The Apocalypse...

I'm not everybody's cuppa. Warrior Spirit. I serve my purpose whether anybody understands it or not. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Drink the truth like acid. Stare into the light of the Sun. Discover yourself... Become yourself. This is the Apocalypse. This is the Age of Aquarius. You're HERE! Live it!


Sunday, March 31, 2019

He went to Paris... Looking for answers....

There is but one dream that continues to live in my heart....
Good or bad, Right or wrong.... It's the one that won't die.
It won't die at all. It still lives... Waiting its turn to be born.
One dream. The same dream all my life on this Earth, for as long as I can remember.
The flavors and the colors move around but the dream remains the same.

I don't know why this dream is so all-consuming in my being!
It's all I want.
I have lost all hope that it will ever begin to unfold in this current world matrix.
Afterall, this dream is about everything that THIS world is NOT.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

2 In Que

There are a couple of things.... some “big shit” things... in my que....
Things that could be either devastaing, OR could be far far far less worse than they appear to be!
I'm SO TIRED of expecting the worst case scenario!!! I mean its really difficult for me to remember a time when it was anything else. And that's not good.

I was “somewhere else” last night...... Vague images of rememberance keep appearing..
Hm...... ?

{Later that day......}
I had a fucking breakdown this morning... An Energetic “breakdown” where I was consumed with Love, for myself.... and then others.... Specific people. One that has need of healing, and then.... Others. People that.... I'm trying to say I don't like, are horrible, are disgusting.... People that make me nauseated........
But I held them. So tightly. And Loved them with a Love I don't understand.....
It only lasted a moment..... But it was real shit.

Couple things in my que. Time stamped. Potentially devastating. Or not.
I rarely ask for anything because a) No one pays any attention and b) People are shit, and I don't need that abuse. When I do ask, lately, its online on social media, and its for Energy. 
I'm asking for Energetic Help. I'm goddamn sure not asking anybody to reach into their wallets for their precious almighty fucking MONEY. No what I want is your Energy.
You are SO fucking powerful you don't know...! Your focused intent on my behalf is worth more to me than the PIN to your fucking debit card! Money is not the answer, Energy is!

Our Sunday Meditations with Sandra Walter have collectively turned into a very real support base in that.... Without being told or coached, we are instinctively beginning to “feel” the needs and missions of others and PARTICIPATE Energetically to get these things powered up and moving! It is Beautiful! It is a very real-life Sense8!!!
No whining or graveling, just truly beginning to live as one. #Sense8

So.... My Beloved Asshole Humans...... Power up. I have things in my que.
#TeachableMoment (because I shouldn't have to ask, you should already know.... but for those who aren't there yet.... this is written out loud to become - a teachable moment)
And if anyone thinks I'm being mean then first of all #FuckinSnowflake and secondly, You don't know me.... I'm fucking hilarious. And quite a delight.

Stop struggling.
Relax and just go... Observe... Pay attention... Cooperate!
Remember...? It's ME. TRUST.
You can trust ME because I am YOU.

Friday, November 24, 2017

The Truth About Diseases and Cures

Ok just stop the shit show!
Will ya!??
Stop it!!!

With the health care and the bombardment of drug commercials and the doctors and prescriptions and research to find cures for diseases....
I call bullshit!

Here's the truth: Everything is curable and preventable. EVERYTHING.
But you want to circumvent the natural system and do it your way.
You want all of your weaknesses and indulgences and fears, AND your cake, and a pill to make all that OK!

And that's the truth.
Disease doesn't break my heart anymore.
Innocence that believes in the lies..... THAT breaks my heart.

Face the goddamn facts.
NO ONE wants you to be well.

If we all get well, do you realize how many people will be out of an ALMIGHTY JOB?
Tens of thousands of people with no job and no purpose......
You can't justify that....
It frizzles your fucking brain to consider how obviously true this is.
So you just stay sick. And cry about it. As if you wanted to be well.

The ENTIRE "health" "care" "system" is a complete lie. It is a money-making industry and as long as you are afraid of it, it rules your life!
The same exact scenario is true for animal "health" "care"! Lies.... All lies.
And it is just so fucking obvious at this point.....
I know its overwhelming if you aren't accustomed to truth.

But by accepting lies as your way of existence, for your entire life, creates a trajectory for all of humanity. And it is very dark down this path!!!

Yes, you. All of you.
You are not willing to give up your indulgences to save your life....
Not for yourself, not for your children, grandchildren, friends, dreams, and certainly not for the greater good of humanity and evolution.

No, I won't donate to your research fund to cure some disease.
All lies........

I don't feel sorry for you.
You're getting exactly what you want. Your cake, and eating it too. This is what that looks like. Disease. Doctors. Health Insurance. Prescriptions. Surgeries. More prescriptions. Still sick. More doctors, more diseases, more conditions, more pills, machines, and gadgets to keep you alive.... when you should be dead because of your ignorance, or refusal to accept the truth of what you're doing to your body.

So be it.

This is not an all-encompassing political statement against good people who do whatever they can, how ever they can, in what ever capacity they work in to genuinely help others.
This is a statement against lies and buying into them blindly and then expecting to be bailed out without taking any responsibility for yourself, your choices, your actions.

