, assurance.
These same "people" are the ones who file lawsuits against the ones with "papers".... How dumb is that?
How obvious is it that papers from a school or any other institution do NOT signify that someone knows what they are doing?
From my perspective it is absolutely mortifying how blind people are!

So here I am.
No price on my head.
Lots of debt from trying to be what I'm supposed to be.
But the truth that I am left with after all this time is this...
I don't want a price on my head... on my life.
I am not for sale. I am not a commodity and I don't want to be.
My value does not lie in someone else's opinion of me.... or in papers or institutions.
Because even a degree is just a paper that reflects someone else's opinion of me. It reflects that a conglomerate of people that have become known as an institution have given me their "OK" to do what they are supposedly proficient at. Did I pass all their courses and tests because I too have become proficient? Or because I cheated, paid someone to do my work just so I'd pass, crammed rote information into my head to pass a test, never to remember it - much less actually understand it - again...?
My grandfather did not even attend high school... and he built a small empire. No papers required. Papers had no impact on his abilities.
Academic papers are just a gangster-ass front to get money!
Seriously! I mean, what changed between the time people did things because of their abilities and a need to know how to do somethng, and the time that people did things because of their academic papers!?
Except someone realized that that they could have control by monetizing education...
If it were only about insuring that one had the genuine and proper knowledge and skill to serve their community, it would have remained "an apprenticeship"... like it was before "colleges" were invented.
There was no price on my grandfather's education. Nor the education he passed down to me and my cousins! There is no school on the planet that can teach me what I learned from watching my grandmother in the kitchen. I would ask her for the recipe for some of my favorite dishes that she would make.... And she always said... "I don't know....!? I just kinda put it together..."

I don't have a degree.
I'm not licensed or certified.
I'm not bonded or insured.
Yet I'm really good at some stuff.... Better than the average person. I have more knowledge than most people do about certain things. But I'm not allowed to share it with you. Because I didn't pay for an education which produces a piece of paper which is required to get a license that I have to pay for, and have to pay to renew year after year, so that you can rest easy knowing that I had the money.... I mean knowledge required to pass a test that shows that I'm qualified to do whatever it is you want me to do..... 
Money money money money money money money.... Money does not qualify me to do shit.

Your challenge is to see my true value!
Your challenge is to believe that you can indeed do that... all by yourself.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

It's Over #Two

You missed the boat!!!!!!
You missed the friggin boat......

You "developed" things to help society in times of need and then because of greed, allowed yourselves to become convinced that you had arrived!

What you were supposed to do....!!!  Was continue to evolve!!!!!  But you stopped!
You did NOT evolve anymore. Someone.... Something..... figured out how to manipulate you into being slaves without chains for their own gain!
Who??  Who is this.... "entity"!?
Social Security was not supposed to become a retirement plan!
Food stamps, welfare, insurance, taxes.....

Did you know!!!!?????
That at one time in our recent American history that taxes were only engaged when there was a specific need???  And then when the need was met they were discontinued.

Who do YOU blame?!?!?

You were supposed to continue to evolve.... Into ever greater awareness... Into responsible, loving beings.
You freed yourselves from the king because you were evolving into beings who did not need a dictatorship, beings who did not need taxes or eventually even government.
Beings who did not need to be looked after and told what to do by some "wiser" more "qualified" human.

But now you are convinced that humans are SO bad that you need more laws and more law enforcers just to be safe!
This is a lie.
They have taught you to be that way!  They program you from the moment you're born to fear LIFE!
You don't need vaccines anymore.
You don't need antibiotics anymore.
You know how to heal yourselves based on the wisdom of the ancients and your current more aware, more enlightened consciousness.
You know now that the Earth is round.
You don't have to fear dinosaurs eating you as you stroll thru the park.
You've come a long way!
And yet still refuse to deal with the root of your remaining human ailments.

Who told you that you were naked!!??
Who told you!

I will not apologize.... 
Listen to my theme song.......

It's Over! #One

Saying it's a good thing for some multi-million dollar corporation to come to your town BECAUSE IT BRINGS JOBS is like saying, "Well its good to stay sick. I mean, what would happen to all those health care jobs if me and my kids were WELL all the time!?" "It's good to get into an auto accident every now and then. I mean, what would the Insurance INDUSTRY do if we all paid attention and drove safely!?" "
Social Workers
The ENTIRE Government
The Oil Industry.....
All these "jobs" based on the darkness of human hearts... All this shoved up our asses and simultaneously down our throats from birth to death.... 
(OH! Those are industries too! Birth and death!)
You do not for one minute believe that "humanity" could ever evolve into beings of maturity, responsibility and love for one another.
You don't for one minute believe that it can ever be any better.
Oh you'll chime into the chorus of "Maybe someday....!  But not in our lifetimes...."

If not now.... Then when?
What has to happen to change things???

Think about it...
Think of all the "jobs"  that exist only to deal with our irresponsibilities, fears and loathing of one another.

These "INDUSTRIES" count  on us screwing up!  They teach us to assume the worst about one another and life! They encourage it!  They insist that we're complete idiots if we don't play along and CONSTANTLY DOUBT OURSELVES, and especially one another!!!

Like a young child, what if we all GREW UP and became super competent and responsible, like we tell children they are supposed to do....?!?!?

Is this to JUDGE people for making "mistakes"...?
Abso-fucking-lutely NOT.
But IT IS OK to encourage people to excel at being human!  Our capacity far exceeds anything we've yet realized! Why? Because you don't believe you're any good!!!!!  You are convinced that you will die a horrible suffering guilt-ridden death if you are happy or free or competent at being yourselves.

How many people believe..... Are completely convinced.... that they could not survive without public assistance? These people are judged and ridiculed!
But how many people are JUST as convinced that they cannot survive without WALMART!?!?!? 

