The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Friday, June 21, 2013

This Shit Has Got To End!

This shit has to end.
No more 'yeah buts'.
No more compromises, no more meeting half way, no more ass kissing....!

No more.
Everything is fucked up and we all know it.
We must face this truth.
The world is waking up!
The slaves are standing up and saying "no more".

ALL corporations are wrong!
And we all know this.
They ALL operate on greed and lies, and we all know this.
We don't need more LAWS!!! We need more FREEDOM!!!

We know! Now stop supporting the very systems that are destroying our planet.
It's that simple.
Stop spending money. Stop needing money!
Stop playing the game.
Stop paying taxes, stop paying insurances, stop paying credit card companies, stop paying loans....
Stop voting for people!!

Capitalism is based on greed, not rights!
YES I do not want to be limited by government. But capitalists have taken this as an excuse for greed, control, and slavery.
AND WE ALL KNOW THIS. And it is NOT their fault, but OURS. And the power to gain our freedom is OURS to take, not theirs to give.

We have evolved.
Our clothes no longer fit!
We need new things!
New ways, new systems, a more complete freedom.

There IS a cure for cancer!
There IS clean, free energy!
There IS plenty of food for the whole planet!
We have all we need.

But we continue to suffer because someone "OWNS THE RIGHTS", OWNS the system, controls the system so that THEY make all the money...
AND WE ALL KNOW THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WE KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON!!! Now more than ever before!
All their hidden agendas, all their secret hierarchies, all the BULLSHIT they've fed us is now in plain sight.

There is only one answer.
We are all worth it.
None of us deserve anything less.

Evolve or perish.
We're here...!
We've arrived. And this is what it looks like!

We do NOT need money for education, education should be free!
We do NOT need money for hospitals, HEALTH should be free!
Stop regulating the food chain! DON'T BUY from corporations, buy from SMALL local farmers or grow your own!
We don't need medicine and vaccines!!!! We only need health.
We don't need affordable insurance!!! We need the truth about healing - It's all in nature. We don't need laboratories and pharmaceutical companies! It's all a greed based LIE.
And we know this!!!

The age of the bully is OVER.
We no longer tolerate bullies, we stand up to them - TOGETHER.
We don't need new elections, we need a new way to govern! The old system is entirely corrupt, worldwide (with an exception, maybe two). It has played itself out and is obsolete.

And one way or another, the old will come down.
We can be part of a brand new evil, or part of a brand new freedom.
Two sides to every coin.

The choice is yours.

Solutions to Every Problem

There is a good, beneficial solution to every problem we face as a species on this planet.
The problem is greed and money.
Damn if that old ass book wasn't right!!!
The love of money is the root of all evil.
Remove money from the equation and the problems start to fade away.
Remove fear and control and the problems completely disappear.

There is a solution to every problem we face in this world today.
But YOU won't act upon them.
You continue to play the money game as if it were real.  It is not.
You think I oversimplify.
Just you wait.

There is already a solution to EVERY problem in the world today.
No more research is needed.
Then why don't they USE these solutions!?
Because you won't stand up to "THEM"

Very soon you will have a very clear choice that makes my simplicity a very obvious solution.

You, you, you....
It's all about you.
You control all this.
It got real about a minute ago!
You created this monster, now you either stand up to it, or it devours you.

Have a nice day!

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Disinformation is coming from ALL SIDES.

You cannot "pick a side".
There is no "RIGHT" side or "WRONG" side.

There is STILL no escape!!!  No easy out!  No magical solution!

STILL - the only solution is PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY in each and every single moment of each and every single moment....
This is called  Being Aware .

This message goes out to those who can hear it, because not everybody can.  Not everybody will.

Even some of those who can - will not.  WILL not.  Their choice....

Many of you are having trouble sleeping.
Many of you are mind-racing like never before.
Many of you feel a chaotic energy you can't seem to put your finger on or quench, muchless explain.

The storm is brewing, and like the animals before a hurricane, you can feel the pressure changing in the atmosphere.  There is a sense of weirdness. Yet there is no obvious understanding.

You must be able to stand on your own now.

You know.

You can decide, understand, feel, choose.
You can.

Yes, you are not crazy.  Everything is falling down.  Because it is all a lie.  Why do you fear if you stand in the truth?  Why would you not want all the lies to crumble to make room for the beautiful world we all wish we lived in!?
The collective energy of those who are waking up is beginning to manifest into unity.
The consequence is a firestorm of truth spreading at an unprecedented level.  This truth will devour liars and everything they've built..
This truth will become wings of freedom to those willing to step into it without fear.

Disinformation is coming from all sides.  Trust only yourself.  Your gut.  Your intuition.  You know the truth.  It will always protect you and guide you.  It will always provide for you.

It is not anyone else's responsibility to tell you the truth, it is up to you to recognize it.
NO ONE carries the burden of your own responsibility.  Only you.
Don't judge.
Don't blame.
Don't hate.
Don't hold back.

It is not Monsanto's responsibility to be honest with you.  Monsanto exists to see if you're awake and paying attention.  Because you can ban GMOs all you want.... That does NOT make Monsanto an honest company all of a sudden.  If they operated in the shade before, what makes you think they have had a genuine, personal change of heart???  A protest?  A law?
It is not the pharmaceutical companies' responsibility to be honest with you.  Sorry!!
It is not the doctor's responsibility to be honest with you.
It is up to YOU and you alone to know, to be awake, to be responsible.
Licenses mean nothing.
Certificates mean nothing.
Badges mean nothing.
Robes mean nothing.
Degrees mean nothing.
Titles mean nothing.
They've all been caught being dishonest.  Because you gave them the opportunity to do so.

Vaccines are a lie.
Pharmaceuticals are a lie.
Cancer treatment is a lie.
Nutritional Information is a lie.
Elections are a lie.
Heart Disease treatment is a lie.
Diabetes treatment is a lie.
Obesity treatment is a lie.
The automotive industry is a lie.
The energy industry is a lie.
The communications industry is a lie.
The weather is a lie.
The entire government is a lie.
The military is used to support lies, not to ensure your freedom.
The police force is no longer to 'serve and protect' the citizens, but to ensure crowd control against citizens who question authority.

Its over.
There is no white picket fence in the end.
But there ARE  two sides to every coin!  Even this one.
One side is the New World Order.
The other side is The New World.
You are already a citizen of one, or the other.
No more hiding behind someone else's ideas.
No more blaming someone else.
No more hiding behind "the military fighting for our freedom".

YOU have to stand for your freedom now.
Personal freedom.  Or else you're a slave.
Now  YOU   have to pay the price for truth instead of daring others to do it.
The TRUTH will set you free....

So how do we do this?
Don't buy products that make you feel suspicious!
Don't do things because that's what you were told to do - without first desiring above all else, ABOVE ALL ELSE - to know the absolute truth about it!  And THEN do your own research. (i.e. vaccinations for pets and kids....)
Do not go to someone else before going to yourself - the doctor, the priest, the teacher, the lawyer, the police, the manager, the wiki...... Ask yourself first.  And then listen intuitively.  You know the answer!
Stop following and start leading.
Listen to children.... Completely...!
Face your fears.
And if you still need help or understanding, ASK!  Ask the sky... ask your dog.... ask a homeless person... ask a book.......  Just ASK.  And you will receive the answer if you pay attention.  All you need is DESIRE for truth.  You will find it.

There IS no watch dog for you.  Disinformation is EVERYWHERE.
There is also information everywhere.  But only YOU can see it.

Now carry on.