The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday Sermon: Insurance For the Soul???

We all either pay for it or feel guilty for not having it.
Car insurance, home insurance, renters insurance, health insurance, pet insurance....  I'm sure there's more!

But think about it.
What is insurance?

in·sur·ance [in-shoor-uhns] noun
1. the act, system, or business of insuring property, life, one's person, etc., against loss or harm arising in specified contingencies, as fire, accident, death, disablement, or the like, in consideration of a payment proportionate to the risk involved.
2. coverage by contract in which one party agrees to indemnify or reimburse another for loss that occurs under the terms of the contract.

So.....  Insurance is just a business term for "lack of compassion"....

I know, I know.... that's deep shit.
But render it down....  It's a business based on the possibility of tragedy.  
How many of you have ever actually "cashed in" on an insurance claim?
And how much "insurance" have you paid in?
"Well it's nice to know it's there, just in case............"  What is this...?  Fear.
Just in case what.....?  Well, let's explore some contingencies, shall we?
In case of.... Fire.  Your.... "house" catches on fire. Burns to the ground.  Everything you owned - gone.
No worries.  Call State Farm.  Like a good neighbor....!
How long does it take to "get yo money"...?  
Wellllllllllllllll....... . . . . . . . . . .  .  .  .  .  .   .   .   .   .    .   
So in the meantime, who takes care of you?
Charitable organizations......
Think of all the money you've paid the INSURANCE COMPANY in your lifetime, in fear of this one moment.
If you had put all that money into a savings account drawing interest...
If you had given that money to these community charities...
If you had invested that money into your local church....
Wouldn't that feel so much better than waiting on an insurance company to decide whether or not you qualify for your money to be given back to you?

Insurance is just a business term for lack of compassion.  It gives us a reason to not care about neighbors.  What happens after a hurricane?  We all take care of each other.  We freely share with our community.  And we wait forever and ever and ever on insurance companies.
Why?  Because "your money", once paid to an insurance company, is no longer "your money".  Now, you're paying overhead for the company.  You're paying for buildings, paperwork, salaries.....  You're paying to operate that business.  And that business is founded on the risks of your life.  Risk.  Just like buying a lottery ticket, or shooting craps, or playing poker, or spinning the roulette wheel.  Risk.  Chance.  Gambling!!!  When you buy insurance you're gambling with your hard earned money.
Or... in the case of health insurance, you're counting on the fact that you will be sick and need insurance to pay for your medical bills and prescriptions.
Why not invest all that money in being healthy?

And of course, no conversation about neighborly compassion would be complete without mentioning the Amish.  
It is their very purpose for being to help one another. The end.

I recently watched a documentary film about two families that were "shunned" from the community because they took the bible literally and began to preach the gospel. (you heard!)  But even having been shunned their families and friends still looked after them...  Because they couldn't help it.  They couldn't stop caring.  
(for those truly interested - Trouble in Amish Paradise)
The Amish have no insurance.... and in this particular film, one family "needed" it!  Watch the film to see what happens.

So what is insurance for the soul?
That's it.
Give a shit.  Give a damn.  Care.
You are your brother's keeper.  And your mother earth's, and your father spirit's.
Whatever you have to freely share with others should be their insurance, and yours as well.  Think of how much money we would save if we learned to love. Think of insurance company employees being put into a position of finding better purpose for their lives!

Back to that house fire...  Not only did you lose all your possessions, you lost Fluffy, and Goldie, and Rover.... and maybe you lost Nana too.  How much money will it take to replace them?  And... Who's there for you now?  Not the insurance company.  But your family, your friends, your neighbors, your church...

Life begets life.  Help someone live!

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