I WILL NOT  APOLOGIZE any longer for calling stupid STUPID!!!

It's slipping away.....  Our humanity is slipping away. All the movies were actually PROPHESIES! And they're all coming true. 
The love of many has grown cold. It's illegal to feed and otherwise assist homeless people now...?!
Incompetence is overwhelming and true wisdom no longer exists.... Like ancient tribes in the dense forests and remote islands.... We who are awake in this   world have become obsolete.
Humanity is being de-humanized.  Humanity cannot behave therefore they must be controlled. That's what you've been forced to believe.  But it is not true!

It is over. 
I am not like you.
And all you ASCENSION loving idiots can hate me for saying it but NO, all of humanity is NOT ascending to higher frequencies and greater enlightenment!
Most will be recycled (destroyed by their worst fears) and their energy dispersed somewhere else into the universe for other useful purposes.  
Yes..... We are all connected. 
Yes.... We are god.
Yes.... We are one.
There is still MORE... and you can't realize it just yet, and therefore don't understand how some can NOT MAKE IT in this time of awakening. Hell no that doesn't mean I have to wait. 

NO! I am not like you idiots.
NO I am not stupid!
NO we are not the same! 
NO I am not like you.  You are not keeping me from ascending as far as I desire to go. You are not separate from me, but your un-awakened consciousness cannot hinder me or anyone else who is awake and aware.
Keep preaching love and unity!!!  Go right ahead.

I will not apologize.... 
Listen to my theme song.......

Friday, January 9, 2015


Instead of worrying about insurances, prescriptions, dentists, doctors, specialists and check ups... Learn how to be healthy!
Start by believing that you can be healthy without all that other crap.
It is NOT rocket surgery, despite what you've been forced to believe. It is natural. You can do it.

Rather than worry about businesses and careers and jobs.... Learn to live without money!
Start by believing that you can live without money, that there is life and abundance and JOY without money!
YES, it's difficult at first! Because we've forgotten how to live authentic lives. We don't know who or what we are. But the grandest way to find out, is just do it.  You can.

Rather than worry about a licensed, certified, authorized, educated, bonded and insured professional to fix your problems... Learn how to do it yourself!
Ok, some things may really require special skill, but many many many people with special skill never went to school!  Learn to use your intuition and learn to build your own "community" and family of trustworthy skilled neighbors.  Rely on your own sense of integrity and look for the same in others. Its so simple.  Be good, expect good, spread good, and PAY ATTENTION!

Rather than whine about circumstances and blame other people.... Learn to be responsible for your DAMN SELF.  Stop judging and mind your own life. Only then do you have anything of value to offer others.  Other people don't want your garbage or your baggage. Other people are NOT responsible to clean up your shit.
When you've gotten to the place where you're happy no matter what, where no matter how "bad" things seem you can still take a deep breath and let it go and find your own joy again, not be rattled and shaken by everything and everyone around you.... Then you can see clearly enough to offer me some help, compassion, love, friendship.

Allow your life to be simple and beautiful.
Stop working so hard.
Follow what gives you joy and learn from every experience.

Be the good neighbor you may one day need.
Be as wise as you may need someone to be for you one day.
Be as discerning as you expect others to be.
Be as sympathetic and perceptive as you need others to be.
If you don't want half-baked, whiny, helpless idiots around you - then look in the mirror and adjust your self first.
You cannot enjoy life if you spend it all trying to figure it out and "do it right"!

Spend life, not money.
Only you have true value.

Now - This Is Where I'm Going

I want an RV so that I can travel and be at home at the same time.
I want some land to work - not own - to grow food, raise animals, build things, make things... For myself, my family, and to share with others!
I want to make my own clothes-washing device.
I want to hang my clothes out on a line to dry in nature, weather permitting.
I want to make my own wine and beer, maybe even whiskey.
I want to grow medicinal herbs..
I want to dig a hole and fill it with water and create a Japanese garden and build a bridge over the pond.
I want to build a tiny house on wheels all from scratch, recycled, and re-purposed material... with all volunteer help.
I want to live completely off grid - and by that I mean live so that I am, or my immediate community is, the source of all my needs and wants. This would include an internet source.
Solar panels!
Rain water.
Compost or re-purpose everything!
No more petro based plastic!!!
Make my own clothes. LOL
I want to participate in a community with people who's skill is obvious and appreciated, no matter what that skill may be, with no need for papers!!! (degrees, licenses, certificates, insurance, etc...)
People who's skill they share and pass down freely to others who are adept.
I DO NOT want to live in an old-skool hippie commune!  Sometimes I like to be left the fuck alone, do my own stuff, with my own stuff.
(I appreciate the energy they brought to us in the 60s-70s and the foundation they laid, but our generation - their children & grandchildren - need to bring that into maturity.)
I want to travel around in my RV and help build communities with like minded people all over the place.
I want to gain new skills everywhere I go and then share them with anyone who wants to learn.
I want to be free to move from place to place to help people.
I want to enjoy all kinds of new experiences.

I want to embrace the challenge of helping create a world of accessible abundance without money!!!
Money is already a thing of the past... All we are experiencing now are the residual effects, the transitional phase. Some are prepared for this and some still don't get it. Of course I'm still using it, I'm not going to steal! But I'm using it knowing....... It is not real.

This is the year of Strange Majik.
This is the year of Rubber Meets the Road.
This is the year of Come What May - it's all the same.
This Network begins to form, connect, take shape, and function.

Monday, January 5, 2015

#2015 - The Year of.....

What will make the difference in 2015?
The people.
Some "have it", some don't.
They will be recognizable as "high vibration", "enlightened", etc..... whether their "character" or "script" seem to be or not.

You will feel them!

The network. It is coming together now. It is effortless. Welcome to the New Age.