The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Friday, January 31, 2014

It's Not Gettin' Paid

None of the shit is gettin paid off till I win a HUGE lottery.
You rob and steal, nickel and dime me to death and expect me to maintain my sense of "responsibility" to pay YOU what "I owe you".
That fucking computer has been paid for 3 times over and still I owe $600?!?!?!?!?!?
What's right about that!!!?  Yet I've never missed a fucking payment, all to keep my credit score good, so that I can get thru certain "basic needs" doors in this fucking world!  Like getting transportation!  Like getting car insurance!  (YES your credit affects your ability to acquire and the rate of your insurance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) A descent place to live!
Fuck credit cards!!!  I'm talking about the necessities of life bitches.
You assume that I will continue to care about this shit........  Why?
Why would you assume that I will not figure this out and question you?
Why would you assume that this will EVER be ok?
Why do you continue to play the devils game as if you were innocent and will not have to pay the piper in due time . . . ?

None of this shit's gettin paid off!!!
What about MY life???
Walmart does not make life better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You dumb assholes.......
Credit does not help you out in life!!!!
Banks DO NOT GIVE A FUCK  about you, yet they continue to spend MILLIONS on commercials to convince you otherwise..... Who falls for that shit man!?!?!?!?
Car dealerships DO NOT GIVE A FUCK about you!  They only exist to..... provide transportation to their community???? NO!!!  To MAKE MONEY!
They do not care how they do it!

Raise the minimum wage??????????????

How fucking stupid are you people!?!?!?
If they raise the wage...... where does that money come from???? HMM!??  Tell me minimum wage GENIUSES, where would that money come from?
What's gonna happen if min wage is raised, hmmm???
Your fucking RENT is gonna double!
Your fucking BREAD is gonna cost the price of a STEAK!
That's whats gonna happen GENIUSES!
Guess why they treat you like dumb sheep?

Cuz you act like dumb sheep!
McDonalds does NOT need to raise your wage.
People need to STOP eating at McDonalds!!!!!

You're all looking to McDonalds to reflect your worth......
What does that tell you dear sheep...?
What does that tell you . . .?

What does it say about you when you believe you HAVE to eat "cheap food"???
It means you don't really know yourself, much less VALUE yourself....

If you didn't have to work to survive... What would you do all day?
What do you love, what do you enjoy, WHO ARE YOU?

You only work because you have to.
So maybe rethink what you're actually fighting for.
Doesn't change anything overnight, but when you start that conversation inside your own head.... things DO start to change.

NONE of this shit is getting paid off!  None of it!  What about MY LIFE??
I'm not in debt because I lived above my means.....  I'm in debt because I wanted to LIVE!  And I believed! I believed in the lies I see on TV.
Nobody lives like that....
And if they do, they have money that most likely comes from slave labor somewhere along the chain.  Like Walmart (the Walton family).

Just thinking the thoughts, just crying the prayers, just the intention of waking up and wanting a better reality.... THIS can cause a shift!!!  A change for a better world.

Face it.  None of this shit will be paid off.  It is NOT a reality.  There will never be an event in my employment that will afford me to EVER catch up much less get ahead and live my dreams.....  Nothing.  In my current life.  Will change this.  Except winning a huge lottery......

And after all this.... There are STILL those out there who judge me because they've never walked in my shoes.  They think all shoes are the same.  They think all feet are the same... and all eyes are the same.... and all perspectives are the same.
Arrogant assholes.

I feel like acid...... I destroy everything I touch.

Who wants to pay me for being me.........  

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