I'm not encouraging you to stop taking your pills.
I'm encouraging you to seek the truth. Once you have it, you can learn how to get healthy on your own and THEN stop taking your pills.
It's not about the pills. Or the doctors.
It's about THE TRUTH.
It's not about DOING something!!!
It's about hearing, acknowledging, accepting the truth. The rest - the how-to's and what-now's - will all unfold once you give up your excuses and start asking for the truth.

It's hard to speak your truth and not be an asshole.
I care deeply and passionately about others.... which is why I don't stand at the pharmacy and preach at people! That's not how you "help" people! But if you actually come across this and read it...... Maybe it means you're ready to hear it.

Thursday, February 23, 2017


Nobody questions music. 
And yet it's one of the most universally powerful forces that exists.....
Nobody gives a fuck if you have a degree or what school you went to or whether or not you can even read music! If you can play an instrument or sing.... People are enchanted.
And if you can't, nobody has to tell you to be careful and not listen!!! You know for yourself that is not good.

 Oh for the day....... When this world is music!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Ghosts Creed - Our Time is NOW

You can't find just one part and think you're done...
Your quest is to find all parts...
And show them how to put it
ALL back together again.

Our time is NOW...

We are as ghosts among them.
Not to be seen or incorporated into their world or their lives.
We are not our own.
We are here only to be of service to
The Great Time,
This moment of Epic Transition,
One such has never been before....

Stop trying to be seen.
Stop trying to fit in.
Stop trying to find your place here.
Allow yourself to Be,
And Trust the life that you Are.

Our time is NOW...

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Unity Consciousness #UnityConsciousness

It's the end of the world as we know it.... Do you feel fine??

Do you ever feel alone, even tho you've "done your work" and are a very aware and spiritual person? Do you comfort yourself with pep talks about how all of us go thru this and therefore we AREN'T alone after all? Do you have  to put a lot of time into reassuring yourself that you are connected to the cosmic family and that we are all one.... and therefore you are not alone...?
Do you battle your thoughts about "us and them" and the separation between you and those who aren't like you, and constantly have to STOP yourself and remind yourself that "I am another you", "THEY are just a reflection of ME", and WE ARE ONE....???

Well, there's nothing wrong with heading in a positive direction, even when you are a bit off course. At least you're headed in the general direction of progress. But eventually, you benefit TREMENDOUSLY by realizing there's a more direct and accurate trajectory home.

All of your past, and daily, spiritual work is not wrong!
It is not misguided!
If it's serving you well then it's serving you well!
But we are so close now that its time for that "adjustment" to the coordinates!

And the adjustment is this:
These "practices" of Unity Consciousness and complementing Mantra of We Are One, are adolescent.
It's time to realize what that meant all along, and is crucial to understand NOW.
True Unity Consciousness is when we become One - NOT with one another in brotherhood!!! This is misguided.
True Unity Consciousness is when our conscience has re-merged with its Source! When we each individually become One with Source again... THIS is the only way we can truly ever be One with each other!!!
Any other suggestion of unity is a falsehood!
We CANNOT be one without being one with source! PERIOD.

THIS is the call to Unity that we all feel, but many if not most are misinterpreting this as a call to fight a 3 dimensional battle to force our human race together in a loving relationship.
Not gonna happen.
This is NOT Unity!
Unity is becoming one with GOD.

I said it.

Source is the only point from which we are correctly connected in "unity".
This is something we ALLOW, not something we fight the 3rd dimension for!!!

Remember, its physics!
Its a vibrational thing people!
3rd D CANNOT be unified except in occasional points that never last long.
That vibration cannot hold with any integrity.
Integrity is a higher dimensional flow of energy.

Be Unified with Source and everything else will fall into place.

Saturday, January 28, 2017


When you understand with absolute clarity something that someone else not only doesn't understand but they believe they've done everything possible TO understand.... and yet they just don't see the obvious, even if you try to show them, explain to them, guide them into some clarity... What is blatantly obvious to you, completely escapes someone else. No it's not plain for everyone to see what you see, no matter how simple it is. This is a testimony to the fact that people perceive and interpret life based on the way they are wired and the programming they've received and the patterns they've established by which they navigate life.

And THIS, to me, is obvious!
Why doesn't everybody see it???
If we understood this, we wouldn't judge, hate, criticize, and hurt other people.

I've struggled hard to show and explain and help others navigate thru things they don't understand....
Even people I love more than life itself.
But when they get so lost that they become frustrated and irritable and start to feel stupid or angry.... What can you do?

If it's a stranger, most people just start judging them, calling them names, and assuming they're idiots!

But when its someone you know very well, and love with all your heart..... You begin to EMPATHIZE. You begin to know that their pain is indeed real.
So you back the fuck off.
And you love them no matter where their understanding lies.

And it is a beautiful thing when you realize that this is enough.
It really is ok that they don't understand things.
Challenges in our lives that no one else can solve make us grow.

Love does not even need to be noticed or appreciated.
True love is just there. Always.
Until it is realized. No matter how long that takes.
It's ok.